Did you get your Real ID yet?

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Daniel Rezac

Apr 23, 2008, 12:14:53 PM4/23/08
to TruthA...@googlegroups.com

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Restore the Republic! <r...@restoretherepublic.com>
Date: Apr 23, 2008 10:50 AM
Subject: Did you get your Real ID yet?

There is an issue that needs clarification...

THE REAL ID ACT IS ALREADY LAW!  The bottom line is that whether
you like it or not, compliance or an extension to come into
compliance is MANDATORY, as of May 11th by your state or you will
lose your right to travel and be refused entrance into federal

If you don't like the name "Real Id", let's just change it.  How
about "Enhanced Driver's License" or "Secure Social Security

These tools for control can be repackaged as many times as needed
until all of America will unknowingly accept them.

We know this is, without doubt, an unconstitutional, treasonous
action and was passed without the consent of the people. We have
drawn a line in the sand but our politicians are ignoring us.
Why..? Because they believe that our numbers are so few and that
we have exchanged our freedom for a bag of chips, a lotto ticket
and American Idol.


We have but one way to stop the REAL ID and that is to inform
Washington that WE WILL NOT STAND for this any longer.  That
we will NOT lie down and in the blood of the founders and
sacrifice our posterity for the benevolent blessing of a fascist
government that DOES NOT represent the people from whom it was

We are sending a copy of the Republic Magazine which exposes the
REAL ID for what it truly is, to every elected official in
Washington and we need your help to do it.
http://www.republicmagazines.com Or call (866) 437-6570

They WILL hear us!  There will be no ignoring of the people on
this issue.  We need you to support this effort to stop this
national ID and database from EVER being implemented.  Many in
this movement have used it as an excuse to buck authority or not
pay tax, thinking that someone else will stand up for them to
protect or restore their freedom.

Well I am here to tell you that we all must bleed for the tree of
liberty to be refreshed.  This issue of Republic Magazine needs
to be distributed to every American.  They need to understand the
depth of the issue at hand.

We have put together the most definitive resource of its kind on
the subjects of REAL ID, Biometrics & Surveillance technology and
we need you help in getting them into the hands of the people.

We don't have a "Daddy Warbucks" backing us, paying for all the
costs incurred for this movement. We need everyone to step up and
accept responsibility for the freedoms that we protect.  You will
look back in the future and regret not helping when you had the
chance if you fail to act now.

If you can't afford to get multiple copies, then please subscribe
yourself or others that you care about.  The issue is even
available at this link for free so you can send it to others or
print from your own computer.

This is the final hour, the defining moment of our time.
Everything we have done to secure our freedom will be wasted if
we fail at this task.

I ask you not as a patriot but as a brother, a countryman, to
bleed with me now for we will not get another chance at victory.

http://www.republicmagazines.com  or call (866) 437-6570
Mailing Address: PO Box 10577, Newport Beach, CA 92658

Yours in Freedom and Truth,

Gary Franchi
National Director

P.S. Please don't wait for someone else to help us.  If you have
not ordered copies to pass out, I urge you to stand up now and
be active! http://www.republicmagazines.com  or call (866) 437-6570
Mailing Address: PO Box 10577, Newport Beach, CA 92658

Sent from:

RestoreTheRepublic.com, 3149 Dundee Rd #176, Northbrook, Illinois 60062, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:


Eric WhoRU

Apr 23, 2008, 12:49:29 PM4/23/08
to TruthA...@googlegroups.com
Hi -

The fact that persons, self styled "patriots", would
name a so called patriot web site "Restore the
Republic" indicates they are totally brain dead -
China is a Republic.

The US is a "CONstitutional Federation of Fifty
Sovereign Independent Nation States" - the US, is NOT
yet a republic, but with all the brain dead patriots
trying to make it into one - it is getting more and
more like China every day.

"...a government republican in form..." is a clear
denial of a repunlican form of government!! Read the
words as they were actually written in the

It is my clear understanding that CONgress moved the
effective date of the real ID crap back several years
- it is my clear understanding that the May 11 date is
no longer in effect.


I'm Eric, WhoRU??

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Apr 23, 2008, 1:04:36 PM4/23/08
to TruthA...@googlegroups.com
Hi Eric;

This is interesting what you are writing. I would much prefer that the ID
thing was not real for sure for my many friends in the US. Would likely be
beneficial if something could be written and sent out to this regard to
lessen fear. I don't know why the web site is called what it is, but
perhaps their meaning is different from what it may be interpreted as.

I'm in Canada, and just forward to US friends when I receive something that
sounds important. It is true that people have not stood up to their
UNelected governments before though. There are thousands of "laws" passed
that no one has a clue about. Then if someone is forced into court for
example, they are accused by so called authorities that ignorance of the law
is no excuse, right?

Blessings and Namaste,

Eric WhoRU

Apr 23, 2008, 6:15:46 PM4/23/08
to TruthA...@googlegroups.com
Hi Za'Raya -

When a person is born in the land area known as the
United States they are automatically able to claim to
be of the Posterity of the People of the United States
- the highest political status - the status of the
Sovereign Political Class - but then they are
programed in government indoctrination centers (public
schools) to believe that the class "citizen of the
United States" is equal to People of the United States
and then these brain washed persons thereafter claim
to be citizens of the United States, which is actually
a totally subservient political class - when these
persons claim to be US citizens they thereby give up
any lawful claim of authority over the government - it
is like if you owned a car and sold it to someone else
and then, after you had been paid and turned the car
keys and the car over to the new owner, you happened
to find another set of keys in your possession and
because you had those keys - that you could still
claim access to the car.

