Fayetteville Meeting Notes

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Sep 7, 2007, 1:54:03 AM9/7/07
to Zombie Squad NWA


1. Sara is going to create a 1-sheet that describes who we are and
what we do so we can distribute them out at charitable functions and
other various events. This will help with recruitment.
2. Active people in the NWAZS group need to pay for membership and
keep it current while participating in any ZS event.
3. We need to create a NWAZS logo that separates our group and
individualizes us as a group. We will look at logos over the next
month or two.
4. Movie night on Sept 23 at 6 pm at Jason Bathon's house.
5. Monthly meetings and movie nights will be the first Sunday of every
month at Jason Bathon's house at 6:00 pm. Should members decide that
the meeting will not take place a 1 week notice will be given and
possible alternate dates will be selected.
6. A voluntary donation bucket will be passed around to pay for food
and drinks at each meeting/movie night. We will also bring a minimum
of 2 cans of food for the food drive.
7. Jason Bathon was voted in and accepted the position of Treasurer
for the NWAZS group.
8. Jason Bathon to call the Ozark Food Bank to talk about possible
9. Frank Babcock to get with St Louis ZS to procure written approval
to use the ZS logo for non-merchandising purposes.
10. NWAZS camping at devils need, still need to set date.
11. Jason Bathon to see about setting up a ZS pool tourney.
12. Vision Con in Feb
13. Frank Babcock to provide contact information for the NWA


Sep 7, 2007, 7:58:15 AM9/7/07
to Zombie Squad NWA
Pt3, before we get all excited about this, please read everything
listed in the link below. As the ZS logo is copyrighted we can not
change it in anyway, however, we can add a patch underneath it or
something completely separate from the logo to distinguish our group.
ZS has already discussed this issue. This will need to be discussed
at the next meeting.



Sep 7, 2007, 9:52:02 AM9/7/07
to Zombie Squad NWA
The 1-sheet probably already has been made, look at the zs website for
that information.
Thinking of it, and I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem, we should talk
to Collin about his thoughts on the treasurer situation, he is one of
our 'official officers'. As it stands I'm sure it'll be okay, just
shouldn't set the precedent of excluding anyone.
As the meetings are not really for 'seperate' chapters, we should make
little policies (like the canned goods and donation plate) the same at
both places, so we should check with the fort smith crew to find their
thoughts on things before making them official (although, again, i
really doubt that'll be a problem)
Again, Collin and Woz are setting up the camping outing, and who
knows, it may be more than camping, they haven't set it up quite yet,
but we'll make sure everyone knows in plenty of time to go.

On Sep 7, 12:54 am, jasonbat...@yahoo.com wrote:

Cronyx Ravage

Sep 7, 2007, 1:09:06 PM9/7/07
to ZS_...@googlegroups.com
We can change (I like the word "modify", or even better, "enhance") it
as per "Fair Use" under US copyright law without any problems at all. (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fair_use )

The four factors in determining a Fair Use claim are as follows:

1. Purpose and character
"The first factor is about whether the use in question helps fulfill the
intention of copyright law to stimulate creativity for the enrichment of
the general public, or whether it aims to only "supersede the objects"
of the original for reasons of, say, personal profit."

Given that ZS (and by association, us, as its affiliates) are
non-profit, there is no claim here for personal profit motive. We are
also actively engaged in the "enrichment of the general public" though
the charity work. Though all of that is a moot point considering we are
not an un-affiliated third party. However it is a "common sense
interpretation" to show that subsidiaries nearly always use a modified
version of their parent organization's logo for the purposes of

2. Nature of the copied work
"Although the Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that the
availability of copyright protection should not depend on the artistic
quality or merit of a work, fair use analysis consider certain aspects
of the work to be relevant, such as whether it is fictional or
non-fictional. To prevent the private ownership of work that rightfully
belongs in the public domain, facts and ideas are separate from
copyright--only their particular expression or fixation merits such
protection. On the other hand, the social usefulness of freely available
information can weigh against the appropriateness of copyright for
certain fixations."

