Moving Forward on Impeachment

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Daniel Rezac

Sep 12, 2008, 12:59:51 PM9/12/08
This short clip (less than 2 minutes) is worth watching:
(Taken from the below message)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Congressman Robert Wexler
Date: Sep 12, 2008 8:52 AM
Subject: Moving Forward on Impeachment


Dear Dan,

With only weeks remaining until the presidential election (and I hope, my own re-election), I wanted to share with you a few items of interest that relate to our fight for accountability for this corrupt White House.

First, I was honored to speak at the Progressive Democrats of America  (PDA) event in Denver during the Democratic National Convention. PDA does amazing work pushing forward the vital cause of impeachment.

As Vice-Chairman of the Convention, it was important to me to represent your voices not only as we nominated Barack Obama as our nominee, but also in events like this – in order to demonstrate that many Democrats are as committed as ever to holding Bush and Cheney accountable.

A short clip of my appearance at the PDA event recorded by an audience member can be found HERE.  The full video, recorded by PDA, can be found HERE (it may take a little while to download). 

At the event I made clear that it is long past time that Inherent Contempt is invoked for renegade Bush officials like Karl Rove who defy congressional subpoenas. 

I am confident that an Obama/Biden administration will respect the Constitution – but our shared hope for a good outcome in the November elections should not distract us from our constitutional obligations today.

Along these lines, the next two weeks will feature a renewed push for testimony or Inherent Contempt for Miers and Rove, as well as possible new charges of contempt against the US Attorney General, Michael Mukasey.

Recently – Joe Biden stated that the Obama administration would not shy away from investigating Bush/Cheney actions, and they would pursue action if they found them to be illegal. This is terrific news and we must encourage soon-to-be Vice President Biden to keep this promise.

Despite our work, it is clear that Impeachment will not occur before the election.  How Congress lives up to its obligations after the election is an open question. I, for one, will work with my colleagues to continue our push for accountability. 

Remember: Bush's crimes don't expire because another president has been elected.  Cheney's abuse of power still violate the constitution even after November 4th. We must not allow such abuses to go unanswered, regardless of how much time is left in Bush's term.

Keep up the fight.


Robert Wexler


Paid for by "Wexler for Congress"

PO Box 810669
Boca Raton, FL 33481

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