This group and why it is worth it

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May 27, 2011, 8:42:28 PM5/27/11
to A Civil Religious Debate

I've read with interest such parts of the ongoing saga of e_ as are
public here. Was he indeed banned? I see no posts from him for the
past two days. I ask merely as a matter of curiosity and to lead into
the main point of my post, here. I have no opinion to offer one way
or the other on the particular case.

Consider what we are trying to do here. "A Civil Religious Debate."
Wars have been fought over the topic, or at least, the topic has been
advanced as a ready excuse for war. Religion is a person's most
deeply help personal convictions, and here we are wanting to debate
them, and that civilly! Much respect to anyone who's ever even
tried! Much respect to the regular posters here who continue to try!

It is exceedingly difficult to do. I speak from experience as one of
the regular posters. Somehow, I've been able to stay off moderation,
although not without receiving warnings. There are plenty of other
"civil" religious debate forums on the web, with their own rules and
their own moderation policies. Almost invariably, those policies are
more strict than those implemented here. It is almost impossible for
people to calmly discuss what they hold most closely to their hearts,
in the face of blatant disagreement from others. We are passionate
creatures by nature, and I would never willingly sacrifice that side
of myself.

I think it's worth it, and I am here to continue thinking it's worth
it, along with all the rest here who think the same.

In the interest of possibly aiding others in this quest in some small
way, I'd like to publish here a list of rules for posting that I made
up for myself, and that I have been trying to keep in mind whenever I
do post. Here they are:

1. be honest! say what you really think.
2. don't be paranoid. paranoia can become self-fulfilling.
3. don't assume you know the reasoning of your opponent unless he
specifically shows it.
4. NEVER post in anger!
5. assume good faith. assume everyone is here to discover more of the
truth, whatever that may be. including you.
6. don't ramble. nothing can be less effective than a post that
doesn't even get read.
7. pick your battles. try not to bite off more than you can chew.
8. be patient. if everyone already thought what you want to convey,
there would be no reason to be here.


May 27, 2011, 9:20:14 PM5/27/11
to A Civil Religious Debate
I just checked and e_space has not been banned.

I also note that since January 5th, of her/his 5 groups, s/he has only
posted here and it has been 45 hrs since the last one.

Brock Organ

May 28, 2011, 12:11:40 AM5/28/11
On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 8:42 PM, Joe <> wrote:
> In the interest of possibly aiding others in this quest in some small
> way, I'd like to publish here a list of rules for posting that I made
> up for myself, and that I have been trying to keep in mind whenever I
> do post.  Here they are:
> 1. be honest! say what you really think.
> 2. don't be paranoid. paranoia can become self-fulfilling.
> 3. don't assume you know the reasoning of your opponent unless he
> specifically shows it.
> 4. NEVER post in anger!
> 5. assume good faith.  assume everyone is here to discover more of the
> truth, whatever that may be. including you.
> 6. don't ramble. nothing can be less effective than a post that
> doesn't even get read.
> 7. pick your battles. try not to bite off more than you can chew.
> 8. be patient.  if everyone already thought what you want to convey,
> there would be no reason to be here.

Nice! :)




May 28, 2011, 11:26:37 AM5/28/11
to A Civil Religious Debate
very good points Joe. and can I add #9 to your list: if you are
feeling at all emotionally invested or on the defense re-read, edit,
edit, edit, and re-edit in a Word document before posting!

and I too think this forum is worth it and appreciate the considerable
efforts of those who try to keep it that way. I've bailed on several
forums that were just too over-run with making points and not
providing interesting exchange and dialogue. And I found numerous
other abandoned forums in GoogleGroups that had very interesting names
but are now just controlled by spammers because all the real people

As you said, it's hard to discuss things quietly when it's something
we each feel as the truth of our very being and yet others assert
things that feel like challenges to that truth we experience as our
own self.

The moderators have a very difficult time of it I'm sure!


May 28, 2011, 5:45:19 PM5/28/11
to A Civil Religious Debate

On May 27, 9:20 pm, ornamentalmind <>
> I just checked and e_space has not been banned.



May 28, 2011, 7:48:56 PM5/28/11
to A Civil Religious Debate
....I did add the following to a different topic this morning though:

Upon reviewing the e-space issue after receiving an email from him, I
find that while I was correct about him not being banned, (something
that is easy to tell for moderators by looking at a list of those who
are banned), I did find that he is no longer able to post in this
group and he no longer receives email from it. I will assume that one
moderator made the decision to only limit his posting rather than
fully ban him which would keep him from ever being a member of the
group and from ever applying for membership. He can still read what is
posted here now.

I for one agree that in some cases it is preferable to take this type
of action rather than deal with keeping a member on moderation. While
e-space was moderated, the number of email notices from Google due to
his prolific posting style was daunting at best. It filled up my inbox
daily and as David has said, taking the time to read each and every
one before releasing it is more trouble than it is worth ...
especially when a member is not agreeable to being compliant with our
standards and feedback.
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