Passive force and opensource and the future of XP.

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Jan 29, 2007, 4:56:12 PM1/29/07
to Windows 9x/ME/XP/Vista
In another thread I was told that nobody forces me to upgrade, well
while it is true bill gates does not send a commando squad to my house
to drag me kicking and screaming to CompUSA to buy a new computer and
OS every time he has a new release. do to lack of future support our
collective hands are forced.
Here is what is about to go down, first everything will be ok, XP
software will drop in price systems preloaded with winXP will drop in
price, and for a while new games & other software will still be
released(titles that were in development before the release of vista).
After the initial good times it will be a slow change, first there
will be a few games & business software packages that wont run on XP,
not many but a few, Then you will see YOUR computer listed as just
making minimum requierments, you might be able to make these programs
run faster by adding more RAM, but then you weigh
buying a new computer with eating or feeding your kids and deside that
you will make do since all your software still does all the things you
want it to do.
Next your IM of choice stops working(yahoo, AIM, ICQ, etc etc.....),
and you start to get error msg's like"your version of (fill in the
blank) messenger is nolonger supported by our servers please upgrade"
so you click the link upgrade and the NEW and BETTER version runs 20
times slower.
Then you notice every 3'rd website you visit tells you to upgrade your
Well now you have no choice but to upgrade no they did not hold a gun
to your head but they made it to where you can nolonger enjoy that
computer you spent your hard earned money on.

Part of the problem is support for windows is not a permenant thing,
once support ends there are no more service packs to let you run the
newest software.
example win2000 support ended in 2005 up until that point 90% of
software would run on win2000 or XP now only XP software has tripled.
My solution to this miscarrage of justice? its simple, make all
unsupported software opensource, release the code.

many will say its unfair but how is it not? If M$ nolonger wants to
support THEIR OWN software let someone else do it.
So it should be a choice of ether continuing support for the past os's
or letting it go to public domain.
It's more of a choice than we have been given.

An example of this is all the distro's of linux, redhat, linspire,
debian etc etc.....
All those are companies and after awhile they end support for their
versions of linux, but since linux is open source there are always
people to pick up the slack, for every problem you have with redhat
7.3 (support ended 6 years ago) there is a 16 year old in tulsa who
created a fix, or an MIT student who figured out how to run the latest
ubuntu app's on it etc etc.........

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