USI RC19 Announcements + Call for Storylines!

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USI Robotics

Apr 14, 2018, 5:08:00 PM4/14/18
Greetings, everyone!

Hopefully you've had a chance to take a breather since USI RC18 last weekend. (We may have slept once since then!) As soon as the 2018 competition ended, we had a meeting, followed by more meetings! Needless to say, we've been very busy over the past week! We collected a lot of valuable feedback from students, coaches, parents, and volunteers, and we've made it our mission to make next year's competition the best it can be.

First, we have some organizational changes: in the past few years, USI ASME has been received increasing support from the other USI engineering clubs. We're excited to have SWE and IEEE members on the USI Robotics Planning Committee.           Wait?          Did you catch that?      There's a Planning Committee. It's about time, right? (How did we do this for 11 years without one?)

Second, we're rolling out a new email It'll be monitored by all members of the committee, instead of only ASME. This will act as a single point of contact for all USI Robotics queries.

Third, we're excited to announce that we've set a date for USI RC19. Mark you calendars for April 6, 2019. The specifics are still being sorted out, but we'll make a formal announcement at a later date.

And finally, each year, we try to develop a robot game around a storyline. We've launched rescue missions to Mars, fought dragons in a viking village, and saved an island from rampaging robotic dinosaurs. We've got lots more ideas, but we know that you do, too! This year, we'd inviting YOU to develop a storyline for USI RC19.

That about sums it up for now! I'll leave you all with a link:

We’re eagerly awaiting your responses!

All the best,
USI Robotics Planning Committee

P.S. If you haven't filled out a Post-Event Survey for USI RC18, we'd still love to hear from you!
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