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New & Improved Storm Sewer Design Program

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Ken MacKenzie (UDFCD)

Apr 14, 2011, 2:04:31 PM4/14/11
to UDFCD Computational Tools and USDCM Support
No, it won't make your teeth whiter, but it should make it easier for
you to size and design storm sewers - I just posted the latest version
of the UD-Sewer freeware program on the UDFCD website (http:// I believe this new
version (UD-Sewer 2009 v1.4.0.19 Apr-2011) to be the best release of
UD-Sewer2009 we've posted to date, and I hope you will agree. I'd
love to have your feedback in this forum.

Best Regards, Ken.

p.s. your last chance to sign up for the UDFCD Annual Seminar is
Tuesday, April 19. I hope to see you there!
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