Today's Quote

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Chidi Anthony Opara, FIIM, CDOA

Apr 11, 2024, 5:04:35 AMApr 11
"Historical facts" would be mere opinions if all perspectives are not thoroughly examined with open minds, if some perspectives are treated with disdain by the recorders of history.

-Chidi Anthony Opara (CAO).

Chidi Anthony Opara is a Poet, Institute Of Information Management Africa Professional Fellow, MIT Chief Data Officer Ambassador, Editorial Adviser At News Updates.

More about him here:

Apr 12, 2024, 7:26:50 AMApr 12
to USA Africa Dialogue Series

Chidi who I take seriously

Chidi Opara rides again 👍

Waffle waffle

Babble babble

Tower of Babel


Which Kin Yawa Be Dis?

The other day you alerted us to the fact that it was International Writers Day

So, if you haven’t already done so, please check this out and shmell the coffee:

Israeli forces raided a funeral tent for Palestinian novelist and activist Walid Daqqa who died from cancer while in Israeli custody. Daqqa had served 38 years in Israeli prisons.

Sometimes, you make me feel 

that I’m at the wrong place

in cyberspace and at the wrong time.

Sometimes, history can be unkind.

Sometimes, I feel like motherless child

a long way from home. 

And to that extent Chidi, you have succeeded. 

A poet succeeds when he or she makes me feel

“Historical facts" would be mere opinions if all perspectives are not thoroughly examined with open minds, if some perspectives are treated with disdain by the recorders of history.” (According to C.A. Opara)

You sef ! 

That’s a very tall order, especially for historians who of course do not and cannot have access to all the “facts”. I had a glimmering of some wider dimensions to the problem, when as a lad I poured over J. Dover Wilson's 

Life in Shakespeare’s England . Could also do better with some histories of Nigeria as background to understanding  - in alphabetical order, Nigeria’s greatest Achebe and Soyinka…

And who, pray,  are the “recorders of history” if not them and those who take the pulse of the nation? Consider : The Sierra Leone First Lady

 “Historical facts" ? You mean like your great grand dada Adam - and the creation of his wife, Eve ? Fast forward, their deportation from Paradise, Cain and Abel, other key events such as Old man Noah, Sheikh Abraham (from Iraq - he crossed the Euphrates River and became someone else) the ten plagues , I thought about them last night when I read your post that “The ball is in Hamas' court': US urges militants to accept latest cease-fire plan” - half expecting your uncle Netanyahu to proclaim “ in the ancestral name of Abraham , Isaac and Jacob” or in the name of Uncle Sam and his uncle tom to threaten his neighbours with one hundred plagues, more bombs, famine, starvation and total extermination if they do not unconditionally accept a ceasefire. But then again, the cold-blooded murder of Ismail Haniyeh’s three sons and four grandchildren - discussed here in Democracy Now -  is a sure indication that Netanyahu  - as he has said repeatedly, is not interested in a prolonged cease fire, peace fire or peace pipe which would mean the end of his honeymoon with the corruption charges waiting on his plate and for the time being on the backburner until the conflict with Gaza is over , would receive immediate attention from the Justice Department.  So, he doesn’t want the conflict to be over in his lifetime because then he would have to face the music at home( the corruption charges) and at the Hague  -like Hitler - charged with being the leader of the Genocide in Gaza and other crimes against humanity. I surmise that it would be even more dangerous for him personally, should the IDF unintentionally (friendly fire) wipe out the hostages in one of their raids, but no worries , Mr. Netanyahu knows that for that sort of thing - the opposite of pikuach nefesh he would never be forgiven by those most directly affected. 

Historical facts".  That was a gargantuan open playing field, after the criminal offence known as Holocaust Denial, embracing - in alphabetical order starting with -with you in mind, starting with Biafra, establishing the Gradgrindian facts facts -concerning which I did ask you this mild question which you have side- stepped so far : “Dear Chidi, honest questions deserve honest answers:  In your view which day was worse :What happened in Nigeria on the 15th of January 1966 or what happened in Israel on the 7th of October ,2023?”

