Azerbaijan Post Int. & TürkEuroAsia Post - Azerbaijan & TürkicWorld News, Views, Heritage & Kültür - 378

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Jul 14, 2024, 3:17:17 PM (3 days ago) Jul 14

Azerbaijan Post Int. & TürkEuroAsia Post  - Azerbaijan & TürkicWorld  News, Views, Heritage & Kültür - 378

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          Azerbaijan Post & TürkEuroAsia Post  
Azerbaijan TürkicWorld News, Views, Heritage & Kültür 
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Opening of Zangazur Corridor is a step towards completion of Azerbaijan-Armenia peace treaty, says Erdogan

Opening of Zangazur Corridor is a step towards completion of Azerbaijan-Armenia peace treaty, says Erdogan

Türkiye hopes that lasting peace will soon be achieved between Azerbaijan and Armenia, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said, News.Az reports.

He said that Türkiye wholeheartedly support the achievement of peace.

"The opening of the Zangazur Corridor is the step that will crown and complete this peace agreement. These steps will make a positive contribution to the prosperity of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Türkiye and other countries in the region," Erdogan noted.



Prezident İlham Əliyev ATƏT-in baş katibini qəbul edib  

  • 13.07.2024 
Prezident İlham Əliyev ATƏT-in baş katibini qəbul edib   YENİLƏNİB  VİDEO

Bakı, 13 iyul, AZƏRTAC

Azərbaycan Respublikasının Prezidenti İlham Əliyev iyulun 13-də ATƏT-in baş katibi xanım Helqa Mariya Şmidi qəbul edib.

AZƏRTAC xəbər verir ki, görüşdə COP29-un Azərbaycanda keçirilməsi münasibətilə təbriklərini çatdıran və bu tədbirdə iştirak edəcəyini bir daha vurğulayan Helqa Mariya Şmid COP29 çərçivəsində ölkəmizlə ATƏT arasında yaxından əməkdaşlığın həyata keçirildiyini dedi.

Dövlətimizin başçısı Azərbaycanın COP29-la bağlı çoxsaylı tədbirlər keçirəcəyini qeyd etdi.

Prezident İlham Əliyev Azərbaycanın Qoşulmama Hərəkatının əvvəlki sədri və hazırda bu təsisatın “Troyka”sında olan, həmçinin Avropa İttifaqı ilə yaxın əlaqələrə malik ölkə kimi müxtəlif tərəflər arasında körpülərin qurulması və ümumi həmrəyliyin gücləndirilməsi istiqamətində səylərini davam etdirəcəyini vurğuladı.

Dövlətimizin başçısı ölkəmizin yaşıl keçid siyasəti və bu istiqamətdə görülən tədbirlərdən danışdı. Prezident İlham Əliyev inkişaf etməkdə olan kiçik ada dövlətlərinin Azərbaycanın gündəliyində prioritet istiqamətlərdən biri olduğunu dedi və “Commonwealth” təşkilatı ilə birlikdə kiçik ada dövlətləri ilə əlaqədar xüsusi fondun yaradılması istiqamətində iş aparıldığını bildirdi.

Görüşdə regional bağlantılar məsələsi müzakirə olundu.

Xəzər dənizi və Qara dəniz yaşıl dəhliz layihəsinin əhəmiyyətinə toxunan Helqa Mariya Şmid ATƏT-in gündəliyində yaşıl limanlar layihəsinin xüsusi əhəmiyyət kəsb etdiyini vurğuladı və ölkəmizə səfəri çərçivəsində Ələt Beynəlxalq Dəniz Ticarət Limanında olacağını bildirdi.

Qonaq regional ətraf mühit monitorinq mərkəzinin yaradıldığını dedi və bu çərçivədə əməkdaşlıq məsələlərinə toxundu. Bütövlükdə ATƏT-in gündəliyində iqtisadiyyat və ətraf mühit məsələlərinin önəm kəsb etdiyini və bu layihələrin etimad quruculuğuna töhfə verdiyini vurğuladı.

Söhbət zamanı regional sülh gündəliyi məsələləri ilə bağlı fikir mübadiləsi aparıldı.

Dövlətimizin başçısı Azərbaycanın sülh gündəliyinə sadiqliyini vurğuladı və sülh müqaviləsinin imzalanması üçün Ermənistanın konstitusiyasında dəyişikliklərin aparılmasının, Azərbaycana qarşı ərazi iddialarına konstitusional əsasda son qoyulmasının vacibliyini qeyd etdi.

Helqa Mariya Şmid humanitar minatəmizləmə fəaliyyətlərinə toxundu.

Prezident İlham Əliyev Ermənistanın Azərbaycana qarşı hərbi təcavüzü və torpaqlarımızın işğalı nəticəsində ərazilərimizin kütləvi şəkildə minalarla çirkləndiyini deyərək, 370-ə yaxın insidentin baş verdiyini, çoxlu sayda insanın mina partlayışları nəticəsində həlak olduğunu və yaralandığını vurğuladı.

Görüşdə ATƏT-in gündəliyində duran məsələlər barədə fikir mübadiləsi aparıldı.


Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan plan to ink deal on strategic green energy partnership

Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan plan to ink deal on strategic green energy partnership Inline image

Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan plan to sign an intergovernmental agreement on strategic partnership on the development and transfer of green energy, News.Az reports citing the Kazakh government.

The draft agreement enshrines a tripartite pledge to strengthen cooperation in the energy sector, including clean and renewable energy sources and energy efficiency.

In addition, the parties intend to develop cooperation in the field of transmission and supply of electricity produced from renewable energy sources and identify projects for the production, transportation and trade of environmentally friendly hydrogen and ammonia.

The document also reflects the intentions of the parties to organize the supply of clean energy to Europe and other regions, to cooperate in the application of new technologies and the development of services to improve energy efficiency and energy saving.

To implement the agreement, a steering committee and a working group will be created, which will develop annual cooperation plans.

The agreement will be concluded for an indefinite period.

The energy ministers of Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan signed a memorandum of cooperation on interconnection of the energy systems of the three republics on May 1, 2024, within the framework of the Tashkent International Investment Forum. The document involves studying the possibility of connecting the energy systems of three countries by laying a high-voltage cable along the bottom of the Caspian Sea and on the territory of other states to supply green energy from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan to Europe.


