congratulations! and a few logistics

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John Harrison

Apr 25, 2009, 11:06:23 AM4/25/09
To everybody in the class:

Congratulations on the show last night! It has been a fun and rewarding experience for me to both work with you on these projects then have them on display for so many people. Some of the work was stellar. Overall the show was well-received.

I know how much time so many of you put into the projects. For me, seeing your commitment to your work and helping you in any way I can as you begin to release your own ideas for the projects is the most rewarding part. Thank you for that opportunity.

As you all know, the show is open again:
  • Sat, April 25 (today) 1-5pm
  • Fri May 1 (first friday) 6-10pm
  • Sat May 2 1-5pm
You are welcome but are not required to come to these. The reasons to come would be to do your part helping the class keep the space open, play with the projects more, or just because you think it might be fun to hang out with the projects and other class members.

There will be one or two more written assignments to wrap up our work in the class. Details forthcoming.

Thank you again for the opportunity to work with you all in this context.


John Harrison

Kristin Beal-DeGrandmont

Apr 25, 2009, 11:16:46 AM4/25/09
Agreed! Great work everyone!

You should all be proud of what you have accomplished. The artistic practice is largely subjective and most Iikely something engineering types aren't accustomed to. It has been greatly rewarding for me to watch you all step blindly into that process and come out victorious on the other side. Hopefully you will be concluding your semester with a greater appreciation for the artistic practice-I certainly have a greater appreciation for all my new "left brained" friends!

Kristin Beal-DeGrandmont
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