Very soon the race will be on as to who shall replace Biden. Antony Blinken?

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Cornelius Hamelberg

Jul 1, 2024, 6:01:09 PM (2 days ago) Jul 1

Trump or Blinken – That is the Question  

JUL 01, 2024

Last night’s (June 27, 2024) debate between President Joe Biden and Presidential contender, Donald Trump, was according to most media-outlets a ridiculous disaster. President Biden appeared to be totally lost and maybe only partially aware on where he was and what he was doing. It left the Dems in panic mode. At least those who have no clue, who have been kept in the dark by their own party.

They have been told, “We are gonna win in November, and Joe Biden is our candidate”. His popularity has been faked by statistics, so the less-informed would go along supporting somebody who had lost the capacity of thinking straight. And that for the Presidency of the United States – the Hegemon-in-Chief.

The ”thinkers” of the Dems Party have probably prepared a plot – a secret plan – worked out for years already, to have a chance to beat Donald Trump, in preventing a hypothetical case, where electronic cheating of the vote-counting doesn’t fully work for them.

It is well possible that the Dems will pull a last-minute wild card, just before or during the Democratic National Convention (DNC) – 19-22 August 2024, in Chicago – and propose an alternative candidate to Joe Biden, one well versed in international and national affairs, internationally quite popular, especially with Israel’s Chief-Zionist, Netanyahu – for example, current Secretary of State, Antony Blinken.

Secretary Blinken would have a fair chance to come close to beat Donald Trump, possibly close enough so that the missing “percentages” could be easily manufactured in favor of Blinken. He is a Globalist, Jew, and Zionist – and trusted ally of Zionist-Israel, the country that really runs the United States.

It is widely believed that (other than Israel), Blinken is really running the White House, and former President Obama may also be there in a prominent advisory role.

Some people have mentioned Michèle Obama as a last-minute shoe-in at the DNC. Frankly, that appears less likely, as she may be popular mostly with women, but overall stands a lesser chance, because of her lack of on-the-ground experience.
Stepping back a few years, let us look at the real count of the 2020 elections, when Donald Trump was the real winner by a landslide, some people talk about at least two thirds of all the votes. Some may also remember, the “blackout” for several hours, when there was no vote-counting reporting – in the night from Tuesday, November 3 to Wednesday, November 4, 2020.

That is when the fraud happened – in one way or another (with lost mail-in votes and highly sophisticated electronic voting-boot manipulations; but this is yet another story) – and in the morning the results were suddenly turned around. From an ever-increasing lead of Donald Trump in the evening of November 3, to his sudden defeat by Joe Biden, with an Electoral Vote count of 306 to 232; and a 4-point margin in favor of Biden in the popular vote in the morning of November 4. See this .

In fact, in “real terms” and by Real Law, as opposed to the Globalists “rules-based order”, Donald Trump is still President and Commander-in-Chief of the United States of America.

However, under no circumstances could the Globalist elite – aka, the US Democrats – let a non-Globalist President run the Empire. By the way, these same rules apply to Europe. A large proportion of so-called socialists and “greens” have sold their soul to the devil, or you may call it, the Globalists, those being directed by the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Klaus Schwab and the dark forces behind the WEF’s Great Reset, as well as the WEF-allied United Nations (UN) with its Agenda 2030, and its illustrious 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) – which in reality hide the true agenda of destroying humanity as we know it.

No way could these “nameless” elites tolerate a non-Globalist in the White House, or God forbid at the head of the European Union. Leaders who think nationalist, like Donald Trump – MAGA (Make America Great Again) or Hungary’s PM, Victor Orban, MEGA (Make Europe Great Again, meaning each one of the European countries), are a no-go.

So, the fight will be fierce from now to November 6, 2024 – Presidential Elections, lies and manipulations of the dark forces, no holds barred. In Europe, the neoliberal, corrupt Ursula von der Leyen, has just been reappointed for another 5 years – though the European Parliament still must rubberstamp her appointment. That may happen early next week.