ZS is a non-fictional entity (copying and/or modifying "ZS Fan-fic"
would be a different matter as that is a creative work), and it does
also not fall under the classification of "trade secret" that NWA is a
subsidiary of ZS Prime. I also draw attention to an other similar (in
form though not in function) organization, the Hells Angels. After being
officially incorporated, the Hells Angels logo became a copyrighted work
owned by the corporation. However regional chapters display a
"localized" variant of this logo for the purposes of identification and

3. Amount and substantiality
"The third factor assesses the quantity or percentage of the original
copyrighted work that has been imported into the new work. In general,
the less that is used in relation to the whole, e.g., a few sentences of
a text for a book review, the more likely that the sample will be
considered fair use. Yet see Sony Corp. v. Universal City Studios for a
case in which substantial copying--entire programs for private
viewing--was upheld as fair use. Likewise, see Kelly v. Arriba Soft
Corporation,where the Ninth Circuit held that copying an entire photo to
use as a thumbnail in online search results did not weigh against fair
use, "if the secondary user only copies as much as is necessary for his
or her intended use.""

This one is fairly straight forward. "[All that] is necessary for [our]
intended use" is a general likeness with enough modification for the
purposes of subsidiary differentiation. Again, I point to the Hells
Angels in this case.

4. Effect upon work's value
"The fourth factor measures the effect that the allegedly infringing use
has had on the copyright owner's ability to exploit his original work.
The court not only investigates whether the defendant's specific use of
the work has significantly harmed the copyright owner's market, but also
whether such uses in general, if widespread, would harm the potential
market of the original."

This one hardly needs any argument at all. Obviously, using a modified
logo in a defamatory capacity would fail this check, however I see no
way to argue the claim that increased exposure and grass-roots community
building as well as accelerated brand recognition with inflated
recruitment potentiality, in any way "would harm the potential market of
the original."

Now that that's out of the way, I'm in favor of a standard, official
looking ZS logo, but in the top left hand corner, an addition in the
foreground that looks as though a military style spray-on stencil with
red paint was applied, with the letters "NWA" at a slight off angle, as
if applied in a hap-hazard way, with perhaps the appearance of some
dripping red paint coming from the tips of the lettering. I'll show a
prototype a little later.

Cronyx Ravage

Sep 7, 2007, 1:32:10 PM9/7/07
to ZS_...@googlegroups.com
Not quite the font I was talking about, but I like this better than a
stencil anyway, looks more like a paint brush.


and here's the uncompressed bitmap version for further editing:


I hereby make a motion to vote on this logo's consideration (in part or
in whole, or a future "polished" version) for NWA-ZS's addoption as a
primary logo. Awaiting a Seconding on the motion.

(At the very least, I want to turn the upper half part into a patch
sew-on for my outfit)


Sep 7, 2007, 2:07:06 PM9/7/07
to Zombie Squad NWA
That is true, we should include everyone,having two sections is a
little more difficult, but we should be able to manage. Sorry if I may
have over stepped boundries, it was not out of malice. From this point
on everything held at the Fayetteville meeting will be "tentative"
baring discussion with the other officers and the Ft. Smith crew.
Frank and Collin, if this is okay with you I would also like to have
this be true at the Ft. Smith meetings. Maybe us three can get on a
conference call for the meetings even if we can't attend. From now on
I will call Frank and listen in on the conference call at Ft Smith if
I can't make it in person. Collin and Frank are more than welcome to
call me during our meetings up here to listen in and provide feedback.
If nothing else when we talk about meetings maybe all three of us can
conference in and have an officer meeting to make decission.

On Steve's note, I like the idea of modifying the ZS logo. I think we
can, and should, do that to make it more of our own. Start coming up
with some ideas as to drawings.

I did look on the ZS website and there is lots of copy for a one-
sheet, but no actual one-sheet. We can make one pretty easily.

I am excited to see things coming together. GO NWAZS! (from now on
pronounced "N-Waz").


> > RollerGirls.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -


Sep 7, 2007, 2:20:35 PM9/7/07
to Zombie Squad NWA
Hello Steve,

That is a great start, thank you. Maybe we could through in a zombie
head and a target icon inside the red NWA section letting people know
that the area is protected...lol the additional "NWA" text was almost
exactly what I was thinking to make it our own. I think we are headed
in the right direction though.


