Gold Rush Expeditions January Run

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Corey Shuman

Jan 5, 2006, 5:51:10 PM1/5/06
to Utah Ghost Town and Mine Preservation Group
Okay.. its set in stone.. Heading out to the Dugway Range on January
21st of this month. Particularly to the northern end. There is a good
bit of mining history out there..and some fun off roading. There should
be little if any snow if this weather holds, so no repeats of the
Sheeprock chaos. I'm looking to roll out of Draper around 8:00am, most
likely meet out at the crossroads again.. and head for the hills. This
will be an all day trip as its a few hours to get out there. Bring
cameras, Lunch, and a metal detector if you have one... also rope is
always welcome for those who want to explore!!!
Hope to see you out there. Please RSVP here if you can make it.

Thanks for the space!!
Corey T. Shuman


Jan 10, 2006, 11:01:39 PM1/10/06
Hello Corey,

Do you have time this Saturday to get together and talk about our common
mining goal?
I can meet you in the city any place you like, just let me know where and
what time.

As of now I would say I could make the Dugway District trip if the weather
holds out. I have the
USGS Professional Paper which goes into detail on the mines as well I have a
photo history of the slow decay of the Four Metal Mine since about 1963.

Kelly's Hole has always been one of my very favorite places to go and the
view from where I usually camp is one of the most beautiful in the whole
Bonneville basin.

I was there in early June as part of a trip which included Dutch Mt., Gold
Hill, Fish Springs and the Dugway district Because of the Cannon family flap
with the Army and the posibility of the test range expanding into the Dugway
range, I felt it important to end the trip there to see what might be going
on in this respect.

One of the Cannon propertys on the far North end of the 'Hole' was occupied
with a trailer and the mine area fenced off and looked as if it were being
worked again. So I don't know right now just what the story is out there
other than it concerns me as to its future.

Anyway let me know if you can make it this weekend.


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Corey Shuman

Jan 11, 2006, 10:38:43 AM1/11/06
to Utah Ghost Town and Mine Preservation Group
Im going to head out to the Newfoundland range on Saturday for a day
trip. Im planning on rolling out pretty early and getting home a bit
late but I could meet you someplace on the way in or on the way back
out. Is there a decent place there by the I-80 turn off? (by the T&A,
Chevron etc..) LMK if morning or evening would be better. Morning would
be around 8:30 AM, evening would probably end up being around 7:00pm.
BTW... for some reason it didnt post here yet, but we bumped the Dugway
trip out to Feb. 4th and 5th. We figured there is enough out there to
warrant a camp out.
I'll shoot you a personal email as well to nail out the details.(and
make sure that the dates get updated over here!!)

Corey Shuman

Jan 11, 2006, 10:47:11 AM1/11/06
to Utah Ghost Town and Mine Preservation Group
Bumping this journey out to Feb 4-5, with a camp out on Saturday night.

Reason being that Sundance Film festival is running fron the 19th-end
of Jan. We are already into a bunch of tickets and we want to get the
trucks up there on MainStreet!!!
Hope this doesnt cause too much difficulty for anyone!!


Jan 11, 2006, 7:00:22 PM1/11/06

I should be able to make a 1 day trip to Dugway on the 4th.

If you are going to the Newfoundland's Saturday we better hook up another
weekend. I know myself when I get out time easily gets away and there is no
reason for you to be pushed.

What part of NF are you going to, I know the range very well and have some
interesting history I could print off for you when I get back home. We had
quite a group of silver claims out there before the BLM forced us to give
them up. The mountain is very fascinating to visit, there are alot of things
to see.


>From: "Corey Shuman" <>
>To: "Utah Ghost Town and Mine Preservation Group" <>

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Corey Shuman

Jan 12, 2006, 9:11:58 AM1/12/06
to Utah Ghost Town and Mine Preservation Group
I think we are going to play on the east side again, I would like to do
the west side again but it requires a bit more time. I'd be interested
in any history you have of that area as its kind of a hidden treasure,
far enough out that no one has destroyed too much and the rock and lode
formations are amazing. Talk to you soon!!!


