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A Very Long Engagement

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creaking projectors

May 17, 2012, 5:50:36 AM5/17/12
to creaking projectors

Creaking Projectors presents

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Five desperate French soldiers during The Battle of the Somme shoot themselves, either by accident or with purpose, in order to be invalided back home. Having been "caught" a court-martial convenes and determines punishment to be banishment to No Man's Land with the objective of having the Germans finish them off.

One of the them is Mathilde's 20yr old fiance. even though everyone including the military records say that all five of them died, Mathilde is not convinced.

She is determined to find her fiance and in the process digs up the story of all five soldiers which were sometimes hilarious, sometimes thrilling and some heart wrenching.

Going into the deepest dungeons to to find every detail of the wretched war and the stories behind it...will she succeed?? If her love is alive then where has he been all the while..why hasn't he come forward...or is it that her efforts are just some actions of a woman refusing to let go of her past?

Language: French with English subtitles
Genre: Drama/Comedy
Passes: Rs 100 available at the venue

Time and Date: 7pm, Sunday 20th May

Venue: MyHeartCupCafe previously known as MyCaffeLatte, Kondapur

Check Out the trailer here

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