EQ Adding Fees

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Michael Moffatt

Jan 25, 2022, 9:20:19 PM1/25/22
to Dividend Investing for U.S. Investors
Wow, amazed how dead this site has become,. I think back to the new year survey where there was a tally of all the plans people were in. All gone now.

As George's article alluded to DRIPs are dead. Went to EQ for a couple of purchases in the market fall and surprised to find FEES. Bought some Alliant Energy back the early fall and they're weren't any. Now there are. System wouldn't let me add to my Donaldson account so I suspect they're in the process of adding fees. Went to my General Mills and Honeywell, accounts and found fees. Odd, I thought they were required to notify you 30 days before changes to the plan.

Going to transfer shares to my Ameritrade account, free trades and dividend reinvestment.

BruceLynn Erickson

Jan 26, 2022, 8:40:49 AM1/26/22
to Dividend Investing for U.S. Investors
I stopped DRIPs about a year ago - decided to consolidate everything to Fidelity and take dividends in the cash account.  Then I can decide what to purchase with the dry powder - some of the positions were going up too fast and too much during the past year for me, and I wanted to decide for myself when to reinvest dividends in the market.  Seems to have worked out OK, and gives me the choice of leaving in cash if the market is on a big upside that day....

Stuart MacDonald

May 8, 2022, 11:53:42 PM5/8/22
to Dividend Investing for U.S. Investors
Wow, amazed how dead this site has become

I'm not, since Google Groups isn't the old boards. The Google groups UI is very very poor.

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