Azerbaijani FM, OSCE SecGen mull regional cooperation

Azerbaijani FM, OSCE SecGen mull regional cooperation

Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov met today with OSCE Secretary General Helga Maria Schmid, who is on a visit to Azerbaijan, News.Az reports.

According to the information, the meeting discussed the prospects of the Azerbaijan-OSCE cooperation agenda, as well as issues of regional and international security, and opportunities for regional cooperation.

In the context of the current situation on regional and international security, the importance of effective use of available opportunities to solve regional issues within the OSCE based on international law was emphasized. The importance of building by the organization of its activity following the realities of today in this direction was noted. It was emphasized that Azerbaijan is one of the most active members of the OSCE in several directions.

Furthermore, it was noted that Azerbaijan's chairmanship of the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29) can contribute to strengthening the direction of climate activities in the current cooperation agenda.

Minister Jeyhun Bayramov spoke in detail about the regional situation in the post-conflict period, our country's recovery, reconstruction, and peacemaking agenda, and current threats and challenges. It was noted that the mine danger from Armenia continues to threaten the return of our citizens to the liberated territories, as well as the ongoing large-scale reconstruction and construction works.

The recent situation regarding the process of normalizing relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia and the progress in the peace process was noted. It was emphasized that territorial claims to our country are unacceptable under the constitution of Armenia. It was noted that the steps threatening the advancement of the peace agenda, particularly the growing militarization of Armenia, remain a source of anxiety.

During the meeting, the sides also exchanged views on other issues of mutual interest.


Azerbaijani FM, OSCE SecGen mull regional cooperation |


President Aliyev, OSCE Secretary General discuss Azerbaijan's green transition policy

President Aliyev, OSCE Secretary General discuss Azerbaijan's green transition policy

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev received OSCE Secretary General Helga Maria Schmid on July 13.

During the meeting, Helga Maria Schmid extended her congratulations on Azerbaijan hosting COP29 and reiterated her participation in the event, highlighting the close cooperation between Azerbaijan and the OSCE within the framework of COP29.

The head of state noted that Azerbaijan will be hosting numerous events related to COP29. President Ilham Aliyev emphasized that Azerbaijan, as a former chair of the Non-Aligned Movement and currently part of its "Troika," as well as a country with close ties to the European Union, will continue its efforts to build bridges between various parties and strengthen overall solidarity.

The head of state discussed Azerbaijan's green transition policy and the ongoing measures in this direction. President Ilham Aliyev mentioned that the development of small island developing states is one of the priority areas on Azerbaijan's agenda and that efforts are underway, in cooperation with the Commonwealth organization, to create a special fund for small island states.

The meeting also covered the topic of regional connectivity.

Helga Maria Schmid touched upon the significance of the Caspian Sea and Black Sea green corridor project, emphasizing that the green ports project is of particular importance on the OSCE's agenda. She noted that during her trip to Azerbaijan, she will also visit the Alat International Sea Trade Port.

Helga Maria Schmid mentioned the establishment of a regional environmental monitoring center and discussed cooperation within this framework. She emphasized that economic and environmental issues are high on the OSCE's agenda and that these projects contribute to building trust.

During the conversation, there was an exchange of views on regional peace agenda issues. President Ilham Aliyev reiterated Azerbaijan's commitment to the peace agenda and stressed the importance of Armenia making constitutional amendments to renounce territorial claims against Azerbaijan for signing a peace treaty.

Helga Maria Schmid brought up the topic of humanitarian demining.

President Ilham Aliyev highlighted the extensive contamination of Azerbaijani territories with mines due to Armenia's military aggression and occupation, noting that nearly 370 incidents had occurred, resulting in numerous casualties and injuries from mine explosions.

The meeting also included a discussion on other issues on the OSCE's agenda.


Sahibə Qafarova MDB PA Şurasının iclasında iştirak edib

  • 12.07.2024 
Sahibə Qafarova MDB PA Şurasının iclasında iştirak edib

Bakı, 12 iyul, AZƏRTAC

Milli Məclisin sədri Sahibə Qafarova iyulun 12-də Rusiya Federasiyasının Sankt-Peterburq şəhərinə işgüzar səfəri çərçivəsində Müstəqil Dövlətlər Birliyinə üzv ölkələrin Parlamentlərarası Assambleyası (MDBPA) Şurasının iclasında iştirak edib.

Milli Məclisin Mətbuat və ictimaiyyətlə əlaqələr şöbəsindən AZƏRTAC-a bildirilib ki, iclasda bir sıra təşkilati məsələlər müzakirə olunub və müvafiq qərarlar qəbul edilib.

Azərbaycan Respublikasında keçirilən növbədənkənar prezident seçkilərində MDB PA müşahidəçilərinin iştirakı haqqında məsələnin müzakirəsi zamanı çıxış edən spiker Sahibə Qafarova deyib ki, seçkilərdə aidiyyəti dövlət orqanları tərəfindən prosesin ən yüksək səviyyədə keçirilməsi üçün hər cür şərait yaradılıb, seçki prosesinin tam şəffaflığı təmin edilib ki, seçicilər öz iradələrini sərbəst və maneəsiz ifadə edə bilsinlər. Bunu beynəlxalq müşahidəçilər də ifadə ediblər.

Sahibə Qafarova deyib ki, seçki proseslərinin müşahidəsi MDB PA çərçivəsində əməkdaşlığın mühüm sahəsidir. Bu, seçki prosesinin təşkili və keçirilməsi sahəsində təcrübə mübadiləsi kimi üzv dövlətlərin ərazisində demokratiyanın və qanunun aliliyinin inkişafına töhfə verir.


Azerbaijan's President made historic visit to Pakistan: Strengthening strategic ties | Opinion

 Azerbaijan's President made historic visit to Pakistan: Strengthening strategic ties

Editor’s note: Zamir Ahmed Awan is Founding Chair GSRRA, Sinologist, Diplomat, Editor, Analyst, Consultant, Advisor, and Non-Resident Fellow of CCG.

In a significant move to deepen bilateral relations, Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev paid a state visit to Pakistan from July 11-12, 2024, at the invitation of Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif. This visit, marked by genuine warmth and mutual respect, underscores the long-standing friendship and close ties between the two nations. It is poised to have a profound impact on various sectors, including trade, investment, science and technology, transportation, tourism, and defense.

