Bluetooth Pin

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Alan Hansen

e palexuar
28 gush 2021, 1:38:07 e pasdites28.8.21
për Vero VR N7500 Dual Radio Band
Anyone know the Bluetooth pin for the transceiver unit?
Alan W3ISR

Marnoch Standen

e palexuar
28 gush 2021, 1:46:40 e pasdites28.8.21
There is no pin number. 

Min Standen G0JMS
07917 830 410

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Marnoch Standen

e palexuar
28 gush 2021, 2:07:19 e pasdites28.8.21
The except page sometimes hides behind another screen when doing the BT connection.  

Min Standen G0JMS
07917 830 410
On Aug 28, 2021 18:38, Alan Hansen <> wrote:

Alan Hansen

e palexuar
28 gush 2021, 8:50:04 e pasdites28.8.21
për Vero VR N7500 Dual Radio Band
Thanks...I'm trying to connect with my PC to see if I can establish a COM port connection to the transceiver.  

Marnoch Standen

e palexuar
29 gush 2021, 12:54:45 e paradites29.8.21
Why do you want a coms port connection
Want are you trying to do?
In the back of the documents there is the pin out for the microphone if that is any help. 

Min Standen G0JMS

Marnoch Standen

e palexuar
29 gush 2021, 1:04:58 e paradites29.8.21
The only PIN number for the radio is the APRS code number which if you search on the Webb you will find several sites that you put your call sign into and it gives you your pass code. This is made up from your call. 

If you have not found the link to the radio documents on Google Drive that I manage it in the main page here.  

Min Standen G0JMS

On Aug 28, 2021 18:38, Alan Hansen <> wrote:

Alan Hansen

e palexuar
29 gush 2021, 9:44:57 e pasdites29.8.21
Bottom line...What I'm trying to do is to migrate my repeater list from my PC to the 7500.  I wanted to test the VR-6900 programming software on my 7500 using the Bluetooth as a COM port. Transceivers seem equivalent in design.

Marnoch Standen

e palexuar
30 gush 2021, 4:06:56 e paradites30.8.21
Hi Alan

The radio will do 16 channels in each block and you can have as many blocks as you want. 

If you use the Excel spreadsheet for programming on the pc then email to yourself you will see it on the phone. 
Open the app and it will take in the memory block which is stored on on the phone. Then do another memory block via email. 
You will have to do that via email for each 16 channel block. 
All memory group (blocks) are held on the phone.  
The radio will store and hold 1 block only of 16 memories at a time. 

There is no other way of programming the memory channels. It works well when you get the hang of it.  

Min Standen G0JMS

Jim Smollon

e palexuar
31 gush 2021, 2:36:02 e paradites31.8.21
për Vero VR N7500 Dual Radio Band
I received my N7500 over the weekend, and was confused regarding how to use the spreadsheet. After working with it a while I understood it and it works great.
I was entering the ctcss numbers for a couple of local repeaters, and the drop down in the cell wouldn't go up to 136.5. (which a couple of local repeaters here use)
I think the highest the drop down cell for ctcss was 127.3. I entered the lowest ctcss available (67.0) so I could spot it in the email I sent myself. Then replaced it with 136.5.
The Channel Zone Generation tool help a lot... thanks for building it.

I paired my OneAudio bluetooth headset w/mic a little while ago, and it sounds great. Need to find the bluetooth PTT somewhere now.

Using a Nexus 7 (2013) tablet, and it works great.

Jim  -  K4FZ

Marnoch Standen

e palexuar
31 gush 2021, 3:36:50 e paradites31.8.21
Hi Jim

I didn't build it and can't claim responsibility as it was done by the developer and sent out by a previous support person.  

I should have said if you want a tone just make the change on the other page and it will show your one you need.  

As Vero make several radio's with similar format the spreadsheet will do 30 channels but the radio memory is 16 only. Several have tried to get 30 into 16 !!!!  😁

Pairing things can be an issue with some headsets working will. But the PTT is not that easy to resolve.  
Their LCD screen microphone works very well plus it does GPS so no need for a phone connection.  
I have connected my radio to an Autocom bike system and GPS combination so I have radio GPS, APRS and music for trips. The radio BT switching for all of those many items could not handle it as too many devices and channels it got confused and I spent hours trying to resolve it. 
I know the headset is wired but I don't have to charge it.  
Glad your adventures into Vero are working. 

Min Standen G0JMS

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