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RangSutra-Festival of Performing Arts 2012 [2 Attachments]

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Karishma Pais

Feb 22, 2012, 3:59:38 PM2/22/12
From: Vinay <>

Rangadhara, SUTRADHAR and Cisne For Arts present RangSutra 2012, 1st – 4th March, at NIFT, Madhapur, Hyderabad.

The programme is as follows: (The detailed programme is attached with the mail)


Thursday, 1st March 2012:


Evening 7:30:


Ghalib - A Musical Play: Pierrot's Troupe, New Delhi



Language: Urdu

Script and Direction: Dr. M. Sayeed Alam

On Stage: Tom Alter, Vijay Gupta, Anil George, Hareesh Chhabra,

Nida Sayeed and 16 others.


Duration: 1 hr. 45 min.



Friday, 2nd March 2012:



Evening 7:30:


Mohenjo-daro: Bigbang Theatres, Mumbai


A historical play.  A story of love in the face of war. A clash of civilizations.


 Language: Hindi

Duration: 1 hr. 40 min.

Director:  Kulvinder Bakshish.

On Stage: Mitali Nag, Raunaoq Ahuja, Ashok Banthia and others.

Written & Co-produced by: Akashaditya Lama



Saturday, 3rd March 2012:


Morning 11:00


1) Flute Recital - Jayaprada Ramamurthy & Group :


‘VIVARTA - the reincarnation’ is a unique theme which brings out the countless shades of the echoing wind that voyages through the bamboo. Vivarta depicts the various manifestations of a Raaga that reincarnates with every improvised phrase of music. Jayaprada is currently the only female flute artiste representing the state of Andhra Pradesh in India.


For her experimentations on the bamboo, she was awarded the National Award for Excellence in Fine Arts, at New Delhi.  She has also been honored with prestigious records and awards in Flute, such as the Global World Record, Unique World Record, National Record.


2) Sufi Kathak - Mangala Bhatt, Hyderabad:


Kathak performance based on Kabir's poetry by internationally renowned Kathak exponent Mangala Bhatt.



Duration (for both performances together): 1 hr. 40 min.



Evening 7:30:


1) Main Krishna Krishn Ki: Avitoko, Chennai:


A solo performance based on the relationship between Krishn & Draupadi.


Language: Hindi. 

Duration: 60 min.

Direction & Music - Bombay Kannan.

Enacted by: Vibha Rani



2) Mitra: Ramaa Bharadvaj, Bangalore:


A solo Bharat Natyam dance-dedication to friendship, is a presentation in the Ekaharya style of one performer in multiple roles.


Duration: - 60 min.

Language: Sanskrit, Avadhi, Hindi, Malayalam and Tamil.



Sunday, 4th March 2012:


Morning 11:00


Gadha Ya Aadmi - Ek Prahasan (Puppetry Performance): Gombemane Puppet House, Dharwad


A washer man does not have children, but his ass is both a servant and a son to him. Convinced by the argument of a scholarly Maulvi that it is possible to turn an ass into a man, the washer man surrenders the ass along with some money to the Maulvi. After six months the washer man goes with his wife to see the Maulvi with great hope. The Maulvi tells them that their son now has become a “Qazi in the city of Varanasi. The washer man with his wife rushes to the city. Has the ass become a judge? How does the judge treat his parents? What kind of lesson do they learn from the man – ass or the ass - man?


The dramatized version of the story is performed with leather puppets.


Language: Hindi.

Duration: 50 minutes.

Director / Puppet Concept: Dr. Prakash Garud.



Evening 7:30:


The Untouched: Sutradhar, Hyderabad.


Portrays the two polarities in its two completely different characters - Julie, a crippled young girl with an unyielding zest for life and all its passions, and a novitiate who is preparing herself for the religious and regulated life of the nunnery, who declares that she is to be married to Lord Jesus. Through them we encounter the constant battle that rages within most of us.


Director:  Prof. Bhaskar Shewalkar.

Translated by: Vinay Varma.

On Stage: Aditi Sharma & Deepti Girotra

Language: Hindi & English.

Duration: 1 hour.



Donor passes: Rs. 300/- per show (Rs. 150/- for the puppetry performance) or Rs. 1500/- for the entire festival.

Passes can be booked online from:

For further details call Harini (96187 75384), Vinay (98480 52541), Deepti (98498 75920),  Krishna Deep (9550362236). You could even mail, or to know more about the festival and the participating teams.


Vinay Varma,
3-6-145/9/1/1, Himayatnagar,
Hyderabad - 500 029.
+91 98480 52541


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