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Product Application: DC Tablet, Orally dissolving tablets. Pharmaceutical Category: Drug Delivery Polymer, Excipient, Nutraceutical, Nutrition, Pharmaceutical. Request Sample. Pharmaburst® was the first orally disintegrating tablet (ODT) platform on the market. PHARMASUST 500 - PHARMACOM LABS . 1 vial x 10 ml x 500 mg/ml . This is our modified version of PHARMASUST 300. Due to implementing technologies of high-percentage drug synthesis we managed to create a double-concentrated blend as compared to the standard Sustanon® version. home Pharmacom Labs Injectable Steroids PHARMASUST 500. CATEGORIES. 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It is a co-processed excipient platform meeting globally accepted compendia and is used in over 60 commercialized products worldwide. PHARMASUST 500. PHARMASUST 500 quantity $ 75 $ 75. Blend of 4 Testosterone esters 500 mg/ml. Testosterone propionate 60 mg/ml Testosterone phenylpropionate 120 mg/ml Testosterone isocaproate 120 mg/ml Testosterone decanoate 200 mg/ml Activity. 7-8 days. Delay water. Yes. PHARMASUST 500. Rated 0 out of 5 (be the first to review) $ 75. 00. 500 mg/ml. Testosterone propionate 60 mg/ml Testosterone phenylpropionate 120 mg/ml Testosterone isocaproate 120 mg/ml Testosterone decanoate 200 mg/ml Activity. 7-8 days. Delay water. Yes. Classification. 1 vial x 10 ml x 300 mg/ml. A trade version of the classic Sustanon® from Pharmacom Labs, PHARMASUST 300 is a testosterone blend that contains four different testosterone esters. PHARMASUST 300 is designed to provide a fast yet extended release of testosterone. This product is manufactured by using technologies of high-percentage drug . PHARMASUST 500. INT. $75. 00. US. $105. 00. EU. $82. 50. INT. WORLDWIDE - IN STOCK. US DOMESTIC - IN STOCK. EU DOMESTIC - OUT OF STOCK. 500 mg/ml. Testosterone propionate 60 mg/ml. Testosterone phenylpropionate 120 mg/ml. Testosterone isocaproate 120 mg/ml. Testosterone decanoate 200 mg/ml. Activity. 7-8 days. Delay water. Yes. Classification. Hello, please REGISTER and become a member of our community! You will then be able to start threads, post comments and send messages to other members. Thanks!Pharmasust 500 (Sustanon) | Domestic-supply. US domestic steroids - no customs. Fast USA delivery. Buy original steroids online USA. Shopping Cart 0. Catalog. Injectables. Pharmasust 500 10ml 500mg/ml. Brand: Pharmacom Labs. Availability: In stock. $110. 00. Add to Cart. 0 reviews Write a review. Description. Reviews (0)
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