Behaviour determines the Future of all beings!
The young brahmins Vāsettha and Bhāradvāja once asked Blessed Buddha:
What makes a brahmin a brahmin? Whereto the Blessed One responded:
Not by pure descent from seven generations of ancestors does one become
a brahmin, and neither by family descent does one become a non-brahmin.
By kamma one becomes a brahmin. By kamma one also becomes a non-brahmin.
By kamma one becomes a farmer. By kamma one becomes a craftsman.
By kamma one becomes a merchant. By kamma one becomes a servant.
By kamma one becomes a thief. By kamma one becomes a killer too.
By kamma one becomes a priest. By kamma one becomes even a king.
Knowing the fruit of causal effects of any kamma, the wise gains complete
understanding of conditioned origination and sees this kamma as it really is!
By kamma is phenomena determined, by kamma the world goes on, and by
kamma the people go on. Beings are bounded, conditioned & created by their
behaviour! By self-taming, by self-control, and by living the Noble life, only by such
supremely pure behaviour does one becomes a brahmin. Whoever is endowed
with the three knowledges (te-vijja), at peace, with renewed existence all
destroyed, Vāsettha, such one is like the gods Brahma and Sakka to those
who really know! The two brahmins Vāsettha & Bhāradvāja then exclaimed:
Wonderful, venerable Gotama! We hereby accept the venerable Gotama, the
Dhamma, and the Bhikkhu Sangha as our refuge. May the Venerable Gotama
accept us as lay disciples who have taken refuge as long as this life lasts...
Sutta-Nipāta verses 650-656 Edited excerpt.
For details on the mechanics of Kamma = Intentional Action see:
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Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_