Games of Every Description!

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May 25, 2012, 9:50:44 AM5/25/12
It seems to me that none of us really know anything about each-other. In games of Nomic I've played in the past, I've noticed that the kind of games people play influence the rules they come up with.

I'm a fan of a broad spectrum of games; I like simple board games, card games (the generic, 52-card kind), and I like video-games too; mostly hack-and-slash adventure games, action games and the like rather than shooters. My personal favourites include;
  • Board Games: Power Grid, Doom the Board Game (can't tell you how much fun I've had with this...)
  • Card Games: Bohnanza, excessive amounts of Hold 'Em and a little M:tG
  • RPGs:  Call of Cthulhu, D&D 3.5 (tried 4E, liked it, got bored, shelved it) 
  • Videogames: Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, the recent Batman games.
I'm curious what the rest of the players like to play; maybe it'll give us some insight into how the latter part of this game is likely to pan out!


May 25, 2012, 2:53:47 PM5/25/12
I'm trying to get my friends into playing more board games right now. One of them has Arkham Horror, but we've been trying to find time and people to play it since December. I've actually tried to convince them to play a game of Nomic in the past, but no one seemed interested.

  • Board Games: Carcassonne and Settlers of Catan (Only played each once, but enjoyed them)
  • Card Games: ERS (The more complicated the rules get the better)
  • RPG: D&D 3.5 (4.0 was too simplified for me)
  • Videogames: Diablo 2, Borderlands, Splintercell.


May 25, 2012, 3:19:55 PM5/25/12
I don't know ERS... looks like snap on steroids! It looks like we have somewhat similar interests in games, though do you really play much Diablo 2? I'm not convinced I'll be able to run Diablo 3 on my crap-top. Integrated Graphics suck.


May 25, 2012, 3:31:39 PM5/25/12
ERS is awesome. Especially if you get a group of 4 or 5 people and everyone starts with their own deck. Those games have been known to last hours. I haven't played Diablo 2 much recently as I lost my copy of LOD and picked up Diablo 3.


May 25, 2012, 6:02:56 PM5/25/12
Board Games: Arkham Horror, Game of Thrones (board), Carcassonne, Settlers, Pandemic, SmallWorld
Card Games: Anything played with a 52-deck, a smidge of MtG
RPGS: DnD 3.5, GURPS ( a bit)
Videogames: Terraria, The Binding of Isaac, Civilization


May 25, 2012, 7:56:19 PM5/25/12
How is the Game of Thrones board-game? It looks weighty, but I haven't had a chance to be hands on. Is it decently strategic or does it rely on luck?

I must admit; I'm debating reasons to install a concept of colours in the Nomic, with different rules based on the theme of M:tG.

It seems we have some D&D 3.5 fans playing here. Do you DM, or play, more often?

I picked up Civilization IV again recently, after buying Civilization V and finding it basically unplayable on my computers... and also finding that there was no hot-seat mode at launch. My friends and I prefer to play that way, and played hot-seat for hours with Civilization II-IV... but Civ V failed to capture our imagination :(
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