YNYC Audition FAQ

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Tala Ginsberg

Jul 25, 2017, 4:32:08 PM7/25/17
to YNYC_Au...@googlegroups.com, Nick Jones, Abbey Hunt, Elisa Nikoloulias, Kelly Shoemaker

Hi everyone!

The time has come to begin organizing our annual auditions for the Mixed and Women's ensembles of the Young New Yorkers' Chorus! You'll be receiving another email soon with very detailed information about auditions and sign-ups. For now, please read this FAQ which should help you decide if auditioning for YNYC will work for you this year.


When are auditions held?

This year's auditions will be held August 21-22. If additional auditions need to be held, either before September or mid-season, the audition group will be notified.


What if the audition schedule doesn't work for me?

Due to the large number of singers interested in auditioning for a very small number of openings, and the complications of scheduling auditions, at the moment we're only planning to hold auditions on the 21st and 22nd and we are not equipped to accommodate exceptions. If additional auditions need to be held, the audition group will be notified.


How tough is the competition? Do I need to be an advanced singer?

We get hundreds of audition requests throughout the year, and generally we only have time to hear about 50 auditions each year to fill a small handful of openings. We do expect our singers to have choral singing experience, to be familiar with musical terms and have at least basic sight-reading skills. That said, singing beautifully and blending with the group is as important to us as advanced musical skill, so don't be intimidated if your music theory is a little dusty.


How should I be prepared?

Auditions will consist of singing vocal exercises and a simple sight reading test, and singing 16 bars (approx. 1 minute) of a song of your choice, either a cappella or accompanied. Your prepared piece can be any song in any genre you feel comfortable with and that will show off your voice. We tend to sing classical choral music with occasional forays into folk and spiritual songs, if that helps inform your choice. Sheet music is encouraged but not required.


Should I decide in advance whether I want to audition for the Women's Ensemble or Mixed ensemble?

Due to the limited number of audition slots, please specify which ensemble you are most interested in.


What voice parts are you looking for?

We hold auditions for all voice parts, but our greatest needs tend to be Soprano 1s with clear tone in the upper ranges, Alto 2s with strong low ranges, and Bass 2s who have a powerful low register.


When are rehearsals held?

The mixed ensemble rehearses Tuesdays from 7-9pm midtown west, and the women’s ensemble rehearses Wednesdays from 7-9pm on the Upper East Side. Extra rehearsals will be scheduled on occasion with advance notice. We operate September through early June, and take the summer off.


Are there dues for membership?
Yes, dues are $60 for those employed, $50 student/intern/under/unemployed. Additionally, members are expected to pre-sell 4 concert tickets per semester, which helps us keep dues low. There is no additional charge for sheet music.

What is the chorus’s attendance policy?
In order to create a strong ensemble and confident sound, we ask members to commit to the entire season and make every effort to attend all rehearsals. However, we do understand that New York life is busy and unpredictable, so we officially require that members attend at least 2/3 of rehearsals in order to participate in the concert. It is imperative that members give as much advance notice to choir leadership regarding conflicts so that necessary adjustments can be made. Members with a history of commitment and reliability are given preference in future roster placement.

What is concert dress?
YNYC prefers to present a modern, classy look at our concerts. We dress in all black from head to toe, and all members need a black folder for the music. Men wear long sleeves and pants. Women can wear skirts that fall below the knee or long pants. Tops should have a modest neckline and cover at least the shoulders.


What is the concert schedule?

A sneak peak:


YNYC 2017-2018 Season

Sanctuary City


December 2, 2017

Give Love: Mixed Ensemble Christmas

Featuring favorites from the YNYC archives


December 9, 2017

Harbor: Women’s Ensemble Christmas

Songs of warmth and hospitality


March 24, 2018

Only All of Us: YNYC Mixed and Women’s Ensembles, Combined

World premiere works for double chorus from our Competition for Young Composers.


May 19, 2018

Because We Come From Everything

Celebrating the open heart of NYC with songs of displacement and home.

Poetry will be read from the Poetry Coalition’s Poetry & Migration project.


June 2, 2017

Breathing Free

A choral celebration of NYC’s ecological and spiritual oases

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