You too must recall the marathon back and forth (not hit and run) discussions /debates/ war of words between some of the revisionist positions of Obi Nwakanma (I almost wrote Obi-Wan Kenobi - a more fake and fictional character) between him and our Baba Kadiri about a whole range of Biafra and post-Biafra issues, of which the last bone of contention was whether or not Biafra surrendered. That subject matter eminently qualified for some of the requisite predispositions that you mention, namely, probably quoting Fela about “an open mind”  where light can penetrate  - these his words probably lurking in the vast subterranean cellars of your mind: “You Africans, please listen to me as Africans And you non-Africans, listen to me with open mind

You and your profoundly-terse-controversial-telegram-witticisms, cunningly & innocuously couched under “Today’s Quote“ all of them aimed at provoking discussion, dissension, disagreement, contention, opposition, or humble acquiescence. I understand that you must sometimes be happy with yourself, for example feeling good about your today’s quote, whether it’s pedestrian, self-evident garbage or not, although Jesus has told you that  “only God is good” and only God is a good poet, not the wannabe poet laureate of the Owerri Motor Park who wants to bag the noble Nobel Prize for peace & poetry, and for his other contributions to humanity and the humanities. Yes indeed Chidi, only God is good and certainly not that scoundrel, the current prime minister of his little Zionist Estate / stolen mandate, or his main enabler, who, just like Robert Mugabe( but without the Hitler moustache), doesn't want to retire, and I’m referring to the unpopular, over-ambitious octogenarian known Genocide Joe  who wants to get himself re-elected. So on the one hand, probably acting on some sound advice from his former boss, President Barack Obama, he would like to rein in what Ojukwu’s man Forsyth referred to as “The Dogs of War “,  the same category as your unadulterated, adulterous chimpanzees, but is afraid to do so,  because he’s afraid of antagonising AIPAC and The Israel Lobby in what they ( AIPAC and the Israel Lobby) are saying is Israel’s hour of need ( more weapons and ammunition, to do what? ) and without whose support Sleepy Joe’s chances are damned and doomed, this election season. 

But you’re not really concerned about such faraway plays such as J and K - Jerusalem and Kyiv -  physically and geographically but perhaps not politically or spiritually, since they are so far away from your Owerri Motor Park - whereas we in Sweden have been told that we 

must mentally prepare for war 

which is about to start knock, knocking

on our door

not the knock, knock, knock of the Porter scene 

and not the Knockin’ on Heaven’s  Door 

 Keep It up with the Today’s Quote, God willing, all of them will soon be published  on paper or in cyberspace as the collected sayings of Sir Anthony Chidi Opara FIIM, CDOA, useful idiot, strong pro-Israel sympathiser and Honorary Knight Commander of Sayeret Matkal - belonging to which you surely can’t and won’t be tarred and feathered as shuffering from a chronic disease known as antisemitism - not good for one pursuing a poetic career, but after the publication of your collected sayings soon enough your Academia Mentions will increase exponentially, will increase a thousand fold…

Also available in English :

Airmail: The Letters of Robert Bly and Tomas Transtromer

Chidi Anthony Opara, FIIM, CDOA

Apr 12, 2024, 1:11:09 PMApr 12
Mazi Cornelius,

Recorders of history can have all the facts. Having all the facts here is however contextual, that is, all the facts within the context of the particular matter being discussed and/or recorded.


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Apr 12, 2024, 6:22:55 PMApr 12
to USA Africa Dialogue Series
Chidi :


For example,  Chidi Anthony Opara : Poetry Evolution In Nigeria

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Chidi Anthony Opara, FIIM, CDOA

Apr 13, 2024, 7:46:51 AMApr 13
Mazi Cornelius,

(1)Chidi Anthony Opara is not a certified recorder of history (historian).

(2)"Poetry Evolution In Nigeria" is a perspective, a(factual)material for use by the recorders of history(historians).