President Aliyev, accompanied by a high-level delegation including ministers of Defense, Defense Industry, Economy, Digital Development, and Transport, as well as the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, received a heartfelt welcome. Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif greeted President Aliyev with a guard of honor at the Prime Minister's House, followed by a solemn wreath-laying ceremony at the National Monument.

During his visit, President Aliyev engaged in comprehensive discussions with President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif. Both sides explored areas of mutual interest and bilateral cooperation, expressing a strong desire to further enhance their strategic partnership. They celebrated the current level of security and defense cooperation and emphasized the importance of the Trilateral Summit Level mechanism among Pakistan, Azerbaijan, and Türkiye, marking a new era in their relations.

A major focus of the discussions was enhancing bilateral trade and investment. Both leaders agreed to develop joint investment projects in energy, infrastructure, connectivity, and the defense industry. Prime Minister Sharif underscored the significance of the Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA) and the Transit Trade Agreement (TTA) in accelerating bilateral trade. These agreements reflect a robust commitment to boosting trade rapidly, paving the way for economic prosperity in both nations.

The leaders expressed satisfaction with their cooperation at multilateral forums, particularly the United Nations and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). President Aliyev reaffirmed Azerbaijan’s principled stance on the Jammu and Kashmir dispute, supporting the right of self-determination for the Kashmiri people as outlined in relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions. This reaffirmation highlights Azerbaijan's solidarity with Pakistan on key international issues.

A highlight of the visit was the signing ceremony of 15 agreements and memorandums of understanding (MOUs), witnessed by both leaders. These agreements span a wide range of sectors, reflecting the comprehensive nature of the bilateral relationship.

President Aliyev's visit is expected to have far-reaching impacts in the days to come. The agreements signed during this visit are poised to accelerate economic growth, enhance bilateral trade, and foster closer cultural and scientific ties. The emphasis on defense cooperation and strategic partnership further solidifies the bond between the two nations.

The state visit of President Ilham Aliyev to Pakistan marks a significant milestone in the historic friendship between Azerbaijan and Pakistan. The comprehensive discussions and the signing of pivotal agreements signal a future of strengthened cooperation, mutual prosperity, and strategic partnership. As both nations look forward to deepening their ties, this visit sets the stage for a new era of collaboration and shared growth.

In the broader context of international diplomacy, this visit also underscores the importance of regional alliances and cooperative frameworks. Azerbaijan and Pakistan, through their growing partnership, exemplify how nations with shared values and interests can work together to address common challenges. The collaboration in defense and security, for instance, is a testament to their mutual commitment to regional stability and peace.

Moreover, the focus on science and technology signifies a forward-looking approach, with both countries aiming to leverage innovation for sustainable development. The agreements on digital development and ICT highlight a mutual recognition of the critical role that technology plays in modern economies. By fostering scientific and technical cooperation, Azerbaijan and Pakistan are not only enhancing their own capacities but also contributing to global advancements in these fields.

The cultural exchanges and tourism initiatives further demonstrate the multifaceted nature of their relationship. By promoting people-to-people connections, both nations are ensuring that their friendship is not just limited to governmental interactions but also resonates with the general populace. This holistic approach to bilateral relations sets a strong foundation for enduring partnership.

As the world watches the outcomes of President Aliyev's visit, it becomes clear that Azerbaijan and Pakistan are committed to a path of mutual respect, shared growth, and strategic cooperation. This visit, with its multitude of agreements and collaborative initiatives, marks the beginning of a promising new chapter in their bilateral relations. The future looks bright for Azerbaijan and Pakistan as they continue to build on this historic visit, striving towards greater heights of cooperation and mutual benefit.

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Azerbaijan, Pakistan mull $2B trade, investment projects

Azerbaijan, Pakistan mull $2B trade, investment projects

Azerbaijan and Pakistan on Thursday discussed a series of joint projects worth $2 billion, aiming to transform bilateral relations into an "economic partnership" between the two allies.

The understanding was announced during a joint news conference by Azerbaijan’s visiting President Ilham Aliyev and Pakistan’s Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif in the capital Islamabad after holding delegation-level talks.

Sharif said a joint committee has been set up to formulate a strategy to materialize the projects in trade, commerce, information technology, tourism, telecommunication, mineral resources and other sectors.

The current trade volume of $100 million, according to him, does not reflect the “true” trade potential between the two countries.

The two sides, he added, are committed to enhancing the bilateral trade volume by “millions of dollars” in years to come.



Turkish President, newly-elected British Premier meet in US

Turkish President, newly-elected British Premier meet in US

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and newly-elected British Prime Minister Keir Starmer met Thursday for the first time in the US.

During a closed-door meeting on the sidelines of the last day of a NATO summit in Washington, Erdogan and Starmer discussed bilateral relations, as well as regional and global issues, according to the Türkiye's Communications Directorate.

Stressing that in the new period, Türkiye and the UK can take "new steps" to improve relations in all areas, Erdogan said his country wishes the "positive course in relations” would continue to increase.

It was the first face-to-face meeting between Erdogan and Starmer after he became prime minister last week when his Labour Party won the House of Commons by a landslide, capturing 412 of the chamber's 650 seats.




USA's S.G. Blinken: Azerbaijan, Armenia have done important work towards sustainable peace negotiations

Azerbaijan, Armenia have done important work towards sustainable peace negotiations, says Blinken

Azerbaijan and Armenia are close to reaching a peace agreement, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said during trilateral meeting with foreign ministers of the two countries in Washington today.

He noted that Azerbaijan and Armenia have done important work towards sustainable, dignified peace negotiations that create great opportunities for relations with both countries, the region and the US.


Meeting of Azerbaijani, Armenian FMs and US secretary of State ends

Meeting of Azerbaijani, Armenian FMs and US secretary of State ends

The meeting between the foreign ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia Jeyhun Bayramov and Ararat Mirzoyan with the participation of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has ended in Washington, spokesperson for the Armenian Foreign Ministry Ani Badalyan wrote on X.



Azerbaijani freestyle wrestler crowned European champion

Azerbaijani freestyle wrestler crowned European champion

Azerbaijani freestyle wrestler Khetag Karsanov (97kg) has clinched a gold medal after beating Shakhman Nukhayev from Russia in the U20 European Championships held in Novi Sad, Serbia, News.Az reports.

