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USU Home Printing Tips

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Jan 30, 2007, 9:50:37 PM1/30/07
to The Union Street Underground
If you're using normal 8.5 X 11 paper, it can be somewhat time
consuming to print off the front page, flip it for the back, and then
print the backside, and repeat this for every collection of two pages,
and then go on to staple it all together, so here's a fairly simple
explanation of how to make it go somewhat faster. These methods
wouldn't work with 17 x 11 paper, however.

1. Determine how many copies you're printing off at once.
2. Go to 'Print' in Adobe Reader.
3. Change 'subset' to odd pages only, and make sure the reverse button
is unchecked.
4. Designate the number of copies, and make sure the collate button is
5. Click the print button, and wait for all copies to print out.
6. Flip the entire stack over so that the side to be printed on is
blank, and make sure that the page's orientation is right so that the
top is still the top on both sides.
7. Go to 'Print' again in Adobe Reader.
8. Change the subset to even pages only, and make sure the reverse
button is checked.
9. Insert the same # of copies to be produced as was used previously.
10. Print.

All that's left after that is to staple them together, since they
should be in the proper order and orientation. Good work.

-- Number Fifty-five
The Union Street Underground

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