Happy Easter/Equinox

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Apr 24, 2011, 2:36:13 PM4/24/11
to A Civil Religious Debate
For those celebrating Easter, Happy Easter. For everyone, Happy
Spring! Same thing.


Apr 24, 2011, 8:51:11 PM4/24/11
to a-civil-reli...@googlegroups.com
Happy Easter, Joe! He has risen!!


Apr 26, 2011, 8:09:23 AM4/26/11
to A Civil Religious Debate
joe has risen? yeah, we've missed him around here ... long hibernation
there joe! ;-^)


Apr 26, 2011, 10:28:17 AM4/26/11
to A Civil Religious Debate
Thanks Joe.

Happy Easter to you too!


Apr 26, 2011, 2:07:39 PM4/26/11
to A Civil Religious Debate
Thank you!


Apr 26, 2011, 2:08:46 PM4/26/11
to A Civil Religious Debate

On Apr 24, 8:51 pm, "14SM.jcil" <14sm.j...@gmail.com> wrote:


Apr 26, 2011, 2:09:35 PM4/26/11
to A Civil Religious Debate

On Apr 26, 8:09 am, e_space <espace1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> joe has risen?

I think he meant Jesus.

>yeah, we've missed him around here ...

Thanks, e!

>long hibernation
> there joe! ;-^)

Forty days = Lent.


Apr 26, 2011, 2:12:39 PM4/26/11
to A Civil Religious Debate
that jesus has risen with double exclamation marks, seems to indicate
some sort of new event ... if so, where is he?


Apr 26, 2011, 6:32:42 PM4/26/11
to A Civil Religious Debate

On Apr 26, 2:12 pm, e_space <espace1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> that jesus has risen with double exclamation marks, seems to indicate
> some sort of new event ... if so, where is he?

Why do you ask?


Apr 26, 2011, 7:09:24 PM4/26/11
to A Civil Religious Debate
so maybe we can meet for a coffee? why say he is risen and not be able
to say where he is? why do you ask why i ask?


Apr 28, 2011, 12:27:25 AM4/28/11
to A Civil Religious Debate

On Apr 26, 7:09 pm, e_space <espace1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> so maybe we can meet for a coffee?

Really? You want to meet Jesus for a coffee? To catch up on old

>why say he is risen and not be able
> to say where he is?

I'm not unable.

>why do you ask why i ask?

Because I suspect that it is for a different reason than, because you
really want to know.

Particularly in light of the fact that I've stated repeatedly, where
He is. Thus, I smell a setup, and I'm not feeling too eagerly like a
bowling pin at the moment.


Apr 28, 2011, 7:56:59 AM4/28/11
to A Civil Religious Debate
lol ... well joe, i havent really chilled out with jesus in the past,
just read about the guy from a book written long before my parents had
a glint in their eyes ... however, if you can point out where he is,
as you have stated you can, i could ask him a few questions in order
to verify his claims, or those attributed to him ...

he is definitely an historical icon, so yapping it up with him would
be sorta cool, although i typically dont get star struck by
"celebrities" ... personally, i think he would shudder at the mess
people have caused in his name, although his ego would likely be
stoked if he indeed said, "i am the way, the truth, etc" ... somehow,
many people snagged on to that bait, which i find quite shocking ...
but hey, thats just my twist on it ...

so, how about it joe, got his addy? or maybe you can put him on a talk
show or something? anything at all? or is he risen beyond any of


Apr 28, 2011, 7:28:59 PM4/28/11
to A Civil Religious Debate
Are you willing to interact with Him on His terms, or would you more
likely demand of Him that He interact with you on yours?


Apr 29, 2011, 7:27:44 AM4/29/11
to A Civil Religious Debate
what terms are there to having a conversation? do you mean that he
would have to review my questions to pre-determine if he wants to
answer them or not, like they do in the presidential debates? must i
promise not to swear? raise my voice? in the years that i have had
conversations with people, i have never discussed terms first ...
thats just silly ...

now joe, where is he?