Another wrestler Vasif Baghirov won a silver medal in the 57kg weight category.



Ilham Aliyev, Masud Pezeshkiyan express confidence that Azerbaijani-Iranian relations to continue to expand

Ilham Aliyev, Pezeshkian express confidence that Azerbaijani-Iranian relations to continue to expand

Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, made a phone call to Masoud Pezeshkian, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, on July 9.

President Masoud Pezeshkian expressed his gratitude to President Ilham Aliyev for the attention and congratulations, as well as for the letter sent by the President of Azerbaijan on the occasion of his election as the President. The President of Iran said that he would spare no effort to develop the relations between the two countries in all spheres in the future.

During the conversation, the sides expressed confidence that Azerbaijani-Iranian relations based on common religious and cultural roots, friendship and brotherhood would continue to expand, and cooperation between the two countries across various areas develop.

The presidents stressed the importance of implementing the agreements reached between the two countries.

During the telephone conversation, the presidents of Azerbaijan and Iran discussed issues of mutual concern.

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev invited Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian to pay a visit to Azerbaijan.

The President of Iran accepted the invitation with pleasure, expressed his gratitude to President Ilham Aliyev, and in turn, invited the President of Azerbaijan to pay an official visit to the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The President of Azerbaijan accepted the invitation with pleasure.



Türkiye hopes for new chapter in ties with Iran under new president (ethnic Azerbaijani-Turk) Masud Pezeshkiyan

Türkiye hopes for new chapter in ties with Iran under Pezeshkian

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Sunday said that he would soon congratulate Iran’s newly-elected president, Masoud Pezeshkiyan, and said they hoped ties between the two countries would be better during his tenure, News.Az reports citing Daily Sabah.

“Iran is an important neighbor, and Türkiye is the only country in the region with the best relations with Iran,” he told reporters.

Pezeshkian won a runoff election on Friday against the ultraconservative Saeed Jalili to replace President Ebrahim Raisi, who died in a helicopter crash in May.

Erdogan stated that Iran has been an important neighbor of Türkiye with its historic and cultural ties and they anticipated Turkish-Iranian ties will prevail with “an increasing tempo and on a positive trend.”


Erdogan, Pezeshkian hold phone talk

Erdogan, Pezeshkian hold phone talk

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has had a telephone conversation with the newly elected President of Iran Masoud Pezeshkian, said the press service of the Turkish leader.

Erdogan congratulated Pezeshkian on his victory in the elections and wished him success in his new post.

The parties also discussed bilateral cooperation, issues of the regional and global agenda.

The Turkish leader also expressed confidence that relations between Türkiye and Iran will continue to develop in all areas in the new period.



Azerbaijan jails Khojaly genocide culprit for 15 years 

Azerbaijan jails Khojaly genocide culprit for 15 years -  UPDATED

The trial of Rashid Beglaryan, accused of terrorism and committing genocide against Azerbaijanis in Khojaly, has wrapped up in Baku.

The judge sentenced Beglaran to 15 years in prison. In compliance with legal requirements, Beglaryan was provided with a lawyer and an interpreter at public expense. He was informed about the trial proceedings and the case materials, Caliber.Az reports citing the local media.

After the hearing, the judicial panel, chaired by Ali Suleymanov, delivered the verdict. Beglaryan was found guilty of committing war crimes and sentenced to 15 years in prison, with five years to be served in a maximum-security prison. Beglaryan, 62, was detained last year for illegally crossing the border in Zabukh village of the Lachin district. A preventive arrest measure was issued against him following the State Security Service's request.

During the interrogation, accused Beglaryan provided information about his participation in the Khojaly tragedy in February 1992 and stated that on February 25, 1992.

The Armenian armed forces and illegal Armenian armed units operating under them moved from the city of Khankendi to the city of Khojaly, where civilians were densely populated in accordance with the pre-arranged plan of their attack, where they made false promises to the surviving Azerbaijani civilians about their safe passage through the Asgaran district in the direction of the Aghdam district.

Later on February 26, 1992, those armed units including himself, ambushed and opened fire from automatic weapons and near Asgaran fortress killed up to 200 civilians, mostly women, children and elderly people, who were moving along the coast of the river of Gargarchay towards Aghdam district. After the personal belongings of the deceased were looted by the members of the criminal group, their bodies were buried around Asgaran fortress.

Giving an on-site verification testimony, Beglaryan provided detailed information about the places where criminal acts were committed against the civilian population.


A Baku court on Friday commenced the trial of Rashid Beglaryan, who faces charges of terrorism and committing genocide against Azerbaijanis in Khojaly.

The proceedings are overseen by Judge Ali Suleymanov of the Fuzuli Military Court and are taking place at the Sabunchu District Court, News.Az reports.

The Khojaly genocide refers to the mass killing of Azerbaijanis in the town of Khojaly during the Karabakh conflict. This tragic event occurred on February 26, 1992, when Armenian armed forces, with support from paramilitary groups, attacked the town of Khojaly, leading to significant loss of life and suffering. The incident remains one of the most contentious and painful episodes in the broader context of the Karabakh conflict, a long-standing territorial and ethnic dispute between Armenia and Azerbaijan.



Turkmenistan and Türkiye talk up bilateral cooperation

Turkmenistan and Türkiye talk up bilateral cooperation

Turkmenistan and Türkiye discussed further expansion of bilateral cooperation.

According to an official source, this topic was discussed on July 11, 2024, during a meeting between the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkmenistan to Türkiye, Mekan Ishangulyyev, and the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Türkiye, Yasin Ekrem Serim.

During the meeting, the sides outlined the priority areas of the Turkmen-Turkish agenda, and confirmed their mutual interest in developing a mutually beneficial bilateral dialogue, including in the political, trade, and economic spheres.

Furthermore, the sides exchanged views on topical issues of interaction between the foreign ministries of the two countries, including holding Turkmen-Turkish consultations on consular issues and intensifying contacts in the context of expanding the legal framework of bilateral cooperation.

In conclusion, the parties expressed confidence in the further successful continuation of the established productive cooperation.

Meanwhile, economic cooperation between Turkmenistan and Türkiye is actively developing and includes joint projects in the fields of energy, transport, construction, and agriculture.

Türkiye, being one of Turkmenistan's main trading partners, contributes to an increase in trade and investment, which contributes to strengthening economic ties and long-term partnerships between the two countries.



