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The Arshinagar Project Needs Performers for its Upcoming Project

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Arka Mukhopadhyay

Aug 27, 2013, 2:22:17 PM8/27/13
to,,,, Narthaki online, learningnet-india Moderator,,,,

We are looking for performers for our upcoming project, based on the writings of Sukumar Ray. Familiarity with the original texts will be an advantage, but potential cast members don't necessarily need to know either the texts or the Bengali language. The performance will be primarily non-verbal, so language is not a barrier. We are looking for people with a background in dance/movement/martial arts/physical theatre, who are preferably good singers (trained or untrained). Proficiency in puppetry, clowning, mime, juggling, and playing string and percussion instruments will be added advantages. However, previous experience is not necessary.
The performance will be created through an intensive two-week workshopping process between September 27th and October 10th in Delhi and subsequently refined over time. Performers from outside Delhi will have to be prepared to bear their own travel and accommodation costs. After an October premiere, the performance will go on tour in different parts of the country for the next one year and revenue generated from shows will be shared equally between all members of the production. 
If interested, please write to, with "Non-Sense" as the subject line, with details about your previous work, training, languages spoken and anything else you'd like to mention. Do also send us links to any videos of your work online.
We are also looking for potential funders for the performance. As with all our work, this will also be community funded and supported. If interested, please get in touch with us at the above address.

The Arshinagar Project Team

Inline images 1 

The Arshinagar Project is envisioned as a collective of artists
and cultural practitioners from different traditional and contemporary 
disciplines, as well as practitioners from other disciplines such as 
anthropology, education and ecology, for research into performance 
as transformational action.
'Arshinagar' means 'the city of mirrors', and the name is derived 
from a song by Lalon Phokir, one of the greatest masters among 
the Bauls of Bengal - wandering mystical musician-performers who 
through embodied practice attempt to touch the unbodied.The logo 
represents the 'ektara' (literally 'one-stringed') - a drone-like 
instrument used in different forms and names in different Asian 
cultures, which has come to symbolize the Bauls.
The Arshinagar Project aims to foster a spirit of freedom, respect for 
human diversity, ecological harmony and love, among young adults, 
youth in colleges and universities, educators and others, through 
performances, immersive workshops in urban and natural settings 
based on traditions of mystical performance and practice as well as 
contemporary performance-craft, through lecture-demonstrations, 
seminars, and journeys through inner and outer spaces.

arshinagar logo.png
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