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Chidi Anthony Opara is a Poet, Institute Of Information Management Africa Professional Fellow, MIT Chief Data Officer Ambassador, Editorial Adviser At News Updates.

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Apr 13, 2024, 1:50:57 PMApr 13
to USA Africa Dialogue Series


 Chai !


     Voodoo Child !

Sorry to both agree and disagree with you. As far as I’m concerned you are also a recorder of history, and to me, an important one at that. All your perspectives, including your poetry, your witness testimonies, your epiphanies, your quotes for today, your complaints, your running commentaries are all part of the sum total, a part of our history, so that I too can sing that Satchmo  song, “They Can't Take That Away from Me” 

One of my favourite history books ( if you want to call it that) is Under Western Eyes  - India from Milton to Macaulay by Balachandra Rajan.  It's immeasurably good reading, in delightful English…

 Yesterday, I met an old friend from Eritrea, a devout Roman Catholic (perhaps, naturally so, since he’s the son of an Italian father) and believe it or not, he reminded me of you and a few Jews  who I meet occasionally, and before I can even greet “ Shalom!”, they are already throwing up their hands, getting emotional and telling me, ”The Arabs want to wipe us out “.

These days, I suppose that the blanket term “ The Arabs” also includes the Persians / Iranians, the Turks, the Hausa, the Fulani, the Somali,  and some ,if not all of the Muslims South of the Sahara, and of course all the sincere members of The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation - in contrast with you and my Eritrean friend, Obi’s daddy Bishop David Oyedepo and his disciples,  all of whom I’m sure have  the motto, “ For Israel Always “ 

- to protect you and defend you, whether you are right or wrong).

 The Eritrean Catholic politely enquired, “ How are you ?” I told him “GAZA !” and the conversation that followed was amazing. 

Tearfully, when I reminded him of the death toll in Gaza, what did he say? Did he even shed any crocodile tears? No. He scoffed at the 33, 686 slaughtered, that these were “Hamas figures”. 

In the same breath I half-expected him to tell me that the 6,000,000, was also a fantasy figure that was not according to Adolf Hitler or to break down in tears about that Ahmed Deedat joke ( in one of those interminable Christianity vs Islam debates which Dee-dat  - DD - Doctor of Divinity always won - his Christian interlocutor had asked him, 

Where was ALLAH  when Hussein the grandson of his Prophet MUhammad  was being slaughtered at Karbala? What do you have to say about that?” - 

a variation on the theme, “ Where was God during the Holocaust?”

Deedat's response to the missionary was simple: When ALLAH heard the news, ALLAH cried. ALLAH said, “ I could not save My Only Begotten Son from being nailed on the cross, and you’re asking me about my Prophet Muhammad’s grandson being martyred at Karbala?”

After  rejecting the death toll  in Gaza, as “ Hamas figures”, he  then more or less repeated your Chidi  position, word for word: “Listening to and reading your Al Jazeera, one gets the erroneous impression that Israel just got up one day and started shooting and bombing the Palestinians.

What are you saying ? I asked him

And then like his master’s voice - not Jesus or Pope Francis, but  his Master Benjamin Netanyahu, about the likes of whom Jesus spoke, when he said - and hopefully Jesus wasn't being “anti-Semitic” when he said (John 8:44

“You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”

 The Eritrean Roman catholic goy then started regurgitating Israeli war self-justification and propganda, polluting the atmosphere with a long tirade about Hamas’ “mass rape” of various holy Israeli virgins and Jewish princesses Hamas’ “mass slaughter and decapitation of Israeli babies”  - all of which propaganda that has been most credibly debunked.

Of the 613 Commandments, I should have brought 37 - 42  to his attention 👍

37. Not to love the missionary—Deuteronomy 13:9

38. Not to cease hating the missionary—Deuteronomy 13:9

39. Not to save the missionary—Deuteronomy 13:9

40. Not to say anything in his defense—Deuteronomy 13:9

41. Not to refrain from incriminating him—Deuteronomy 13:9

42. Not to prophesize in the name of idolatry—Deuteronomy 18:20

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Chidi Anthony Opara is a Poet, Institute Of Information Management Africa Professional Fellow, MIT Chief Data Officer Ambassador, Editorial Adviser At News Updates.