Jan 12, 2006, 5:13:12 PM1/12/06

If you haven't been there yet, the tungsten mine in Dell's Cny. on the east
side is very worth while to see.
It has a 2 piece aerial tramway and the mine is near the ridge and quite a
climb. There should still be a shack up there, the tramway winch, ore car,
air tugger and maybe some other tools, its been awhile since I was up there.
The mine is mostly open cut with a large open stope just inside. There are
some nice Sheelite samples to get in there. Sun Uranium was written inside
the shack on the back wall and should still be visable.
The mine was promoted and built by Sun Uranium in the 1950's as well as a
leaching operation at the copper mine on the north end of the mt. Tom Costas
owned Sun and I met him several times at his office in the old SLC Stock Ex.
During the 70's when we were busy out there, Dale Rigby of Ogden and his
family owned and operated the mine. At the same time the Hewett bros. were
operating a placer operation down the cny. a bit and were usuing a shot jig
for recovery. They always said it was tungsten they were after but I know
for a fact there was gold too from a sample I pulled from the jig one time.
There is some other interesting history in this little canyon that I will
print off for you.
Have a good time out there but beware of large puddles on the lower road
this time of the year,
they can suck you down half way up the doors in a heartbeat.


>From: "Corey Shuman" <>
>To: "Utah Ghost Town and Mine Preservation Group" <>
>Subject: (UGTMPG) Re: Gold Rush Expeditions January Run


Corey Shuman

Jan 13, 2006, 9:38:57 AM1/13/06


I have been to the Dells Canyon site, but never all the way to the top. Im hoping to get up there this weekend. Ive ususally been too busy playing in all the other cables and tram houses on the way up. I also wandered quite a way into the copper mine at the north end. The amount of copper that is still in that mine is amazing. I will most likely hit that for a few as well. Question for you, on the west side, on the south rim of the Miners basin, there are 2 huge adit portals. Are you familiar with these?? Ideas of what was mined out of them, how deep they are etc...

Last time we were up there the road out to them was kind of nasty so we didnt take it, but I might try it this time as I have a few more inches under me and some good tires. :)

Talk to you soon!!


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Jan 13, 2006, 10:06:23 PM1/13/06

I'm just back from a super ski day at Alta and sorry I didn't look at your
mail this morning before I left.

The mines on the south rim were reported to be silver mines and there are a
fair amount of workings for their size. Some of the veins were followed up
to the grass roots on the out cropings.
It is hard to say how much value came out of them or if it was just alot of
speculation involved. We never really seen what we thought to be very much
production against what would be exploration but following the veins as the
lads did must have produced some ore by what the records indicate.

We spent many a trip trying to verify both on foot and horseback where the
mining camp of "Boston Terrace" was only to conclude it was on the east side
of the pass where there are a number of what I call 'stone ruins' typical of
how the miners lived in the Bonniville basin.

We need to get together with enough time that I can share with you all of
the things I have learned and seen in the Newfoundland's. It has always
been my "Crown Jewell" of places to go and we have guarded any knowledge of
the range to keep those who would rip it up for the fun of it away.

Good luck on your trip, I wish I was going with you but one day has never
been enough for me out there. It is one place you can loose yourself in for
days and hate to come back.


>From: "Corey Shuman" <>
>To: <>, <>
>Subject: (UGTMPG) Re: Gold Rush Expeditions January Run
>Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 07:38:57 -0700
>I have been to the Dells Canyon site, but never all the way to the top. Im
>hoping to get up there this weekend. Ive ususally been too busy playing in
>all the other cables and tram houses on the way up. I also wandered quite a
>way into the copper mine at the north end. The amount of copper that is
>still in that mine is amazing. I will most likely hit that for a few as
>well. Question for you, on the west side, on the south rim of the Miners
>basin, there are 2 huge adit portals. Are you familiar with these?? Ideas
>of what was mined out of them, how deep they are etc...
>Last time we were up there the road out to them was kind of nasty so we
>didnt take it, but I might try it this time as I have a few more inches
>under me and some good tires. :)
>Talk to you soon!!

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