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Presumed Guilty

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creaking projectors

Sep 28, 2012, 3:51:42 AM9/28/12
to creaking projectors

Creaking Projectors presents 

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How often do you curse the justice system in your country to be unjust? How often do we say that we need a new system?

Well...if you were in Mexico...our country would feel like heaven. The justice system in Mexico assumed that you are guilty rather than you are innocent till proven otherwise. 

The moment you are picked up by the cops you are as good as convicted..the whole trail process is just a sham.

90% of the accused dont see a warrant or a judge in country with over 98% conviction rate. A statistic that scares the living daylights out of you.

Two students made this movie about one such man who was given 20 yrs for a crime he had nothing to do with...a story that exposes the justice system of that country.

A gripping story that makes you squirm inside out at the unjust attitude of the Mexican justice system.

Passes: Rs100 available at the venue
Genre: Crime/Reality cinema
Language: Mexican with English subtitles

Date and Time: Sat 29th Sep, 7.30pm

Venue: LaMakaan, Lane next to C Bay Software, Opp GVK Mall, Banjara Hills
Check out the trailer here


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