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Chidi Anthony Opara, FIIM, CDOA

Apr 19, 2024, 7:10:03 PMApr 19
The powers of information are awesome when properly managed.

-Chidi Anthony Opara(CAO)

Chidi Anthony Opara is a Poet, Institute Of Information Management Professional Fellow, MIT Chief Data Officer Ambassador and Independent Information Management Practitioner.

Chidi Anthony Opara, FIIM, CDOA

Apr 19, 2024, 7:10:03 PMApr 19

Apr 21, 2024, 12:53:07 PMApr 21
to USA Africa Dialogue Series

Chidi Anthony Opara, FIIM, CDOA

Apr 22, 2024, 6:43:45 PMApr 22
"Debates by the other party about how many missiles were fired, how many of them hit the target and how many didn’t, these are of secondary importance. The main issue is the emergence of the Iranian nation and Iranian military’s will in an important international arena, this is what matters.”-Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran's Supreme Leader in remarks aired by state television.

Apr 23, 2024, 4:29:33 PMApr 23
to USA Africa Dialogue Series

Chidi Anthony Opara, FIIM, CDOA

Apr 24, 2024, 10:07:29 PMApr 24
"Islamophobia" is a construct designed to silence critics of Islamic fundamentalism.

-Chidi Anthony Opara (CAO)

Oluwatoyin Adepoju

Apr 25, 2024, 2:44:59 AMApr 25
to usaafricadialogue
Genuine Islamophobia and anti-Semitism do exist but those terms are also used to silence genuine criticism 

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Apr 26, 2024, 3:19:35 AMApr 26
to USA Africa Dialogue Series

Just a thought, yesterday, today, 

tomorrow strutting down the street 

like a peacock, the poetic concept 

“I.Go.Before.Others” like Ben Zion 

raises this kind of question 

for Pa Opara; staring at you in the face 

it won’t back down its gaze, like Gaza

won’t retreat or surrender, like

the conquest of the MidWest :


Mother Idoto

the still quiet voice is asking 

in the darkness among the waters

what kind of funda-mental-ism

is it designed to silence ?

Apr 26, 2024, 8:35:59 PMApr 26
to USA Africa Dialogue Series
Not only Islamic " fun-da-mental-ism" : 

On Thursday 25 April 2024 at 04:07:29 UTC+2 Chidi Anthony Opara, FIIM, CDOA wrote:

Chidi Anthony Opara, FIIM, CDOA

Apr 30, 2024, 4:32:47 AMApr 30
“It is disgraceful that the International Criminal Court (ICC) is reportedly planning to issue baseless and illegitimate arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and other senior Israeli officials,” -Mike Johnson(Speaker of the US House of Representatives)

Oluwatoyin Adepoju

Apr 30, 2024, 5:29:54 AMApr 30
The PM and his govt are war criminals

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Chidi Anthony Opara, FIIM, CDOA

Apr 30, 2024, 1:10:03 PMApr 30

We should always just offer our own viewpoints in discussions, no need for pronouncements, no need being presumptuous.

What are war crimes? 

What is the process of determining who is or who isn't a war criminal? 

Who determines who is a war criminal?

What about countries that are not signatories to the International Criminal Court(ICC) protocol?

Shouldn't you have considered all the above before pronouncing "the PM and his govt" as "war criminals"?

-Chidi Anthony Opara (CAO)

On Tuesday 30 April 2024, Oluwatoyin Adepoju <> wrote:
The PM and his govt are war criminals
On Tue, 30 Apr 2024 at 09:32, Chidi Anthony Opara, FIIM, CDOA <> wrote:
“It is disgraceful that the International Criminal Court (ICC) is reportedly planning to issue baseless and illegitimate arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and other senior Israeli officials,” -Mike Johnson(Speaker of the US House of Representatives)

Chidi Anthony Opara is a Poet, Institute Of Information Management Professional Fellow, MIT Chief Data Officer Ambassador and Independent Information Management Practitioner.

