Below are some upcoming events - one is this weekend(Saturday) at Greenberg Headwaters Park in Bennington. Rarely do we get to that part of Southern VT - I hope a few folks can join us.
Also as has been a tradition we will have a table at the Adamant Blackfly Festival - join us or stop by - for a fun time. - 25, 2024 (11 a.m.)
Bennington. Greenberg Headwaters Park, explore trails in a semi-urban area with a decent variety of habitats, including views of wetlands and a bridge over the Walloomsac River; meet at Beech St. ballfield entrance, 319 Beech St.; contact: Michael Sabourin
(802) 595-0484(c)
June 1, 2024 (11 a.m.)
Adamant: Blackfly Festival. Join us with a display table at an annual free, fun, friendly, family event; contact: Michael Sabourin
(802) 595-0484(c)
save the date:
June 22, 2024 (10 a.m.)
Northfield: Burnham’s Ciloholca property. Meet at I-89 Exit 5 commuter parking lot. Explore a family camp with pond and hopefully discover some Showy Lady Slippers; contact Doug or Mary Burnham:,
(802) 229- 9578. rain date June 23.
Can anyone chip in and help me answer some questions recently presented to me by a middle school student:
What degrees do you need to be a professional entomologist?
What things do entomologists do on a regular workday?
What things can a middle schooler do to learn about entomology?
Thank you,
Michael Sabourin
VES President