Poll & Discussion: What's YOUR Preferred Way To Contact Customer Service/Support?

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Robert Bacal

Mar 19, 2013, 2:00:44 PM3/19/13
to work91...@googlegroups.com
I've been reading conflicting information about how customers prefer to contact customer service departments of companies, so decided to set up my own poll to get a better handle on things.

I'd really appreciate responses.

First, Vote: Our poll is set up for this question, and it takes only 2 seconds to respond. Please go here to the customer service poll and choose a response.

Next, Comment: You can also write a comment on the poll page, to explain more fully why you made your poll choice. Or, if you choose, you don't have to answer the poll, but just leave a comment or questions about the issue. Again, same link, here.)

Or: Comment By Responding To This Message: Now that this community is open to various discussions, you can post your comments on the issue by responding to this email. It's really easy, and I'd love to hear your thinking.

We're ALL customers, and we've all experienced both good and poor service, so help out by pitching in by voting or commenting.
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