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Unknown spider I've taken as a pet

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Jan 6, 2019, 2:20:12 AM1/6/19
to Vermont Entomological Society (VES)
I found this spider while cleaning someone's garage recently.... I've been sincerely hoping it's a Latrodectus variolus, but its dorsal spots are not very pronounced or colorful. Either way I'd love to have a name, and sex if possible, because it's beautiful and I love it. I know it can get bigger because I saw another of the same at least thrice as big, and this one has only molted once. 
Can anyone help me ID this?
dorsal view.jpg

Micahel Sabourin

Jan 6, 2019, 12:30:29 PM1/6/19
to Vermont Entomological Society (VES), Nicholas Trapeni
a posting on Facebook got this response : 

Steatoda bipunctata


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Jan 6, 2019, 6:53:30 PM1/6/19
to Vermont Entomological Society (VES)
Yes, this has the dimples and, upon closer inspection, the tan anterior dorsal line leading the abdomen. So it is a false-widow of sorts after all, which I had also suspected but could not find any specific species for here. I sure wish there was a full and comprehensive guide to Vermont spider species; do you know of any? My Audubon mobile app and other online sources are hugely lacking, and there doesn't seem much in the way of region-specific spider guides.

Thank you so much for your quick response! I've been watching over this spider for weeks now wondering who it could be.
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Kent McFarland

Jan 7, 2019, 10:58:50 AM1/7/19
My colleague that works on spiders also suggested prob. juvenile Steatoda sp.
I would suggest posting this, and any other observations you have, to the Vermont Atlas of Life on iNaturalist. Check it out at 


Kent McFarland
Vermont Center for Ecostudies
PO Box 420 | Norwich, Vermont 05055
802.649.1431 x201
Visit the Vermont Atlas of Life

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Jan 7, 2019, 6:46:50 PM1/7/19
to Vermont Entomological Society (VES)
Hi Kent,
Yes, it's been awhile since i've been to inaturalist. I don't have phone service so it's difficult to get sightings uploaded with the appropriate location tagged. I save all my photos to my laptop but my good camera has no gps and the iphone I use that has no service often gets its gps locations way off. But I definitely have a lot to share, because I work at a plant nursery for a big landscaper and see amazing things on a daily basis. 

Another Steatoda sp. I came across that looked similar to S. bipunctata is S. borealis. What would be the best way to differentiate between the two?
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Nicholas Trapeni

Jan 7, 2019, 10:48:41 PM1/7/19
to Vermont Entomological Society (VES)
I joined iNaturalist and the VT Atlas of Life. My user name there is ol_bugs. I uploaded a bunch of stuff before joining the group so I'm not sure how to import my current uploads to the group, but they're there under my profile. This week I'll spend some more time there uploading and navigating, because it's been awhile since I used this or any such program.

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Kent McFarland

Jan 8, 2019, 9:27:03 AM1/8/19
Great! You will see that uploading data on the computer is very easy now. You can locate any observation easily using the map. So you don't have to have a camera or phone that does GPS. 
Here's a video tutorial about it if needed:
All observations are important! So fire away with anything you find!

Kent McFarland
Vermont Center for Ecostudies
PO Box 420 | Norwich, Vermont 05055
802.649.1431 x201
Visit the Vermont Atlas of Life

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