Turkish FM addresses OTS informal meeting calling for solidarity among Turkic nations

Turkish FM addresses OTS informal meeting calling for solidarity among Turkic nations

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan on Saturday called for enhanced regional cooperation and solidarity among Turkic nations amid global power struggles, News.Az reports citing Anadolu Agency.

"To prevent global power competition from affecting our region, we must strengthen our ranks and use our resources for our common prosperity," Fidan stated at the Informal Summit of the Heads of State of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) in Shusha, Azerbaijan.

He emphasized: "Regional ownership and regional cooperation should constitute the two main principles of joint efforts."

Fidan also paid tribute to the sacrifices made during Azerbaijan's 44-day war for victory.

The foreign minister praised the OTS as a respected platform amidst a "disrupted" world order, and advocated for further development of educational and youth projects, including establishing alphabet unity.

He stressed the importance of building a legal framework to support cooperation in sectors like connectivity, energy, finance, trade, defense, and technology.

Fidan also highlighted the need to support diaspora communities, stating: "It is our historical responsibility to help our compatriots preserve their identities."

He called for increased institutional relations with countries aligned with Türkiye's vision, proposing liaison offices and contact embassies to support Turkish cultural and identity causes.

Addressing the ongoing regional issues, Fidan reaffirmed support for Azerbaijan's peace negotiations with Armenia, criticizing the imbalanced stance of some Western countries.

"We need to continue to fully support our brother Azerbaijan for the successful completion of this process."

On the topic of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), Fidan urged support for TRNC’s increased representation and economic integration within the OTS.

He advocated for measures such as establishing a trade office and enhancing tourist and diplomatic relations with the TRNC.

Regarding the Russia-Ukraine war, Fidan emphasized the need for a broadened peace effort and a diplomatic platform to mitigate polarization.

He also underscored the importance of a stable Afghanistan and highlighted Türkiye’s commitment to addressing counter-terrorism and border security with neighboring countries.

Fidan condemned the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, urging support for international legal interventions to address the conflict.

"The Turkic World cannot turn its back on the humanitarian tragedy in Gaza," he asserted, calling on the OTS members to support international legal proceedings related to the Israel-Palestine issue.

Concluding his remarks, Fidan expressed confidence in the OTS' growing international presence and reiterated the importance of unity among member states.

"May our unity and integrity be everlasting," he declared.



OTS Council of Foreign Ministers completes informal meeting in Shusha

OTS Council of Foreign Ministers completes informal meeting in Shusha

Informal Meeting of the Council of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Organization of the Turkic States (OTS) concluded in Shusha on July 6.

In his opening remarks, Azerbaijan's Minister of Foreign Affairs Jeyhun Bayramov emphasized said that the Informal Summit of the Organization of Turkic States was the first high-level Summit meeting held in the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan.

“It is entirely natural that the first high-level meeting held in Shusha is the event of our native family, the Organization of Turkic States. As it is known, the Summit meeting is the third unofficial extraordinary Summit meeting held at the initiative of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev,” Bayramov added.

FM Bayramov underscored that relations with OTS member and observer states are the main priority of Azerbaijan's foreign policy.

Furthermore, the agenda of the meeting was adopted, followed by speeches on the agenda issues.

Addressing the event, Deputy Prime Minister — Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan, Murat Nurtleu, noted that official Astana looks forward to expanding ties with member countries across all domains, including digital technologies, culture, infrastructure, tourism, investments, and other areas. He added: “Our family possesses huge potential and resources, and we have shared objectives. Kazakhstan highly values the establishment of synergy between the international transport route, the North-South Transport Corridor and the “One Belt, One Road” initiative and closely cooperates with all member states.”

Simultaneously, Murat Nurtleu emphasized that Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan are taking joint steps in implementing important projects aimed at creating the green energy export infrastructure to Europe in the future. Kazakh Deputy Prime Minister also highlighted close cooperation and coordination with TÜRKPA, TURKSOY, Turkic Investment Fund, Turkic Academy, Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation, which would contribute to the prosperity of the peoples.

Mentioning the rising importance of the Organization of Turkic States at the international level, Azerbaijani FM Jeyhun Bayramov said: "Simultaneously, this serves to enhance the reputation and economic potential of the member and observer states of the Organization in the international arena. The theme of the summit, building a sustainable future through transport, connectivity and climate action, was chosen in line with today's reality. As it is known, Azerbaijan will host COP29 in this November. I believe that this event can be considered as a success of the Turkic world. So, for the first time, the Turkic state will host such a flagship event. First of all, we hope for the support of brotherly countries in the organization of COP29.”

The minister emphasized that the events taking place in the world today have an environmental impacts, and thus, a sustainable future would only be possible by protecting the healthy planet through climate action. Bayramov underscored the need for cooperation between the Turkic states in this regard.

Jeyhun Bayramov also provided an insight into the situation of the normalization process between Azerbaijan and Armenia and highlighted the ongoing discussions, initiated by Azerbaijan, in the area of signing a draft bilateral agreement on establishing peace and interstate relations with Armenia.

The meeting then featured the speeches on the agenda.



Peace deal between Azerbaijan, Armenia 'within reach', US Secretary of State says

Peace deal between Azerbaijan, Armenia 'within reach', US Secretary of State says

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Monday said a peace treaty between Azerbaijan and Armenia is achievable, reports.

“I was speaking just about a week ago to (Azerbaijani) President (Ilham) Aliyev on this I think that's achievable, and it's manifestly in the interests of both Azerbaijan and Armenia, as well as the broader region,” Blinken said in remarks at the Brookings Institution in Washington, DC.

In response to a question, Blinken said there is an “extraordinary opportunity, potential” to realize a peace agreement between the two countries to end decades of conflict and create an opportunity for economic connectivity and growth in the region.

“Azerbaijan has a critical role to play in that. We have invested intensely in our own diplomacy in trying to help bring Azerbaijan and Armenia to a peace agreement, we've done that in very close collaboration and coordination with the European Union, and I think that's something that really is within reach,” he added.


US continues to work for diplomatic resolution between Azerbaijan and Armenia - State Department
10 July 2024 
The US continues to work for diplomatic resolution between Azerbaijan and Armenia, the US State Department Spokesman Matthew Miller said during a briefing, APA reports..