Apr 30, 2011, 4:39:24 AM4/30/11
to A Civil Religious Debate

On Apr 29, 7:27 am, e_space <espace1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> what terms are there to having a conversation?

Demanding to meet up for a coffee and a conversation is part of your
terms, your demands that the King interact with you on your terms. My
question to you was,

Are you willing to interact with Him on His terms, or would you more
likely demand of Him that He interact with you on yours?

It seems that your answer is the latter, since you have skipped past
even answering my question, and gone right into assuming that He
should meet your demands. All of your conditions of a conversation
you assume He will have with you are based on that.

So, either answer the question I asked you, or not. If not, I will
assume that I already have your answer, based on your presumption.


Apr 30, 2011, 4:47:53 AM4/30/11
to a-civil-reli...@googlegroups.com
happy eastern

2011/4/30 Joe <jfg...@gmail.com>

Dionysus Nan


Apr 30, 2011, 5:37:26 AM4/30/11
to A Civil Religious Debate
im sorry, i dont recall demanding to meet anyone for a coffee, let
alone a king ... i dont have that right ... its not even a trait of
mine to demand anything ... maybe you can point out where i have done
that? if you want to keep dodging the question, thats fine, but please
dont put words in my mouth ...


May 3, 2011, 2:10:43 AM5/3/11
to A Civil Religious Debate
Thanks, man! And western as well!! lol


May 3, 2011, 2:26:38 AM5/3/11
to A Civil Religious Debate

On Apr 30, 5:37 am, e_space <espace1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> im sorry, i dont recall demanding to meet anyone for a coffee, let
> alone a king ... i dont have that right ... its not even a trait of
> mine to demand anything ...

O.K. That is a good realization to have.

>maybe you can point out where i have done
> that?

In this paragraph:

> > >do you mean that he
> > > would have to review my questions to pre-determine if he wants to
> > > answer them or not, like they do in the presidential debates? must i
> > > promise not to swear? raise my voice? in the years that i have had
> > > conversations with people, i have never discussed terms first ...
> > > thats just silly ...

you are already assuming that you are going to meet up for coffee so
that He can answer your questions. Unless I miss my guess, you did
not contact His secretary and set up an appointment to meet Him, so,
why do you skip right past the question I asked you, and assume that
your interaction will consist in you asking questions and Him giving
answers? Why do you assume, in short, that it must be on your terms?
But you have a right, of course, to refuse to interact with the King
at all if it will not be on your terms, and I asked you if that is
where you were leaning. "Discussing terms" assumes, again, that
you're already in a discussion, and, again unless I am way off the
mark, you aren't. You say you've never even met Jesus. It is a
little strange that you would have all these questions for someone
you've never met or interacted with in any way.

>if you want to keep dodging the question, thats fine, but please
> dont put words in my mouth ...

I'm not dodging anything. The Lord is Risen! He is the Mighty King,
the Prince of Peace. You can go to visit Him if you'd like, but it is
not going to be on your terms, but on His, because He is the Mighty
King, and you aren't.

So the question comes a third time: are you willing to interact with
Jesus on the terms He sets, or, not?

One possible answer is, "yes, I am willing." Another possible answer
is, "no I am not."

"now, joe, where is he?" is not a possible answer to my question.
And, I've already informed you in the past where He is, and He is
still there. So I am not going to play this game, your game, with
you. Either answer my question, or do not. If you answer it in the
way that I hope you will, then I will tell you again (since I've
already told you in the past) where you may find Him, and what you
should do there. If not, if you rather live up to my low expectations
of you (sorry, just being honest here), then, I will understand that
you are not sincere, and this conversation will end.