More about him here:

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Oluwatoyin Adepoju

Apr 30, 2024, 1:11:50 PMApr 30
The PM and his cabinet are war criminals bcs they are committing genocide

On Tue, 30 Apr 2024 at 18:10, Chidi Anthony Opara, FIIM, CDOA <> wrote:

We should always just offer our own viewpoints in discussions, no need for pronouncements, no need being presumptuous.

What are war crimes? 

What is the process of determining who is or who isn't a war criminal? 

Who determines who is a war criminal?

What about countries that are not signatories to the International Criminal Court(ICC) protocol?

Shouldn't you have considered all the above before pronouncing "the PM and his govt" as "war criminals"?

-Chidi Anthony Opara (CAO)

On Tuesday 30 April 2024, Oluwatoyin Adepoju <> wrote:
The PM and his govt are war criminals
On Tue, 30 Apr 2024 at 09:32, Chidi Anthony Opara, FIIM, CDOA <> wrote:
“It is disgraceful that the International Criminal Court (ICC) is reportedly planning to issue baseless and illegitimate arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and other senior Israeli officials,” -Mike Johnson(Speaker of the US House of Representatives)

Chidi Anthony Opara is a Poet, Institute Of Information Management Professional Fellow, MIT Chief Data Officer Ambassador and Independent Information Management Practitioner.

More about him here:

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Chidi Anthony Opara is a Poet, Institute Of Information Management Professional Fellow, MIT Chief Data Officer Ambassador and Independent Information Management Practitioner.

More about him here:

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Chidi Anthony Opara, FIIM, CDOA

Apr 30, 2024, 2:28:42 PMApr 30


You are still making pronouncement(which you are not supposed to, statutorily and/or otherwise), you are still being presumptuous (for reasons I cannot yet fathom out).

You can however continue, let us see how far you can go.


On Tuesday 30 April 2024, Oluwatoyin Adepoju <> wrote:
The PM and his cabinet are war criminals bcs they are committing genocide

On Tue, 30 Apr 2024 at 18:10, Chidi Anthony Opara, FIIM, CDOA <> wrote:

We should always just offer our own viewpoints in discussions, no need for pronouncements, no need being presumptuous.

What are war crimes? 

What is the process of determining who is or who isn't a war criminal? 

Who determines who is a war criminal?

What about countries that are not signatories to the International Criminal Court(ICC) protocol?

Shouldn't you have considered all the above before pronouncing "the PM and his govt" as "war criminals"?

-Chidi Anthony Opara (CAO)

On Tuesday 30 April 2024, Oluwatoyin Adepoju <> wrote:
The PM and his govt are war criminals
On Tue, 30 Apr 2024 at 09:32, Chidi Anthony Opara, FIIM, CDOA <> wrote:
“It is disgraceful that the International Criminal Court (ICC) is reportedly planning to issue baseless and illegitimate arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and other senior Israeli officials,” -Mike Johnson(Speaker of the US House of Representatives)

Chidi Anthony Opara is a Poet, Institute Of Information Management Professional Fellow, MIT Chief Data Officer Ambassador and Independent Information Management Practitioner.

More about him here:

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Chidi Anthony Opara is a Poet, Institute Of Information Management Professional Fellow, MIT Chief Data Officer Ambassador and Independent Information Management Practitioner.

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Oluwatoyin Adepoju

May 1, 2024, 9:48:33 AMMay 1
yet you are likely to argue that fed govt committed war crimes in biafra during the nigerian civil war but defining the greater devastation of human lives and livelihood in gaza requires much hair splitting as far as you are concerened.

im not saying we should not justify our views.

im just observing what i think is likely to be an irony in this instance

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