Blacksburg Contradance

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Mary Ann Parcher

Apr 15, 2019, 8:03:17 AM4/15/19

Fellow Dancers,


This Saturday’s dance will be off the charts!!!  Emily Rush will be calling, and the music will be by Noah VanNorstrand (Buddy System and Great Bear Trio) playing fiddle and percussion and George Paul (Playing with Fyre) on keyboard!!!!


Come out and dance off all the Easter candy. Tell all your friends, co-workers, and everyone you know to come too! Better yet bring them along. Our dance only thrives if we all participate. J


Band: Noah VanNorstrand and George Paul

Caller: Emily Rush

When:  Saturday April 20th 8 pm to 11 pm, beginner lesson at 7:30 pm

Where:  YMCA dance room, 1000 N Main, Blacksburg

Admission: $8, $5 for students


Happy Dancing,

Mary Ann


More information and directions are available at



Mary Ann Parcher

Apr 16, 2019, 3:02:19 PM4/16/19

Unbelievably this week’s dance just got better!!!


Rob Zisette will be joining Noah and George. Music at this month’s dance will be as good as or better than any dance weekend. Don’t miss it!!!

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