May 3, 2011, 6:49:24 AM5/3/11
to A Civil Religious Debate
i dont know his secretary ... if you can introduce me to her/him, i
will try to make arrangements under any terms he feels the need to
impose ... but joe, you claim to have access to him, so i am asking
you to set it up? if you cant, or dont want to, thats up to you ...
and if asking him questions is "operating under my terms", tell him he
can ask me questions too ;-^)

btw, maybe you missed it but i also said, put him on a talk show ...
after all, he is a controversial figure, and millions of people would
love to ask him questions, and not ones that are filtered by him, or
you, or anyone else ... if he doesnt want to do that, fine, no one is
trying to force him are they?


May 8, 2011, 7:57:22 PM5/8/11
to A Civil Religious Debate
O.K. The risen Jesus Christ is present under the veils of the
appearance of bread and wine, in every tabernacle and on every altar
in every Catholic Church throughout the world. The best way to
approach Him is through His Mother, by praying her Rosary. I will
offer her one Hail Mary right now, asking her to introduce herself to
you. She in turn, if you ask her to and accept the graces she obtains
for you, will lead you to her divine Son.

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou
among women, and blessed is the Fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary,
Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.

For you to approach Him through her, and for you to believe in His
Sacramental Presence in all the altars and tabernacles of the world,
and come to Him there, are His terms.

As to asking Him questions, while you certainly may, my recommendation
is to get to know Him better first, by spending time with Him. The
most reliable means of being drawn to spend more time with Him, is to
spend more time with her, in her Rosary.

He said to His disciples,

John 16:23 And in that day you shall not ask me anything. . . .

so, perhaps as you get to know Him better, you will find that your
questions, too, fade away.


May 9, 2011, 9:52:42 AM5/9/11
to A Civil Religious Debate
some veil alright! ...imo, that is a rather inappropriate place to
hang out, on an altar beside a priest who may be tampering with the
innocence of his charges in "his" presence ... to equate this
antiquated rite to "he is risen!" is funny at best, and nothing to
take seriously, from my perspective ...

regarding your generous offer ... i will take a rain check on that
proposal ... i really have little interest in the religion of man, and
already enjoy a thrilling spiritual existence that cannot be
approached by someones passed down version of that which they have no
intimate knowledge of ...

actually, i dont really have any questions about god, just questions
about some of the claims of a man, jesus ...

here is one for example ... when jesus said "i am the way the truth
and the life, no man cometh to the father but through me" ... what did
he really mean? that one has to believe everything he says? that he,
and only he, is the son of god? that if someone hasnt heard of jesus,
they would have no shot at heaven? that if a person who claims to be a
xtian, simply believes that he is the son of god, they have the key to
the HIGHway, despite their actions as humans?

i would probably ask for a bit of a "magic" show that would likely
seem mundane to him, but im sure many would be thrilled by ... i would
hand him a glass of water and ask him to turn it into wine ... i would
ask him to make bread fall from the sky, and then turn it into
fish ... simple tasks for him, according to his legend ... i presume
you believe these would be easy tasks for him to perform?

i hope you dont find these suggestions insulting ... i simply live in
an incredulous state as it relates to what i have been told about God,
by man ... i think it is imperative to question these fantastic
claims, dont you?


May 10, 2011, 2:02:31 AM5/10/11
to A Civil Religious Debate
So when you said,

"i will try to make arrangements under any terms he feels the need to

you were lying through your teeth. I gave you the benefit of the
doubt, but now it is plain I was correct about you all along. You
have no desire for the truth, as evidenced by your lie, a lie you told
to manipulate me into casting pearls before swine.

We're done here.
> ...
> read more »


May 10, 2011, 8:22:32 AM5/10/11
to A Civil Religious Debate
lol ... how did i lie? you were the one that said you could produce
him, no? ... im not going to have a conversation with some bread and
wine ... rather hard to put them on a talk show too ... if you cannot
back up your claims, i suggest you dont make them ...
> read more »


May 10, 2011, 8:24:41 AM5/10/11
to A Civil Religious Debate
btw, good tactic to avoid the questions ...

On May 10, 2:02 am, Joe <jfg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> read more »
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