WineCamp & Fundraising

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Jun 17, 2006, 11:19:29 AM6/17/06
to WineCamp
Since the begining of the winecamp adventure, someone propose the idea
of fundraising ( ).
Since 5 years I work on a concept of wine and fundraising (
So... After chewing all that since I've discovered winecamp, and after
a long evening in Paris with chating with Chris and a bottle of
Gevrey-Chambertin... I'm ready for the next step : find a sustainable
way for winecamp and wine & solidarity fundraising.
Here is the draft, shortly represented on this drawing:

1. Winemakers propose their wines for a very fair price. For *the good
cause* of course, but because it's never the right way to think about
sustainable model with hoping about the *good cause potential*, they
have something else in return than Karma points. They have a great
communication around their Domaine (brand), and a [Pinko] marketing
option for helping them to use this potential. Think about a
like-fairtrade label.
They also have in return the possibility to have evaluation from
experts about their website, their use of softwares for their business,
more generally great advices concerning all technological issues.
Farther, they have access to open source solutions dedicated for the
wine industry.

2. With this buying price under market-price, we can make a significant
margin with staying with a very competitive price.
Then, we cut this margin in 3 equal parts :
- 1 for funding directly NPOs
NPOs are encouraging to buy all their wines through winecamp, and
spread about that around them: "good wines, for fair prices and with
funding our NPO!!! wow!"

- 1 for funding a special open source' developers piggy-bank
Every time there's a need after winecamp sessions for developing or
translating softwares, we have some funds to pay the developers for
their time.
For developing nptech solution, and why not wine softwares
Let's think about an un-auction way: we have this piece of software to
build... we estimate X hours of work for a barcamper... with the
classic reckoner we estimate it represent X $... who take this work for
X $?? The geek who propose the lowest price for this *job* got it!
Let's auction, you have 1 week for a like-eBay fight :)
It could be a very productive and convivial way, and with a community
like barcampers it doesn't need a very sophisticated ffedback system.

- 1 for paying the winecamp association/company and its full time
employees .I know very well one person who is interested in this full
time job :)

I've got more to share, but I need your feedback first. Just to know if
it seems not for you like an utopian-idea borns in a french

Tara Hunt

Jun 17, 2006, 2:44:33 PM6/17/06
This is really awesome, Gregoire. Chris and I actually talked about doing this, starting with a local vitner here, but I love the idea of spreading it out around the world.

Do y'all know Threadless? We could do similar for wine. The community designs labels for the new vintages and votes on them and then you can order cases of them. Or...special editions commemorate a fundraising campaign or a Winecamp or the like....

Chris even talked about different ways to package the wine...but we think that people would pay money for that level of participation.


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