Cronyx Ravage

Sep 7, 2007, 3:00:38 PM9/7/07
to ZS_...@googlegroups.com
great, it'll work on it more today and send out a version two for
approval. i also hereby volunteer to foot the costs of the patches too
and distribute them to our members. it can my my project if everyone's
cool with that.


Sep 7, 2007, 3:40:52 PM9/7/07
to Zombie Squad NWA
I thought that zs made it quite clear not to modify the logo and to
simply tack on any regional logo under/above it

On Sep 7, 2:00 pm, Cronyx Ravage <cro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> great, it'll work on it more today and send out a version two for
> approval. i also hereby volunteer to foot the costs of the patches too
> and distribute them to our members. it can my my project if everyone's
> cool with that.


Sep 7, 2007, 3:48:44 PM9/7/07
to Zombie Squad NWA
Oh, also, Jason,
I know you didn't mean anything negative. Just pointing out that
we're very simular to the New Jersey bunch, they actually include
about 3 states there of people. They have different things going on,
but, they all tie them all together and also are only one chapter. I
intend on making it to most of the meetings in Fayetteville to resolve
that lack of communication problem, and Collin has indicated the is
okay with that as well. The phone will be a last resort, just like
last night.


Sep 7, 2007, 3:53:40 PM9/7/07
to Zombie Squad NWA
Here is something directly from one of the board members about this...


On Sep 7, 2:40 pm, dresden <dresden...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > >>sew-on for my outfit)- Hide quoted text -


Sep 7, 2007, 4:08:39 PM9/7/07
to Zombie Squad NWA
Ok, so no altering the "ZS" part, but we still need to get a logo, for
the NWA part, unless that is that they have standardized that also.
Please also note that these disscustions are all just ideas or
suggestions, no one has said this is what we are doing. People are
just trying to get involved and have fun. We are not trying to be all
seriuos and change things. The idea for a local logo was prior to any
knowledge of what the St. louis crew wanted us to do, like I said, a
suggestion. So no ZS altering, but we still need a logo, text, or some
design for NWA.

I would also like to submit that there are pleanty of artwork and
other designs out there that incoporate the ZS logo in some way and us
being creative just a way for people to be involved and have fun.

I commend Steve at least for his interest and enthusiasm. It may not
be the direction we go now, but now he can just start working on a NWA
logo and maybe that will pan out.


> > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -


Sep 7, 2007, 4:36:19 PM9/7/07
to Zombie Squad NWA
heh, Woz is our resident artist... make him do it :P

Cronyx Ravage

Sep 7, 2007, 4:50:08 PM9/7/07
to ZS_...@googlegroups.com

Sara W

Sep 7, 2007, 4:51:13 PM9/7/07
to ZS_...@googlegroups.com
How's this?
Our logo isn't quite on the ZS logo, and I can move it if it's too close or whatever.


Cronyx Ravage

Sep 7, 2007, 4:54:03 PM9/7/07
to ZS_...@googlegroups.com
dresden wrote:
> I thought that zs made it quite clear not to modify the logo and to
> simply tack on any regional logo under/above it

i don't see how that applies to the fair use clause, which is equally
clear (and legal)

Cronyx Ravage

Sep 7, 2007, 4:59:05 PM9/7/07
to ZS_...@googlegroups.com
Sara W wrote:
> How's this?
> http://serrabellum.googlepages.com/NWA-ZS.jpg
> Our logo isn't quite on the ZS logo, and I can move it if it's too close
> or whatever.

That looks fine. But if they want to bitch, we can easily get around it
by buying official patches, and then sewing an other patch TO it. In
that case, the original image is still perfectly unmodified, it just has
a corner under an other patch.


