FW: Deadline Extended: Apply for 2014 Young Leaders Institute!

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Anthony Bowman

May 12, 2014, 11:29:25 AM5/12/14
to Student Network (aajc-student-network@googlegroups.com)


From: SAALT [mailto:in...@saalt.ccsend.com] On Behalf Of SAALT
Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2014 12:27 PM
Subject: Deadline Extended: Apply for 2014 Young Leaders Institute!


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2014 Young Leaders Institute


Apply now for the 2014 Young Leaders Institute  


Extended Application Deadline: May 18, 2014 


"YLI 2013 has inspired me to keep moving and not stopping because I know that there are others who are still out there changing their communities, and there is no reason for me to stop either"

-Nikhat Choudhury

Baruch College

2013 YLI Fellow


SAALT is seeking 15-20 outstanding, diverse young leaders to join the 2014 Young Leaders Institute. Selected candidates will join other undergraduate students from across the U.S. at the July 18-20, 2014 training in Washington, DC. Institute participants will:  

  • Explore key issues affecting South Asians in the U.S. This year's institute will focus on LGBTQ justice and allyship. 
  • Learn about social change movements and the intersections of identity and power.
  • Develop leadership skills and resources to become agents of change.

SAALT's Young Leaders Institute (YLI) is an opportunity for undergraduate university students to build leadership skills, connect with activists and mentors, and explore social change strategies around issues that affect South Asian and immigrant communities in the U.S.. The Institute is designed to cultivate skills to deepen knowledge and awareness; strengthen and nurture relationships with diverse communities; and empower young leaders to be agents of change.


The 2014 Young Leaders Institute (YLI) will focus on LGBTQ justice and allyship. Participants will explore South Asian American history;  social change movements; the intersections of identity and power; and implications of xenophobia and post 9/11 backlash. Students will develop projects to address LGBTQ justice and allyship on their campuses and in their communities.  


Check out the FAQ to learn more about the 2014 Institute and apply now!

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South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT) is a national, nonpartisan

non-profit organization that elevates the voices and perspectives of South Asian individuals and organizations to build a more just and inclusive society in the United States. SAALT is the coordinating entity of the National Coalition of South Asian Organizations (NCSO), a network of 49 organizations that serve, organize, and advocate on behalf of the South Asian community across the country. 


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