Trump dangles green cards to foreign graduates. Is this not going to exacerbate the brain drain, Mr. Trump ?

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Jun 22, 2024, 1:10:02 PM (7 days ago) Jun 22
to USA Africa Dialogue Series

America First !

Trump dangles green cards to foreign graduates.

Is this not going to exacerbate the brain drain, Mr. Trump ?

Should Trump win in November and should he succeed in implementing such a policy, will this not result in a surge / an exodus from Egypt and other parts of Africa, of those in search of greener pastures in the United States of America?

Would such a move not also generate some resentment in the educationally less privileged Americans ,etc etc ?

Oluwatoyin Adepoju

Jun 22, 2024, 4:10:26 PM (7 days ago) Jun 22
to usaafricadialogue
This seems to be a shift from his earlier unfriendliness towards immigrants from non-Western countries.

I wonder why hes saying this and how it will affect his next shot at the Presidency.



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Jun 23, 2024, 8:53:42 AM (6 days ago) Jun 23
to USA Africa Dialogue Series

“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man.” (Heraclitus)

Here, the man in question is Donald J.Trump. He’s only human after all (“ even the president of the United States, sometimes must have to stand naked”) and don’t forget dear Oluwatoyin, that even Almighty God Himself can change His mind, speak less of a former president of the United States. 

About the Almighty possibly changing his mind 

(A) The first paragraph of the Stone Chumash Introduction to Genesis reads as follows: “We begin the study of the Torah with the realisation that the Torah is not a history book, but the charter of Man’s mission in the universe. Thus, in his first comment, Rashi cites Rav Yitzchak who says that since the Torah is primarily a book of laws, it should have begun with the commandment of the new moon (Exodus 12.2), the first law that was addressed to all Jewry as a nation. He explains that the reason for the Torah’s narrative of Creation is to establish that God is the Sovereign of the universe: He declared to His people the power of His works in order to give them the heritage of the nations (Psalm 111.6). If the nations accuse Israel of banditry for seizing the lands of the seven nations of Canaan, Israel can respond, “The entire universe belongs to God. He created it and He granted it to whomever He deemed fit. It was His desire to give it to them and then it was His desire to take it from them and give it to us.”

(B)  Ovadia Yosef (a former Chief Rabbi of Israel) said “God regretted that he made the Arabs

And Trump? In his more pensive moments he’s probably wishing that God had never made the unholy trinity comprising Stormy Daniels, Joe Biden and Michael Cohen. The former, for revealing in her memoirs (first hand knowledge) that Trump has more hair down under, than he has hair on his head. At least she didn't say that he has more hair than brains. 

 A while ago, on the campaign trail, the refrain was “The wall! The wall! We will build the wall and Mexico will pay for it !” And just a few years later there’s still turbulence and more than a little bit of gringo xenophobia at that border. Hopefully, the next president of the USA will have more cordial relations with Mexico’s new president Claudia Sheinbaum and the people of Mexico. 

Trump, the carnal Trump was probably only adhering to his own pragmatic version / vision of the poetic principle that “good fences make good neighbors” -such as once upon a time, The Berlin Wall (down on 9 November 1989), the construction of  the Israeli West Bank barrier (started in 2002) and before that - still standing tall, the Western Wall / the Kotel,  Pink Floyd’s The Wall ( We don’t need no education etc ) and of course, The Great Wall of China 

After much huffing and puffing about the great wall he (Trump) was going to build along the US-Mexico border he expended considerable energy telling the whole world that as long as he is president of the Great United States, Muslim terrorists will not be allowed to enter his country

And now it looks like he’s at stage one of doing a complete about turn: Muslim grads will be enticed to go for a green card.  

This is also perhaps the first stage of  Trump’s response to Russia’s stunning successes  in Muslim Countries in West Africa, namely Burkina Faso, Niger, Mali, and Senegal.