Sep 7, 2007, 5:19:32 PM9/7/07
to Zombie Squad NWA
I like the little arkansas outline ones most, more than the NWA, i
like NWA, 'cause it means North West Arkansas, but I can live without
it, because it also means Nigga's With Attitude and while I don't
condone people being stupid and presumptuous, I just don't really want
to deal with it. Perhaps the Arkansas outline could have NWA on the
bottom half inside the state outline. That would then make it OBVIOUS
what it means
Message has been deleted


Sep 7, 2007, 5:45:38 PM9/7/07
to Zombie Squad NWA
Alright, here is my stance on this. The current ZS logo should not be
altered, modified, or added to in any way. It is the one symbol that
unifies everyone across the country in ZS. Steve, those are some good
ideas there, but I almost think the zombie and target is too much for
a simple shoulder patch (maybe with just the zombie like the first
one, and no target) The patch should be neat, clean, and easily
identifiable. I really like just the outline of the state of AR with
the red over the NW corner. It's simply, it says who we are and where
we're from. I would suggest wearing the plain ZS patch on the left
shoulder and the AR patch on the right shoulder. This is simple
military procedure to have your affiliation on the left and unit on
the right.

We will need to come up with the funds to order the patches, as we
will probably have to buy in bulk to keep the cost down. Some people
might also want a couple patches to put on different things.

Jason, It is fine with me that you take on the role of Treasurer, but
like Frank mentioned, none of us were consulted down here (Don't worry
about it though - just for future reference.) The majority of the
group is in the Fort Smith area so I hope it won't affect your ability
to fulfill that position (finances, money collection, etc.)

As for the camping trip, Woz and I will have most the information at
the meeting on Sept. 22nd. We are planning to have it at Devil's Den
due to the convenient location for both Fort Smith and Fayetteville,
as well as not knowing everyone's skill level with the outdoors. It
will be a nice laid back trip where we can talk, eat, and hike the

Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow at the habitat build. We
can talk a bit there too.


Sara W

Sep 7, 2007, 6:07:23 PM9/7/07
to ZS_...@googlegroups.com
Jason said we might have difficulty using the official ZS logo for our chapter as it official copyright blah blah blah stuff, so that's how we got to talking about making/adding on our own logo for our chapter.  So, to be clear, if we are an official chapter, *can* we use the official ZS logo on our official events?



Sep 7, 2007, 6:10:49 PM9/7/07
to Zombie Squad NWA
Yes, we can use the ZS logo for our events, but we may in no way
modify (add, subtract, change, whatever!) the logo. As for our own NWA
logo, it will not involve the actual ZS logo.

On Sep 7, 5:07 pm, "Sara W" <serrabel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Jason said we might have difficulty using the official ZS logo for our
> chapter as it official copyright blah blah blah stuff, so that's how we got
> to talking about making/adding on our own logo for our chapter. So, to be
> clear, if we are an official chapter, *can* we use the official ZS logo on
> our official events?
> sara
> (f-town)

> >http://cronyx.iptelev.com/nwa-flag1.bmphttp://cronyx.iptelev.com/nwa-...
> > > Must consume feedback.

Cronyx Ravage

Sep 7, 2007, 6:18:24 PM9/7/07
to ZS_...@googlegroups.com
Sara W wrote:
> Jason said we might have difficulty using the official ZS logo for our
> chapter as it official copyright blah blah blah stuff, so that's how we
> got to talking about making/adding on our own logo for our chapter. So,
> to be clear, if we are an official chapter, *can* we use the official ZS
> logo on our official events?

yeah that's not a problem at all. hell, we can even use it if we aren't
an official chapter. if zombie aquad has patches for sale on their
website, you can freely purchase those. and after you purchase them, you
can of course sew them to any article of clothing you want. and after
they're on any article of clothing, there's nothing stopping you from
going and doing charity work while wearing it. :P

Cronyx Ravage

Sep 7, 2007, 6:21:21 PM9/7/07
to ZS_...@googlegroups.com
Fennrisulfr wrote:
> Yes, we can use the ZS logo for our events, but we may in no way
> modify (add, subtract, change, whatever!) the logo. As for our own NWA
> logo, it will not involve the actual ZS logo.

just to clarify, we CAN modify it (as per Fair Use), but we're not going
to, because they've made a resonable request that we dont, and there's
no reason to piss anybody off over it. who knows, they may decide they
don't mind later on. like machelle said, that might change in the future.

