Visualization of UGRID data

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Stefan Vater

Mar 13, 2013, 11:12:54 AM3/13/13
Dear all,

as I wrote in a previous email, we are evaluating the UGRID
format for using it for our simulation results. I am still
looking for visualization tools.

I have tried the matlab toolbox nctoolbox
( Unfortunately the test
data seems not any more available, e.g.

If anyone could point me to where I can find this data now, or other data
and scripts which I could use to test the matlab functionality,
I would be very happy.

Furthermore, I am considering to write a Paraview importer for UGRID. If
anyone is interested in that or knows about similar efforts, please let me

Regards, Stefan

Alexander Crosby

Mar 13, 2013, 11:29:49 AM3/13/13
Hi Stefan,

I am a developer for nctoolbox and a participant in the modeling testbed from where that test data originates. We are in the process of moving the data to a better server with new OpenDAP endpoints, and unfortunately we are right in the middle of the unstructured grid inundation models.

You may be able to access some of the ugrid dap endpoints from the new catalog (, but I know that Adcirc is, for the most part, down at the moment.


Eli Ateljevich

Mar 13, 2013, 11:53:15 AM3/13/13
Hi all,
Our group (California DWR) has been working on a VisIT viewer for SELFE output in 3D (layers x 2D) UGRID format. Actually, we completed it as far as own needs, but we no doubt hard-wired a few thing in the process and we are interested in any simple generalizations that might be to make this useful to others who perhaps have subtle differences in CF names and/or data centerings. It seems that, among other things, we could learn a lot from another group's interpretation of the UGRID standard for SELFE. Are all the model outputs listed in these links in UGRID? 

Visualization isn't the only gap in the downstream toolset. For instance, having built a VisIT plugin for UGRID, we immediately found ourselves turning around and building a VisIT plugin for SELFE native format. This wasn't our preference. However,  it was costing us terrabytes holding on to two formats, and visualization was competing with a bunch of extraction analysis tools that the SELFE/ELCIRC community had for results in their format. VisIt is slow and somewhat incomplete for this. I don't know to what extent GridFields or other tools are filling this gap, but it is certainly one that needs filling.

Also if and when you do get a Paraview plugin and want beta testers, we might be interested in comparing it to VisIT.


From: Alexander Crosby <>
Sent: Wed, March 13, 2013 8:29:54 AM
Subject: Re: Visualization of UGRID data
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Alexander Crosby

Mar 13, 2013, 12:07:01 PM3/13/13
All the datasets in the link I provided follow an earlier interpretation of the UGRID specification, accept for the SLOSH datasets which are obviously curvilinear logically rectangular grids and use a more standard CF convention.


Stefan Vater

Apr 11, 2013, 6:00:59 AM4/11/13
Dear all,

thanks a lot for the feedback so far. Unfortunately, I still cannot access the
test data for the nctoolbox examples. The new catalog at just tells me
that this page could not be found.

Concerning nctoolbox for matlab, I would definitely like to know, in which
state it is and if the current "version" of the UGRID standard (from the
deltares webpage) can be processed by it. Is there an active development of
these tools?

And are there other visualization tools out there like python scripts, which I
could try?

I think it would be a great idea to exchange our visualization tools and see
if our output is compliant. If I have something done concerning paraview
output, I will tell.

I forgot to tell that we only use 2D triangular grids up to now. So the
visualization in paraview will be probably also restricted to this case.

> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > *From:* Alexander Crosby <>
> > *To:*
> > *Sent:* Wed, March 13, 2013 8:29:54 AM
> > *Subject:* Re: Visualization of UGRID data

Rich Signell

Apr 11, 2013, 8:48:00 AM4/11/13
to Stefan Vater, UGRID Interoperability

I don't think the new testbed site is up yet.  The old testbed site is not going to go away, so try running this Matlab NCTOOLBOX demo, which compares three different UGRID compliant models, without using any model specific code.

It should produce the attached plot.

The guys at ASA actually made a UGRID class for NetCDF-Java, which is available at
We need to get ASA to add a about how to use this in NCTOOLBOX.

As far as python, I don't know of any package that takes advantage of UGRID conventions.   I think I remember Chris Barker saying he was working on one that wasn't ready yet.


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Dr. Richard P. Signell   (508) 457-2229
USGS, 384 Woods Hole Rd.  
Woods Hole, MA 02543-1598
4-11-2013 8-42-09 AM.png

Christopher Barker

Apr 11, 2013, 1:37:26 PM4/11/13
to UGRID Interoperability
On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 5:48 AM, Rich Signell <> wrote:
As far as python, I don't know of any package that takes advantage of UGRID conventions.   I think I remember Chris Barker saying he was working on one that wasn't ready yet.

Not ready yet is putting it mildly -- I've got maybe a days worth of code in there so far. Plus a bit of stuff perculiar to our in-house file formats.

However, if someone wants to do something, I'd be happy to collaborate.

IIUC, some of the matplotlib triangular grid rendering stuff has been re-factored to separate the triangle generation from the rendering -- so it should be pretty straightforward to read a UGRID file and do plotting, contouring, etc.


Christopher Barker, PhD

Python Language Consulting
  - Teaching
  - Scientific Software Development
  - Desktop GUI and Web Development
  - wxPython, numpy, scipy, Cython
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