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UX Irregulars Fall 2016 kickoff with Simone Rebaudengo: 12 Hours in the Future

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Nov 1, 2016, 4:45:10 PM11/1/16
to UXIrregulars,
Hi Irregulars & UXBCers,

This month we kick off our 11th year of UX and design-related events, and we have a great start to our second decade.

Simone Rebaudengo is travelling from Shanghai to speak with us about design and the developments happening in China, and to share some of his own speculative futures work!


12 Hours in the Future

There is a lot of talk lately about mobile payment trends, crazy e-commerce products and platforms, the digital treasures of the markets of Shenzhen and the fast pace of evolution of infrastructures and businesses happening in the ‘far east’. Even fiction writers are asking for the need of a new literally genre — the “ultra-unreal” — to describe how Modern China surpassed every fictional scenario.

In this talk Simone Rebaudengo will share insights and projects coming from his studio, based in Shanghai, that focuses on the near future relationships of people and technology.

We will get a peek at what it looks like to live and design 12 hours in the future.

About Simone

Simone is an interaction designer based in Shanghai working and speculating about futures at He builds products and scenarios that are believable enough to be real, but that come from hypothetical and questionable futures. His research focuses on exploring the implications of living with networked and somewhat smart products that change, grow, and that are smart enough to take their own decisions and show a point of view. Simone recently left frog. He’s been teaching and talking at CIID, SUPSI, China Academy of Fine Arts, Tedx, SolidCon, Thingscon and Dconstruct. His works have been published internationally on Wired, Fastcompany, The Atlantic and Designboom and awarded by Core77, IXDA Interaction Awards and Internet of things Awards.

Special thanks to our sponsors CanUX and TIFF.

(If you or your organization are interested in sponsoring UX Irregulars, please contact Kaleem directly, offlist).

See you there!

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