Proposal: Major Re-Organisation; Please Read!

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May 19, 2012, 11:18:13 AM5/19/12
There has been some discussion regarding the reorganisation of the rules, and questions regarding who can edit the rules of the game. To this end, I have completely rewritten the current rule-set with the following goals in mind:
Rules of the Game
0: All players must play by the rules.
1: Rule 0 may not be changed or removed.
3: All Active players must agree to all changes to existing rules, the addition of new rules and the removal of existing rules.
4: No change to, addition of, of removal of rules may have retro-active effect.
5: A player is defined as any person listed on the list of players.

Procedure of Play
100: All rule-change proposals must be made as new top-level posts to the "A Simple Nomic" Google Group. (!forum/a-simple-nomic)
100.1: All rules must have a unique number.
100.2: A rule-change proposal must include the word "Proposal" and the suggested Rule Number in the subject line. The post must be tagged "Proposal".
100.3: The initial text of a rule-change proposal must be in a mono-spaced font.
100.4: Rule-change proposals must also include either an existing or new section title which the rule will be entered under.
100.5: Rule-change proposals that do not meet the requirements described in Rules 2.1-4 are invalid and cannot be passed regardless of votes made for or against them.

Tracking the State of the Game
110: A single list of players, their names and other trackable information is to be maintained on the A Simple Nomic Google Site. (
110.1: The pages of the Google Site can be edited by players with a rank of C or higher.

111: All players have a Grade represented by a letter of the alphabet.
111.1: The grades range from A to F. The highest grade is A. The lowest grade is F.
111.2: All new players start with a rank of D.

112: All players are considered either "Active" or "Inactive".
112.1: Interacting with the game is defined as proposing, or voting on a rule change.
112.2: Active players become Inactive when they fail to interact with the game for 48 hours.
112.3: Inactive players become Active when the interact with the game.

113: When a player changes from Active to Inactive for any reason their grade is lowered by one step.

If these new rules and changes are okay with the group, then I will put them up and make the relevant folks editors of the Google Site. I think that this should invalidate all the current proposals. I'll proceed accordingly the moment I have everyone's opinions on the matter; everything here is up for discussion but if no major complaints are made I'm going to push this through for the sake of everyone having a better time playing.


May 19, 2012, 11:33:15 AM5/19/12


May 19, 2012, 11:50:41 AM5/19/12


May 19, 2012, 11:53:28 AM5/19/12
What template is in use on the site? Does it track history of changes made? Can we revert a malicious edit?


May 19, 2012, 12:00:52 PM5/19/12
I agree. 


May 19, 2012, 12:40:43 PM5/19/12
I have given it a generic template and turned on version history. I also added you as an editor. I'm not sure if I can make it so absolutely anyone can edit it... I think there should be some restriction which is why the rules I suggested say that people of a certain rank should be able to edit the site.
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