Azerbaijan, Bulgaria discuss prospects for economic ties

Azerbaijan, Bulgaria discuss prospects for economic ties

Azerbaijan and Bulgaria have discussed the potential of cooperation in the fields of energy, trade and industry, Azerbaijani Economy Minister Mikayil Jabbarov said on X, News.Az reports.

“During our meeting with Vladimir Malinov, Bulgaria's Minister of Energy, we discussed the future directions of economic relations between Azerbaijan and Bulgaria. Our conversation also covered the potential for cooperation in the energy, trade, and industry sectors,” the minister said.


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 Merih Demiral'ı ve  Türkiye Milli Takımı'nın Başarısını  aqışlayıram - I cherish Merih Demiral & Türkiye's National FT's achievements at the  Euro-Cup 2024 

Hemen maç sonrası açıklamalarda bulunan Almanya İçişleri Bakanı Nancy Faeser ve UEFA'da ki kroniler, Merih Demiral'ın 2 gol sevincini ve dolayısı ila tüm dünya Türk-Turanik halklarını,  bu kezde o platformu kullanılıp  hadef aldılar... 

 Merih Demiral'ı ve  Türkiye Milli Takımı'nın Başarısını  aqışlayıram - I cherish Merih Demiral & Türkiye's National FT's achievements at the  Euro-Cup 2024 .

E. Altunbay



TRCN President thanks Ilham Aliyev for supporting Northern Cyprus

TRCN President thanks Ilham Aliyev for supporting Northern Cyprus

“I would like to express my sincere gratitude to President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev for his great support to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) and for the opportunity to participate in the Informal Summit of the Heads of State of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) to be held in Shusha,” President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Ersin Tatar told journalists ahead of leaving for Azerbaijan, reports citing AZERTAC.

The TRNC President highly appreciated the decision of the Turkic states leaders on November 11, 2022 to represent the Northern Cyprus within the OTS. "For the first time in its history, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus was accepted into the international organization under its official name. This is a very pivotal step for the interests of the people of Turkish Cyprus. The Presidents of Türkiye and Azerbaijan played a crucial role in making this decision," Ersin Tatar emphasized.

He noted that the observer status in the OTS helps to intensify relations between Lefkosa and other Turkic states. “In recent years, the TRNC has been invited to various OTS events, which is the basis for deepening cooperation in the Turkic world,” he underlined.

Commenting on the upcoming informal meeting of OTS leaders in Shusha, Ersin Tatar said: “Together we are always stronger. I am going to meet my family. Turkish Cyprus is an integral part, the southern bastion of the Turkic world. The priority goal of the TRNC is to reinforce its status within the Organization of Turkic States.” According to President Ersin Tatar, the agenda of the Shusha-hosted informal summit includes major issues and projects, as well as the adoption of the Joint Declaration.

During his visit to Azerbaijan, the Northern Cyprus' President is accompanied by TRNC Foreign Minister Tahsin Ertuğruloğlu.



Signing peace agreement with Azerbaijan is of great importance, says Armenian FM

Signing peace agreement with Azerbaijan is of great importance, says Armenian FM

Signing a peace agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan is of great importance, Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan said at a meeting with a US delegation headed by US Senator for Mississippi Roger Wicker in Yerevan.

He emphasized the importance of continuing the delimitation process based on the 1991 Alma-Ata Declaration and signing a peace agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

To note, one of the main factors preventing the signing of a peace agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia is the presence of certain provisions in the Armenian constitution that enshrine territorial claims to Azerbaijan and Türkiye. Azerbaijan has repeatedly stated that for a peace treaty to be signed, the Armenian constitution must be amended to remove these territorial claims.



Astana: New opportunities for trilateral cooperation | Opinion

 Astana:  New opportunities for trilateral cooperation

Editor's note: Muhammad Asif Noor, Founder, Friends of BRI Forum and Advisor to Pakistan Research Center, Hebei Normal University, China & Co-Founder, Alliance of China-Pakistan Research Centres.

The recent meeting in Astana between the leaders of Azerbaijan, Turkey, and Pakistan marks a significant step towards deeper political, economic, and military cooperation among the three nations. This trilateral relationship holds considerable promise for their future development.

The cooperation among these three countries is rooted in a shared history and common strategic interests. Azerbaijan, Turkey, and Pakistan have demonstrated a consistent alignment on key international issues, such as the situations in Gaza, Cyprus, and Kashmir, as well as the broader challenge of Islamophobia. The Nagorno-Karabakh and Kashmir disputes, along with the ongoing situations in Afghanistan and Gaza, pose threats to their respective regions. A cohesive approach to these issues might lead to more effective conflict resolution and stability.

Their united stance on these matters reflects a commitment to mutual support and advocacy on the global stage. This solidarity is likely to strengthen, fostering an environment where these countries can present a unified front in international forums, thereby enhancing their collective influence. The political cooperation is also intended to support each other in international forums such as the United Nations and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, where their combined voices could advocate for mutual interests more effectively.

Azerbaijan, with its vast energy resources, Turkey, with its strategic location bridging Europe and Asia, and Pakistan, with its significant human and economic potential, form a complementary trio. Their collaboration could lead to the development of new trade corridors and investment opportunities, boosting economic growth across the region. Joint initiatives in infrastructure, energy, and technology could leverage each country's strengths, creating synergies that benefit all three.

Currently, the trade volume between Turkey and Pakistan stands at around $1 billion, with ambitions to increase it to $5 billion in the coming years. Similarly, Azerbaijan's energy resources, including its significant oil and gas reserves, can be a key area of cooperation. Turkey, which serves as a bridge between Europe and Asia, could facilitate the export of Azerbaijani energy to broader markets, while Pakistan's growing energy needs could be met through these resources. Joint infrastructure projects, such as the development of transportation corridors, can further bolster economic integration. The planned Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway and other connectivity projects could significantly enhance trade efficiency and economic interdependence.

Regular joint exercises and training programs can enhance the operational capabilities and interoperability of the three countries' armed forces. Turkey's advanced defense technology, coupled with Pakistan's military expertise and Azerbaijan's strategic needs, presents an opportunity for these countries to develop a formidable defense partnership.

