Food sovereignty, food crisis and Nigerian workers on strike

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Augustine Togonu-Bickersteth

Nov 26, 2022, 12:53:16 AM11/26/22

Food sovereignty,Food crisis and nigerian workers on strike by Augustine Togonu-Bickersteth,london,England

               I have heard it stated that Amala  and i guess along with Ewedu, gbegiri, oro,orombo ati igbin,is fast becoming the nigerian national cuisine.even 30 years ago i was surprised to find  Amala  readily served in central Kaduna there in a bukateria! This is great for food sovereignty.

People are beginning to look inward as the planet reorganizes itself

           “.give us jam today we are tired of jam tomorrow” can be referred to 

   as the signature tune of the british worker on strike and even the

 well traveled nigerian worker but some   workers have never tasted jam  and have

 stopped taking eggs but  they are healthier for it  due to  low cholesterol harmful to the  might  even be  spiritually uplifting.

. Many of us nigerians are suffering from overweightedness

And this is the time they would be forced to shed weight which is 

in their own interest health wise. Because food has become more expensive.

American with their food culture and life style have been accused of exporting obesity to different parts of the world and so the sometimes presence in those countries is a disproportionate  number suffering from cancer, diabetes, hypertension and obesity. We do not have enough of the support system.  technology and therapy to address cancer, diabetes,hypertension and obesity. As the USA has. So we need to do things in moderation.

      When you come to think about  Diabetes, cancer, hypertension and obesity.we need to shed weight and this crisis would force many of us to shed weight,:a blessing in disguise/

,to every cloud there is a silver lining

Many are crying about the times converting from maybe

 eating bread to eating yam,cornflakes to garri, ,milk to kunnu or wara  

and the so called quaker oats to Ogi and pizza to Akara or Asasro, and biscuit to gurudi and there also snacks like igbekele,kuli kuli,orin ata,donkwa

But by such conversions nigeria is richer for it,nigeria is stronger 

for it from the point of food sovereignty, there  are less imports

I eat frankfurter from frankfurt  and hamburger from hamburg both in the German nation, how many   Germans eat Akara  ogbomosho or Akara osu,these are questions worth asking with regards to food sovereignty.

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