Group Notice

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Jun 17, 2011, 10:36:11 PM6/17/11
to A Civil Religious Debate
I have carefully considered this decision, and based on what I think
are valid points brought up by user "e_space", I have decided to
disallow all further posting to this group.

I am not interested in being the Civil Patrol. I thought (and
obviously was mistaken) that by naming the group and fashioning a
simple statement about what I hoped could be accomplished on it, that
it would naturally attract a demographic that I imagined existed.

Debate, and the open and clear contest of ideas is something that I am
passionate about. While Google may be at the forefront of technology
in many areas, their "Google Groups" product leaves some things to be

This post is to serve notice of my intention to have it migrate to the
CreateDebate platform. If no one agrees with this change they are
obviously free to keep in touch with one another by whatever other
means they choose.

One very cool thing about using the createdebate platform is that
whoever creates the debate topic is responsible for moderating it.
There will be no top dog moderator capable of shutting anyone up.

So I am humbly asking anyone who wishes to continue making an effort
at civil religious debate to start posting at:

If no one does, I'd like to thank everyone who helped me make ACRD
what it was. :)


Jun 19, 2011, 5:56:29 AM6/19/11
to A Civil Religious Debate
Captain Trips to me

>Yeah, well then, I'm out. I'm more of a slave to email. Plus, it looks like it's geared towards high school students? Ah well..

>BTW, I just gotta say to you that closing down a group without so much as a how do you do to the other members, moderators and >co-owners is a pretty douche bag move. But I've seen it done before and I'm sure I'll see it again. Something about the over-reaching >sense of sole ownership that Yahoo, Google and other places give people over these groups, I dunno. But when you invite others to >participate, it's not just your sole property to dispose of at your whim any more, even if you do have the power to do so. Granted, I >wasn't even close to being around enough to get a sense of what was going on that led to your decision, but I'm guessing you could >have just stepped down and handed over the reigns to someone else. There's history there that's gone forever, a piece of peoples' >lives that you just blew away. It's just kind of wrong.

>But hey, you gotta live like you want to live. Have a nice life anyway..


>Yeah, well then, I'm out.

That's of course your perogative.

>Plus, it looks like it's geared towards high school students? Ah well..

The main createdebate site has a largely student membership but the
debate community that I created is geared towards users of the google
group of the same name.

>BTW, I just gotta say to you that closing down a group without so much as a how do you do to the other members, moderators and co-owners is a pretty douche bag move.

I didn't close the group, I moved it. If anyone has a problem with
that decision they could e-mail me or voice their opposition at the
groups new location.

>Something about the over-reaching sense of sole ownership that Yahoo, Google and other places give people over these groups, I dunno.

The new platform allows whoever creates the debate topic to act as a
moderator over that debate. This puts all users on the same level as
far as moderation privileges.

>But when you invite others to participate, it's not just your sole property to dispose of at your whim any more, even if you do have the power to do so.

I didn't dispose of anything or make any irrevocable decisions. So far
your objections are the only ones I've read to date.

>I'm guessing you could have just stepped down and handed over the reigns to someone else.

I sort of am. Since the new format allows whoever creates a topic to
moderate that topic, I am handing over the reigns to anyone who can
see the truth that I did not make this decision based on the power
trip you suppose

>There's history there that's gone forever, a piece of peoples' lives that you just blew away. It's just kind of wrong.

The history remains intact. Any valuable relationships that were
formed that are attributable to the use of this group can be
maintained just fine through e-mail. Nothing has been damaged and no
opportunities thwarted. If anyone wants to bash me for acting
unilaterally they can do that publicly or privately should they desire

>But hey, you gotta live like you want to live. Have a nice life anyway..-

Indeed. Thanks for your blessing

Michael Blas

Jul 18, 2011, 10:44:38 AM7/18/11
This is the wrong move.
> Date: Sun, 19 Jun 2011 02:56:29 -0700
> Subject: Re: Group Notice
> From:
> To:


Jul 20, 2011, 2:29:42 AM7/20/11
to A Civil Religious Debate

On Jul 18, 7:44 am, Michael Blas <> wrote:
> This is the wrong move.
> > Date: Sun, 19 Jun 2011 02:56:29 -0700
> > Subject: Re: Group Notice
> > From:

Michael Blas

Jul 22, 2011, 2:51:11 PM7/22/11
I didn't see any discourse or openness. It *seems* like a power play.
Why not just back away from the group and let the little children sort it out for themselves?
Or just appoint new fresh moderators?
> Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2011 23:29:42 -0700
> Subject: Re: Group Notice
> From:
> To:


Jul 26, 2011, 5:11:29 AM7/26/11
to A Civil Religious Debate
As far as it being a power play, yes I acted without asking permission
from anyone when I moved the group, but actually anyone who goes to
the effort of checking out the new platform will notice that the power
to moderate is now with whoever creates the debate topic. So if there
was a power play, it was to further decentralize it.

I hope that answers your question as well

On Jul 22, 11:51 am, Michael Blas <> wrote:
> I didn't see any discourse or openness. It *seems* like a power play.
> Why not just back away from the group and let the little children sort it out for themselves?
> Or just appoint new fresh moderators?
> > Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2011 23:29:42 -0700
> > Subject: Re: Group Notice
> > From:
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