 Yesterday, I was thinking that in response to Nigeria’s Power shortage problems , what's preventing Bola Tinubu from approaching China and Russia to kick-start that major project? I surmise that it’s only the fear of repercussions from the Wild West that makes Ahmed Bola Tinubu cower with “Perish the thought!” 

Apparently, with his hands full with Zelensky’s Ukraine and fanatical Israeli right-wing extremism,  even greater problems with North Korea coming up,  Genocide Joe’s response to China and Russia taking over Africa is to invite Ruto to the White House for some pepper soup.

N.B. Trump was the leader of the crusade against Barack Obama; that Brother Obama had not been born or made in the USA. If Trump’s proposed policy had been in place back then, Obama senior ( Barack Obama’s Kenyan father) would have qualified for US citizenship and would have become an American if he had so desired. 

A good place to start :  Richest 50 states 2024 // 

Short version, compared with other nations economies  :

Are we aware of the problems of the US and brain drain

The Trump that's now under your scrutiny is the repentant Trump who is probably feeling enormous remorse for ever yapping about ”shithole countries” - enormous remorse, especially now that he needs to appease all the minorities that hail from his formerly “shit-hole countries”. The weakness of his new stance is that  it seems he onltý wants the brightest and what he believes to be “ the best” from Africa, China, India etc , a far cry from Emma Lazarus’ inclusive 

 “Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

 One last little point - some may refer to it as merely pork barrel  but couldn’t Trump’s largesse, that foreign-born grads should be granted automatic American citizenship, generate some resentment in the educationally less privileged Americans or foster the fear ( among “ indigenes”) of  too much competition in the job market? 

 I have it from reliable authority that at some point in the earlier part of the last century and the century before that, there were virulent anti-Semitic objections to Jewish immigration  to Sweden based on the fallacious premise that “Jews don’t like to work with their hands, and much prefer intellectual kinds of work”. The objections of course coming from those who you would believe were afraid that the new immigrants would take some of the jobs that they believe rightly should only be available to ethnic ( blonde, blue-eyed) Swedes…

Lastly, we have been given to understand through Ta-Nehisi Coates, that after Obama , the first Black President, in counter-distinction, Trump Is The first White President - and ostensibly this gesture / green card largesse could have been calculated to offset that image , this century, possibly of The White Man’s Burden in making America Great Again

Jun 23, 2024, 1:19:13 PM (6 days ago) Jun 23
to USA Africa Dialogue Series

About how his offer of automatic American citizenship to foreign-born students who graduate from American colleges, will affect his (Trump’s) “ next shot at the Presidency”, I fear that it's an issue that might crop up in that first debate with Biden on the 27th of this month, and hope that Trump and his coaches would have done their homework on this issue and he will be well prepared to defend his position on this. Emphasis on well prepared, because in my opinion, the conditions of the debate, no live audience etc audience etc favour Biden, since Trump the performer and much more of a showman (compared to Joe Biden) is usually at his best with a live audience. Rumour has it that if - a big if  - if Mister Biden messes up big time at this debate , he will peremptorily decide to withdraw from the presidential race.

A matter of concern in the Trump camp must be that Trump doesn’t lose his cool when ( inevitably) Biden starts taunting him with some snide remarks about  felon, felony, or convicted felon. If he goes overboard with that, the Anglo-Saxon sympathy for the underdog might well ruin Biden’s chances for a second term . 

Demographics: What are the pundits saying about how Trump’s green card spiel will impact the electorate?

On Saturday 22 June 2024 at 22:10:26 UTC+2 Oluwatoyin Adepoju wrote:

John Edward Philips (Yahaya Danjuma)

Jun 23, 2024, 9:09:36 PM (6 days ago) Jun 23
to USAAfrica Dialogue
Maybe someone in the States can explain what constituency Trump is playing to, but I suspect that either he doesn’t understand that non-citizen students can’t vote, or he thinks the Democrats are letting them vote and he wants them to vote for him. 

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