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Newbie - Emma

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Sep 21, 2011, 11:58:20 PM9/21/11
to UnschoolingDiscussion
Hi Everyone, I am new here, but I have been homeschooling my older
biological son (8 now) since he was 3 and refused to go back to
nursery school. They wouldn't let him wear his Superman costume, so
that was that. I have a 5 year old adopted boy also (from the DRC in
Africa). We live in Manhattan, but in a part where there is a 200
acre park with a forest and a marsh, so we are not covered in
concrete. I have a supportive husband who just started traveling a
lot for work. I seem to be on a path that keeps moving further and
further into unschooling, and I am hoping this discussion group will
help me in that direction. Cheers!

Sandra Dodd

Sep 22, 2011, 12:53:36 AM9/22/11
Hi, Emma.
This list isn't used much. You might get some responses (anyone reading this should feel encouraged to respond!), but a couple of places that might be better for you are a discussion called Unschooling Basics

and probably you've found one or more of these:


Maria Zamparelli

Sep 22, 2011, 3:28:38 PM9/22/11
Hi, Emma. May I suggest Home Education Magazine for additonal reading on the subject of unschooling. MZ

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Sandra Dodd

Sep 22, 2011, 3:42:52 PM9/22/11
-=- May I suggest Home Education Magazine for additonal reading on the subject of unschooling.-=-

It's not exclusively unschooling, maybe look online if Joyce's site and mine don't provide enough ideas. :-)

Melissa Lake

Sep 22, 2011, 10:26:02 AM9/22/11
Hi Emma,

I love that when your son was 3 he refused to go to school because they wouldn't let him wear his Superman costume!  That's my kinda kid!!  I have 2 bio boys (15 and 13) and a daughter from China (7).  How fun that you live in Manhattan!  My brother, sister in law and niece live in Jersey City and SIL works for MTV in Times Square.  We live in Arizona and absolutely LOVE to visit.  What a fun place to live.  My daughter and I spent a week there in July and the humidity about killed me.  I thought since I'm used to 110+ most of the summer, a little humidity wouldn't be a big deal.  Haha.  My daughter and I took the ferry from Hoboken to Manhattan on a Sunday and walked to the Build-A-Bear store so she could find a friend for her bear Alice, who is from Phoenix.  So she now has Alice from Phoenix and Alice's best friend, Alicen, from Manhattan. 

My kids have never been in school and when we started out, we were homeschoolers.  We gradually moved toward unschooling and have been unschooling now for the past 3 years.  I'm most active on the unschooling-dotcom site:


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Melissa Lake
"I have no respect for a man who can only spell a word one way." - Mark Twain

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