We have one set of words with two totally different
sets of meanings - when the government used the words
the words mean one thing and when the US citizens use
the words they mean something totally different.
Those running the government are aware of the two
different meanings while the citizens absolutely
refuse to even consider that the government would do
anything against the "people".

The general population can find no problem with the
"fact" that sometimes, in order to protect your
freedom, that you must be willing to give it up.

How many "AMERICANS" have the ability to comprehend
that if the government suspends the CONstitution that
the government thereby immediately puts itself totally
out of business - that in such an event - every
government official looses any and all authority
he/she held under his/her CONstitutionally established
office? And that in such an event, every person has
the absolute natural right and duty to protect
him/herself using whatever means the individual person

We are indeed, in a very sorry state of affairs!

There will never be a dog with more loyalty to it's
master than a carefully indoctrinated human to it's
government - for verification - just look all over the
planet at how the indoctrinated humans serve their
police state masters.

In this sick society, were the government to announce
that it was hungry, the citizens would jump up,
climbing over each other, and cry, "PLEASE EAT ME


I'm Eric, WhoRU??


Apr 23, 2008, 8:14:54 PM4/23/08
to TruthA...@googlegroups.com
Hi Eric;

I've heard this and more for over a decade now and their really are those -
behind the scenes and very constructive to life for this precious Earth and
ALL life upon her - who are quietly and steadily changing the governments
and returning us all to Constitutional and Common original law. I feel that
there will be NO fixed election this year or ever again. Too many people
are becoming informed and waking up. We also have benevolent Galactic help.

Regardless of appearances, the situation on this whole planet is getting
better and better. The Light is getting stronger and stronger and soon will
engulf all of the Dark - transmuting it into the Law of Love for eternity.

Thank you for sharing your knowledge too,

Eric WhoRU

Apr 23, 2008, 11:20:09 PM4/23/08
to TruthA...@googlegroups.com
Hi Z -

Where ever did you purchase those super high grade
rose colored glasses?

If the elections were honest and not totally
controlled Ron Paul would be the front runner and the
current 3 contender slim bags names would not even be

The CONstitution is currently being followed - if you
don't think so then you need to go read the 8 essays
posted on my yahoo group explaining the purpose and
intent of the CONstitution as intended by the Framers

If I believed any of what you wrote was true I would
not be doing what I am. There may well be and I do
not doubt that there are friendly extraterestials
working trying to counter the evil, but I am afraid
the evil extraterestials have the good ones
outnumbered and out gunned.


I'm Eric, WhoRU??

--- ZaRaya <zar...@telus.net> wrote:


Apr 24, 2008, 12:16:31 AM4/24/08
to TruthA...@googlegroups.com
Whoever Eric is?  Could you guys take me off the list please?  Thank you and god bless.  May truth prevail and soon.

Need a new ride? Check out the largest site for U.S. used car listings at AOL Autos.

Eric WhoRU

Apr 24, 2008, 12:30:56 AM4/24/08
to TruthA...@googlegroups.com
Hi -

I'm sorry - I have no way to do as you request - you
must disenrole the same way you enrolled.


I'm Eric, WhoRU??

--- Tid...@aol.com wrote:

> Hi,
> Whoever Eric is? Could you guys take me off the
> list please? Thank you and
> god bless. May truth prevail and soon.
> Blessings,
> Stephanie

> **************Need a new ride? Check out the largest

> site for U.S. used car
> listings at AOL Autos.


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Apr 24, 2008, 12:48:47 AM4/24/08
to TruthA...@googlegroups.com
Goodness Eric ....................... hmmm.... well, those who are not
really awake yet do still have free thought as well as free will.....

..... We of the Galactic Federation of Light are FAR from being out
numbered. I repeat - We are NOT out numbered.

There are also millions of us here already - embodied - totally benevolent,
totally here in Love and Light - helping to bring this precious Urantia and
all life upon her into Ascension.

There are now over 300,000,000 awake Lightworkers on Earth. Each of the
Light workers have the ability to hold the Light for a million still
sleeping. Plus all the Walk-ins, Star Seeds, Indigos, Crystals, Inner earth
people of ancient Lemuria - (1,500,000).

There are also Millions of Cloaked Star Ships surrounding the planet now.
To name only a few - we are - Sirians, Pleiadians, Andromedans, Arcturians,
Bellatricians, Centaurians, Fomalhautans, Mintakans, Pegasians, Procyonans,
Tau Cetians, Orions, Phashats of Sirius A - so many I cannot write them all
down here. Look up at what seem to be stars. You will see some of the
stars flashing lights of Blue, green, red, gold, and pure white Cosmic
Christ Light. These are Mother Ships - Not Stars.

Time to take off your own Rainbow Shades and start remembering what is
really real - with your heart. Allow the Goddess energy to surface in you
and you will begin to remember who you really are.

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