A seemingly unrelated matter – but since everything is connected – the relation is there as we see – could change the entire monstruous game-plan.

Depending on Russia’s reaction to the recent NATO coordinated and guided missile attack by a US-made ATACMS multiple cluster bomb on a Sebastopol beach, killing 5, and possibly injuring as many as 150 people – the world’s macro-balance may change, on relative short-notice.

Rusia’s Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, has warned Washington, as well as the US Ambassador to Moscow, that the responsibility of this “deliberate missile strike against the civilian population of Sebastopol, lies primarily with Washington, which supplies this weapon to Ukraine, as well as with the Kiev Regime, from whose territory this strike was launched. Such actions will not go unanswered” (see picture).

Mr. Putin’s patience has been running thin already for a while. It is possible that this provoking attack has crossed the red line for good.

What Russia’s reaction may be, is at this point anybody’s guess. But nuclear is not excluded. It could be a tactical nuclear attack on several key European / NATO adversary “provocateurs”, London, Paris, Frankfurt, and even Washington and New York – all simultaneously. “Tactical”- to avoid civilian casualies to the extent possible, yet, to knock out vital infrastructure and financial centers, where much of the western funding for the Ukraine war is coming from.

This is, of course sheer speculation. However, if such retribution – or similar – should be Russia’s reaction, the world’s power balance as we know it, may forever change.

Let us hope a nuclear attack will not happen. But if it does, it would certainly be the West’s responsibility.

Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and  co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020)

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).
He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

Jul 2, 2024, 7:47:27 AM (23 hours ago) Jul 2
to USA Africa Dialogue Series

Information Clearing House 

This is verily as much the season of conspiracy theories, the season of farewell, as it is hurricane season (“Mystery, sorcery, and guile used to be what made me the lonely one but now I'll be the only one to plea”) and it seems that the first to go (unfortunately) will be a man of colour by the name of Rishi Sunak perhaps for the very same reasons once proposed by Wofa Akwassi in his forecast except that this time the man of colour’s departure is forecast to be precipitated by the UK General Elections slated to be held on the 4th of July, USA’s Independence Anniversary   

If we’re not careful - with the anti-immigration wind of change or is it an xenophobic, anti-immigration hurricane blowing over Europe, next slated for a sudden departure is Macron. It looks like he’s already in the process of losing some of the territories of the French Empire in West Africa, namely, Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, Senegal, perhaps Ivory Coast, Benin and Paul Biya’s Cameroon to follow and that's partly the reason why his sweetheart Marine Le Pen is standing first in line of succession to the throne on which it is written Liberté, égalité, fraternité. 

Let us pray that she does not send him to the guillotine. 

The cries for change ( once Obama’s watchword) are now blowing in the wind - strongly - as is the whiff of conspiracy we find here in “The Plot Thickens” that the Democrat Party wants to get rid of their patron saint and patriarch Joe Biden  - maybe in pretty much the same way that according to Freud - God forbid,  the children of Israel got rid of Moses - without the bowels of the earth opening up and swallowing them as was the case when Korach reared his ugly head. But Biden hardly merits being compared to Moses, as we’re told, “Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he died; his eyes were undimmed and his vigour unabated.” 

To his credit, the holier-than-thou Joe Biden after months of coaching and weeks of preparation for the great debate which he himself demanded with all the conditions he wanted  - no live audience, muted microphones etc ( and which Trump accepted) he must still be thanking his lucky stars that he remembered and did not forget to say to Trump, to his face that he (Trump) has “the morals of an alley cat” and that he didn’t stutter or mumble those words. But is it merely a case of a Genocide Joe  who at his age just as your average African president does not want to retire / go to pasture (because “power sweet”)  and to his credit too, the alley cat did not compare Genocide Joe to Hitler.

How do the elections in the UK, France, USA, affect Africa? 

Here’s a more nuanced view of Trump on the International stage vs what a second term of Biden apparently entering the last of the seven ages of man would like: 

The prestigious, semi-official Foreign Affairs Magazine features Trump the Realist - The Former President Understands the Limits of American Power

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