Fayetteville Movie Night Sept 23@6pm

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Sep 7, 2007, 1:02:26 AM9/7/07
to Zombie Squad NWA
Hello Everyone,

We are having our first movie night in Fayetteville. It will be at 6pm
on Sunday, Sept 23, 2007. Please bring a friend and at least 2 cans of
food. I will be providing snacks and drinks. There will be a voluntary
donation to pay for the snacks and drinks, money left over (if any)
will go into our ZS fund.

The movie will be Night of the Living dead. We will have a short 30-40
min meeting before the movie and the movie will start at 7:00 pm. If
you only want to come to the movie please be here at 7.

Dont forget:
2 cans or more for food drive
Voluntary donation (if you want to help)
A friend that you want to introduce to the ZS

My Address:
1211 Aspen Circle
Elkins, AR 72727

Please call me at 479-283-8937 if you need directions or have



Sep 22, 2007, 4:44:59 PM9/22/07
to Zombie Squad NWA
Bump this up, everything still on for Sunday night meeting?


Sep 23, 2007, 12:27:58 AM9/23/07
to Zombie Squad NWA
Hello Everyone,

Yes, we are still on for Sunday the 23rd at 6:00 pm for the meeting,
7:00 pm for the movie (Night of the Living Dead).

My address:

1211 Aspen Cir
Elkins, AR 72727

Basic snacks and drinks will be provided. Liquor or beer bring on your
own. Please respect our house by trying to keep things as spill and
break free as possible...lol.

If you have any questions or problems please call me at 479-283-8937.


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