Sara W

Sep 7, 2007, 6:32:37 PM9/7/07
to ZS_...@googlegroups.com
As per Jason's request, here is the Wikipedia list of zombie movies.  (And, yes I know, I was off on the url by just a fucking hair.  :P  )
That's probably the most accurate out there.  I'm particularly interested in Zombies of the Stratosphere.



Sep 7, 2007, 6:40:29 PM9/7/07
to Zombie Squad NWA
Not a bad list. I would suggest not watching movies like "Night of the
Living Dead" and the other obvious ones that everyone in their right
mind has seen. At Zombie Con, we will never watch those movies. It's
always the crazy, off-the-wall, terrible ones. Though, if everyone
agrees, we can watch Romero classics and the such. I just recommend
watching ones no one has seen/heard of before, like Zombies of the
Stratosphere like Sara mentioned. They are usually more fun than
watching the same old ones. Just my .2 cents. I have Wild Zero, which
we watched at the last Z-Con. It's a great movie, with a built in
drinking game to boot!


On Sep 7, 5:32 pm, "Sara W" <serrabel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As per Jason's request, here is the Wikipedia list of zombie movies. (And,
> yes I know, I was off on the url by just a fucking hair. :P )
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zombie_movies
> That's probably the most accurate out there. I'm particularly interested in
> Zombies of the Stratosphere.
> sara

Zombie Squad Chapters

Sep 10, 2007, 9:13:20 PM9/10/07
to ZS_...@googlegroups.com
Actually, since the logo is protected under trademark and not copyright, there is no fair use clause.  (Just for clarity's sake, since this has all been rehashed on the forum.)

!V!, aka Michelle


Sep 23, 2007, 8:42:54 PM9/23/07
to Zombie Squad NWA
1. Devil's Den Oct 12th and 13th. Tickets are $10 per person.
a. Brock, Tesse, David, Jason, Melissa are going for sure so far.
2. Recruiting - let's try to get some extra people for the
Fayetteville area.
3. Need to contact Travis and other people outside the area that are
ZS members already. Frank to check with St. Louis crew for people
around our areas that are not assigned to any chapters.
4. Still need to get with the NWA Roller Ball Girls.
5. Bring 2 or more can goods with us to ZS events.
6. Meeting times up for review at the Fayetteville Location. Meetings
will be held at 5 pm on the first Sunday of each month. Movie night
will be right after the meeting at 6 pm.
7. Ideas for community events. Animal shelters, adopt a street, yard
sale for charity, angle tree every Christmas. Fun events.
8. Doing seminars at libraries and festivals.
9. Events that would raise money for our chapter without coming out of
our pockets.
10. Brock will work on getting a donation jar for the NWA ZS chapter.
11. Doing a Dart Room ZS event where $2 from each door charge goes
towards the ZS chapter. Sara to find out information.
12. Pool tourney at the Dart Room.
13. Next meeting to be at 5:00 pm on October 7th.
14. Franks party on the 29th? Not sure if anyone can make the party.
15. Possible party at Patrick's house before Halloween to help raise
money like Franks party.
16. This chapter will try to have a H4H before Dec for our quarterly
chapter event.

Final decisions:
1. Sara to find out about Dart Room Event, Pool Tourney at Dart Room.
2. Frank to find out about getting items at cost so we can use them to
raise money and give away for events.
3. Brock and David to work on donations to ZS on Fridays at the Dart
4. Tesse to work on finding out more information about special events
for next quarter.
5. Jason to get information about H4H.


Sep 23, 2007, 9:18:14 PM9/23/07
to Zombie Squad NWA
Everything looks good. I'm going to be calling Devil's Den this week
and reserving two hike-in camp sites. They said each site can have two
tents and up to eight people - so two should be plenty. Jason, you
need to collect money from everyone in Fayetteville that is planning
on going. I will either pick it up at your Oct. 6th meeting, you can
mail it, or just give it to me at DD. I will be making a post with all
the final information soon. Looks like we have 10 people going - Me,
Woz, Frank, Julie, Steve, Jason, Brock, Tesse, David, and Melissa.

Also, Jason, how about we make new threads for each meeting instead of
one huge never-ending thread. That will make it easier to find the
latest news from each meetings and the discussions that pertain to it.


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