Turkey and Pakistan already have a strong history of military collaboration, with numerous joint exercises conducted over the years. Extending such cooperation to include Azerbaijan can further solidify their collective defense capabilities. The defense budgets of Turkey and Pakistan, approximately $20 billion and $11 billion respectively, reflect their significant military investments, which could be complemented by Azerbaijan's strategic location and resources. Collaborative defense technology development and procurement can lead to advancements in military capabilities, ensuring better preparedness against common security threats.

The trilateral alliance provides these nations with a platform to address regional conflicts and transnational threats more effectively and collectively. Their shared emphasis on sovereignty and territorial integrity underscores a commitment to resolving disputes through dialogue and cooperation. As these nations continue to collaborate and build on their shared goals, their collective influence and prosperity are likely to grow, making them key players on the international stage.

Pakistan's participation in the Middle Corridor, also known as the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TITR), a trans-Eurasian trade route connecting China to Europe through Central Asia, the Caspian Sea, and Turkey, has the potential to significantly enhance economic and trade relations for Pakistan. The Middle Corridor begins in China, where it taps into the extensive Chinese rail network. From China, the corridor moves into Central Asia, passing through Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan's rail network plays a crucial role in this segment, with significant logistics hubs in cities like Almaty and Aktau.

The goods then cross the Caspian Sea, typically via ferries that connect the Kazakh port of Aktau with Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan. This sea crossing is a vital link in the Middle Corridor. Once in Azerbaijan, the cargo continues through the Caucasus region, utilizing Azerbaijan’s railways and heading towards Georgia. The route often includes the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars (BTK) railway, a key infrastructure project that links Baku with Tbilisi in Georgia and Kars in Turkey. From Kars, the goods move through Turkey’s extensive rail network, eventually reaching the ports and rail connections in Europe. Turkey acts as a critical bridge between Asia and Europe in this corridor. Finally, the cargo enters the European railway system, where it can be transported to various destinations across the continent.

Through the trilateral cooperation model between Pakistan, Azerbaijan, and Turkey, Pakistan has a huge potential and opportunity to diversify its economic and trade relations not only with Turkey and Azerbaijan but also with broader markets through their support. This involvement can lead to diversified trade routes, increased connectivity, and substantial economic growth. Pakistan's integration into the Middle Corridor is aimed to bolster its trade routes with Central Asia and Europe.

By leveraging the infrastructure and connectivity provided by this corridor, Pakistan can reduce transportation costs and transit times for its exports, making its goods more competitive in international markets. For instance, goods transported via the Middle Corridor can reach European markets in approximately 15 days, compared to the 45-60 days via traditional maritime routes. This efficiency can make Pakistani products more competitive in international markets. This improved connectivity will facilitate the flow of goods such as textiles, agricultural products, and manufactured items, thereby expanding Pakistan's export base and opening up new markets.

Participation in the Middle Corridor can attract foreign direct investment (FDI) into Pakistan’s infrastructure and logistics sectors, especially through the connectivity options that Pakistan can provide to this entire corridor. The development of new transportation hubs, railways, and ports along the corridor can lead to job creation and economic development in these regions. For example, investments in the Gwadar port, part of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), can be synergized with the Middle Corridor to create a more integrated trade network. This integration can position Pakistan as a pivotal trade hub in South Asia, potentially increasing its GDP by up to 2-3% annually through enhanced trade and investment flows.

Pakistan's involvement in the Middle Corridor is expected to strengthen its economic ties with key regional players Turkey and Azerbaijan. As part of this trilateral cooperation, Pakistan can benefit from joint ventures, collaborative projects, and shared expertise in areas such as energy, construction, and technology. For example, the construction of infrastructure projects, such as railways and highways, can be undertaken with the support of Turkish and Azerbaijani companies, leveraging their experience and resources. This collaboration can enhance Pakistan's infrastructure capabilities and accelerate its economic growth. Strengthened economic ties with Turkey and Azerbaijan can open up new markets for Pakistani goods, ranging from textiles to agricultural products.

Participation in the Middle Corridor can facilitate the diversification of Pakistan's export destinations. Currently, Pakistan’s major trading partners are concentrated in a few regions, with significant exports to the United States, China, and the United Arab Emirates. The Middle Corridor opens up new markets in Central Asia and Europe, reducing dependency on a few trade partners and spreading economic risk. For instance, Central Asian countries, with a collective GDP of over $300 billion, represent untapped markets for Pakistani goods and services. Through effective strategies and encouragement for the Pakistani business enterprises, the country can benefit immensely from this grand “opportunity corridor,” as I must say.

In conclusion, the recent meeting in Astana symbolizes more than just a diplomatic gathering. It signifies a strategic realignment and an ambitious vision for a collaborative future. As Azerbaijan, Turkey, and Pakistan continue to build on their shared goals and interests, their combined efforts are set to reshape the geopolitical landscape, fostering stability, prosperity, and a new era of cooperation.

(If you possess specialized knowledge and wish to contribute, please reach out to us at



Senator for sale: Menendez's corruption trial rocks Washington | Opinion

 Senator for sale: Menendez's corruption trial rocks Washington

New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez, known for his pro-Armenian stance, is at the center of a high-profile corruption scandal. Accused of accepting bribes in the form of gold bars, cash, and a Mercedes Benz, Menendez allegedly used his influence to interfere with law enforcement investigations, assist New Jersey businessmen, and work for the Egyptian government.

As reported by News.Az, citing ABC News, Assistant U.S. Attorney Paul Montaleoni presented compelling evidence of Menendez's corruption during a court hearing on July 8. In his closing statement, Montaleoni said: "U.S. Senator from New Jersey, Robert Menendez, former chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, put his powers up for sale." Montaleoni emphasized that Menendez's actions are a prime example of corruption: "It was not enough for him to be one of the most influential political figures in Washington. Robert Menendez wanted to use all that political power to amass wealth for himself and his wife."

During the trial, jurors were shown gold bars discovered and seized by federal agents from Menendez's home in New Jersey in June 2022. Additionally, FBI agents found over $480,000 in cash, much of it hidden in envelopes, clothing, and closets. More than $70,000 in cash was seized from the safe of his wife, Nadine Arslanian-Menendez.

Seventy-year-old Menendez pleaded not guilty to the 16 criminal charges against him, including bribery, fraud, acting as a foreign agent, and obstruction of justice. The senator's wife, Nadine Arslanian-Menendez, was absent from the trial due to cancer, and her trial will be held separately in August.

