WineCamp starts you know where your registration is?

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BAR Camp Planners

May 26, 2006, 11:36:41 AM5/26/06
I can't believe that WineCamp starts today (yes, this weekend! May 26-28)! We're pretty excited about the enthusiasm thus far and the 50 or so signups.

Just so you know, though...if you've only signed up on the wiki or Upcoming, there's one more step...

Yes yes, unlike BarCamps that have come before, we do require registration this time around (with a small $60 fee for food -- with any overage going to the nonprofits).

So why register? (As if the idea of WineCamp doesn't sell itself? Geeks, nonprofits, conversations, bon fires, wine and awesome people?!)
  1. Because Chris and Tara have to go to Costco and buy food and haul it up 3 hours in a rental vehicle to Calaveras county and Jennifer has to plan meals and make certain everyone is fed and happy.

  2. Because we have to ensure there is a good balance of geeks and do-gooders to get those projects moving (we are, thusfar, perfectly balanced)

  3. Because we need to make certain we have space for everyone to pitch their tents on the picturesque, but rudimentary hilltop of the vineyard, making certain we have plenty of firepits, water, etc. for everyone to have the survivor weekend we are looking for. ;)
So, if you are planning to come, it's not to late! But please register by the end of day today so we can feed you and know to send out search dogs if you don't show up!

Oh...and if you have any questions, drop us a line, check out the wiki, check out the FAQs, check out the rideshare page and check out the I Need I Got page!


Your (humble and last minute) WineCamp Planners

p.s. looks like the SF Chron is going to be attending/covering the event this weekend. May be a good time to strut your stuff! ;)
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