Update 49: 10 Really Good Reasons to go on a World Bike Tour

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World Biking: News from Amaya & Eric

Dec 9, 2009, 10:31:45 PM12/9/09
to World Biking Africa

We’ve made it across the border and now it’s time to wow you with
tales of adventure from exotic Mexico—beautiful beaches, tasty
burritos, and scary banditos—that kind of stuff.

Actually, all that’s coming up in the next update and for now you’ll
have to settle for 10 Really Good Reasons to go on a World Bike Tour:

Read this update and you’ll discover all the hidden fringe benefits of
bike touring—even how to become an overnight superstar. Plus a few
key ways that a bike tour can translate into tangible job skills.

Next update we promise will be filled with news from Mexico.

Be sure to check out a very inspirational video about biking in
Armenia from Tom at Ride Earth:

If you’re looking for the perfect Christmas gift for a cycling buff,
then I highly recommend a book from Alastair Humphreys.

For all those concerned about the environment, Dave and Anna have
recently set off on their Permaculture Bike Tour around the world.
Check out their Perma-cyclists site, learn a lot and support their

Here in Tampico, we’ve just missed the strongest tailwind of the decade
—gusts up to 60 kilometers per hour. Sometimes taking a day off has
its price—that was surely our last chance this year for another 200+
kilometer ride. Your prayers to the wind gods that our friendly
tailwind doesn’t turn into a vicious headwind tomorrow are much

Thanks for your support—emails and comments mean so much as we leave
the easy life in the US and face added challenges on the road south
cycling through Mexico and Central America. Please keep in touch.

Hope you are well and surviving the holiday season.

Eric and Amaya
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