40 years ago

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Andrew Mann

Apr 26, 2018, 11:39:51 PM4/26/18
to ceased-bus...@googlegroups.com, welsh-bus-...@googlegroups.com
Today marks the 40th anniversary of Western Welsh Omnibus Co Ltd being renamed National Welsh Omnibus Services Ltd.
Red & White’s assets were transferred to Western Welsh on 1st January 1978, and from that date all road service licences were in WW’s name. The vehicles retained R&W licences until WW’s renaming when the remaining R&W vehicles were relicensed to NWOS. ( I think the info is correct!)
The attached was taken at Cwmbran depot in June 1980, and the vehicles are;
JKG474F (HR5967) Daimler CRG6LX/MCCW H42/33F one of 15 acquired from Cardiff Corporation in 1979/80.
12AAX Bristol FL6G/ECW H37/33RD originally Red & White L1260 but now T7 in the driver training fleet.
BKG722C (L6565) AEC Renown/NCME H38/29F originally Western Welsh 722
PKG376H (LR5969) Leyland PDR1/3/NCME H42/31F originally Western Welsh 376, passing to South Wales Transport 3/72 and returning to NWOS 4/79.
Hope of interest.
Cwmbran depot.jpg

Simon Morris

Apr 27, 2018, 8:00:36 AM4/27/18
to welsh-bus-...@googlegroups.com

What a great shot.

And thanks for the reminder of the anniversary, Andrew.

Simon M

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