DCEMP March Events

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Stephanie Massaro (DC EMP Chair)

Mar 15, 2012, 4:02:22 PM3/15/12
Spring has sprung in DC, it's cherry bloosom season, and our museums
are bustling with tourists. And just when you thought this month
couldn't get any better, we have partnered with Emerging Art Leaders
for our Happy Hour and EAL has also invited us to attend their Arts
Management Mixer. What fun!

Thursday March 22: EAL and EMP are hosting a happy hour at James Hoban
in Dupont from 6-8. This is a great oppertunity to catch up with the
familiar faces and network with some new faces!

Saturday March 24: This month, EAL invites us to attend an Arts
Management Mixer at American University. This is a unique chance for
students and professionals in the DC-metro area to meet and engage in
meaningful discussions about the arts. The event will kick off with a
tour of the American University Museum at the Katzen Arts Center,
followed by a casual networking reception with coffee, cupcakes and
cookies. This is also an opportunity to learn about and register for
the upcoming Emerging Arts Leaders Symposium, an annual meeting for
young professionals who work in the arts.
More information on EALS Symposium at AU: http://www.american.edu/cas/performing-arts/eals/index.cfm

Look out for information on April Happy Hour comming later this

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