The bribery charges are linked to services rendered to the governments of Egypt and Qatar in the course of his official duties, as well as assisting three New Jersey businessmen - Fred Daibes, Wael Hana, and Jose Uribe - in obtaining illicit profits. It has been proven that the senator received hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash, gold, mortgage payments, and a luxury car as bribes. His Armenian-born wife claimed that he was innocent.

This is the second federal criminal trial against Menendez in the last 20 years, during which he has been a member of the Senate. The previous investigation led to a mistrial due to the jury's inability to reach a verdict.

The trial against Menendez highlights serious issues in the American political system. When one of the most influential senators is embroiled in a corruption scandal, it undermines trust in the entire governance system. Questions arise not only about Menendez's ethics but also about how such figures can continue to hold high positions despite repeated accusations.

The Menendez situation also raises questions about corruption at the highest levels of American politics. If one of the most influential senators can use his position for personal enrichment, what can be said about lesser-known politicians? This case also shows how difficult it is to combat corruption when the guilty parties have significant resources and connections.

Another important aspect of this case is the role of international relations. Menendez is accused of providing services to the governments of Egypt and Qatar. This raises the question of the extent to which foreign governments can influence American politics through corrupt politicians. If the charges against Menendez are confirmed, it will be a serious blow to the U.S.'s reputation on the international stage.

Menendez is not the only politician accused of corruption, but his case stands out for its scale and audacity. Accepting bribes in the form of gold bars and cash hidden in envelopes and closets sounds like a movie plot, but it is the reality of modern American politics. This case shows how far some politicians will go in their attempts to enrich themselves at the expense of their position.

It is also worth noting that this case raises questions about the role of the media and public opinion. Despite serious charges against Menendez, many people continue to support him. This raises the question of how much public opinion can be manipulated by the media and political allies.

The trial against Menendez also raises questions about justice and fairness. If such an influential politician can escape punishment for his actions, what can be said about ordinary citizens? This case shows how important it is to have an independent judicial system capable of resisting pressure from influential individuals.

The trial of Bob Menendez is a vivid example of how far political figures can go in their attempts to amass wealth and retain power. Despite his denial of guilt, the evidence presented speaks for itself. Corruption at this level not only undermines trust in individual politicians but in the entire political system as a whole. Time will tell if such processes can change the situation and restore citizens' trust in their elected representatives.

The trial also raises questions about the role of political parties. How will the Democratic Party respond to the charges against one of its most influential members? Will it support Menendez or try to distance itself from him? These questions are also important for understanding how parties respond to corruption charges within their ranks.

In conclusion, the case against Bob Menendez is a vivid example of how deeply corruption can penetrate the political system. This case raises numerous questions, from the role of foreign governments to the influence of political parties and public opinion. Time will tell how this case will affect American politics and public opinion. However, one thing is clear already: corruption remains one of the most serious threats to democratic institutions and citizens' trust in their elected representatives.

(If you possess specialized knowledge and wish to contribute, please reach out to us at



Armenian PM, Georgian Defense Minister mull regional security

Armenian PM, Georgian Defense Minister mull regional security

Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan and Minister of Defense of Georgia Irakli Chikovani have discussed issues of regional security and stability in Yerevan, according to the press service of the country's government, News.Az reports citing Armenian media.

Pashinyan noted that relations between Armenia and Georgia are at a high level, and emphasized that Yerevan is interested in deepening and developing multi-sectoral cooperation with Tbilisi.

The prime minister assessed the partnership between the defense ministries of the two countries as effective.

In turn, Irakli Chikovani emphasized the importance of cooperation with the Ministry of Defense of Armenia and programs aimed at expanding it.



İsveç agentliyi Qarabağ Bəyannaməsi haqqında məqalə dərc edib

  • 13.07.2024
İsveç agentliyi Qarabağ Bəyannaməsi haqqında məqalə dərc edib

Stokholm, 13 iyul, Nərgiz Cəfərli, AZƏRTAC

İsveçin “CawaMedia” agentliyinin saytında bu günlərdə Şuşada keçirilən Türk Dövlətləri Təşkilatının (TDT) qeyri-rəsmi Zirvə görüşünün yekunlarına dair qəbul edilmiş Qarabağ Bəyannaməsi haqqında məqalə dərc olunub.

AZƏRTAC xəbər verir ki, agentliyin məqaləsində Qarabağ Bəyannaməsinin imzalanması qlobal ticarət yollarını və regional iqtisadiyyatları dəyişdirməyə qadir olan tarixi və uzaqgörən addım kimi xarakterizə edilib. Qeyd olunub ki, bu hadisə bütün Qərb dünyası və Şimali Avropa ölkələri üçün ciddi nəticələrə səbəb olacaq, Avrasiya məkanında ticarət və rəqəmsal əlaqələri potensial olaraq dəyişdirəcək.

Müəllif diqqətə çatdırıb ki, Xəzər dənizi vasitəsilə Avropa ilə Asiya arasında fiber-optik telekommunikasiya marşrutu yaratmaq məqsədi daşıyan “Rəqəmsal İpək Yolu” layihəsi Skandinaviya ölkələri üçün xüsusi maraq kəsb edir, həmçinin Skandinaviyanın texnoloji şirkətləri və rəqəmsal xidmət təminatçılarına yeni imkanlar yarada, Avropa ilə Asiya arasında məlumatların daha sürətli və təhlükəsiz çatdırılmasını təmin edə bilər.

Şimal ölkələrinin IT sektoru üçün bu rəqəmsal dəhliz sürətlə böyüyən Asiya bazarları ilə mükəmməl əməkdaşlığı, potensial olaraq bulud xidmətlərinin daha asan yerləşdirilməsini, çoxmillətli əməliyyatlar üçün təkmilləşdirilmiş əlaqəni, habelə e-ticarət və rəqəmsal məzmunun çatdırılması kimi sahələrdə yeni imkanları təmin edə bilər.

Məqalədə Azərbaycanın Bakı-Tbilisi-Qars yeni ticarət marşrutunda roluna xüsusi diqqət yetirilir. Qeyd olunur ki, Xəzər dənizində 50-dən artıq kommersiya gəmisi olan ölkəmiz türk dövlətlərinə mühüm tranzit xidmətləri təqdim edir.

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