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Corey Shuman

Dec 19, 2005, 11:55:12 AM12/19/05
to Utah Ghost Town and Mine Preservation Group
Ive noticed quite a few people signing up for the group in the last few
weeks, since only a few of us have all been together in the same room
at the same time, lets introduce ourselves. Please include the
1. Who you are.
2. Why you signed up.
3. What you hope to gain from joining the group.
4. What you have to offer the group.
and anything else you would like to add is also welcomed.

This year should bring a lot of exciting developments as GRE becomes a
Non-profit org. We need all the volunteer help we can get in a variety
of area so if you can help out, please let me know!! We have lots of
trips planned, and the announcement of the 2nd annual Spring Safari is
I'll look forward to hearing from you all.

Corey Shuman

Dec 21, 2005, 11:22:29 PM12/21/05
to Utah Ghost Town and Mine Preservation Group
Hello Corey,

I noticed a small article in the Tooele Transcript of your club and I
support any group that can help preserve our mining history.
I don't have time until after the holidays to give you all my
information other then I work in hard rock mining and I have been
addicted to it since I was a kid. Most of the areas you have on your
site have been my favorites since the early 60's and my photo
collection is over 50 years old of some of our mining treasures.
I will be in touch in a few days.

Ed Gosling
Grantsville Ut.

Lawyer Russ

Jan 12, 2006, 3:10:02 PM1/12/06
to Utah Ghost Town and Mine Preservation Group
Hi everyone...
1. I am Russ Hartill, a transplanted mining enthusiast from Southern
California who moved to Utah in 2000. I am an solo attorney hanging my
shingle in Sandy, Utah, My website is at
2. I signed up to meet similarly minded people with a love and
appreciation for our mining heritage.
3. I hope to share knowledge, experiences, and insights.
4. I have experience setting up non profit organizations, I am a
co-author of Desert Fever, a 200 year history of mining in the CA
desert. Currently at work on a similar book for UTAH mining history.
I once applied for a position with the Utah Abandoned Mine Reclamation
Program, and as a result of that experience, feel a need for a watchdog
group to monitor them. See for example:


Jan 17, 2006, 4:20:03 PM1/17/06
to Utah Ghost Town and Mine Preservation Group
My name is Wayne Hartwig. I'm married, have a 3 month old son and live
in Pleasant Grove.

What I'd like to get from the group is the reason why I signed up.
Basically put, I would like to learn more about Utah history. Be it
mines, ghost towns, etc.

What I have to offer is friendship. I also own, so I
can offer inexpensive aftermarket parts and accessories.

I look forward to our first outing together!!

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