28th Safar, Martyrdom Anniversary of The Greatest Holy Prophet Hadrat Muhammad

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Sweet Shenu

Mar 17, 2007, 12:07:38 PM3/17/07
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On this sad occassion, We  present Our condolences to our living imam Imam-e-Zamana(a.s.),Muslim Ummah and all the lovers of the Holy Ahlul Bayt(A.S.)
momineen and mominaat

Early Life of the Prophet

Muhammad (whose name means "highly praised") was born in

Mecca in 570 AD. His father died shortly before his birth, and he lost his mother at the age of six. The young orphan was then raised primarily by his uncle, for whom he worked as a shepherd. At age 9 (some sources say 12), he joined his uncle on a caravan to Syria.

As a young man, Muhammad worked as a camel driver between Syria and Arabia. Soon he established a career managing caravans on behalf of merchants. Through his travel first with his uncle and later in his career, Muhammad came into contact with people of many nationalities and faiths, including Jews, Christians and pagans.

At age 25, Muhammad was employed by Khadija, a wealthy Meccan widow 15 years his senior. The two were married, and by all accounts enjoyed a loving and happy marriage. Early records report that "God comforted him through her, for she made his burden light." Although polygamy was common practice at the time, Muhammad took no other wife than Khadija until her death 24 years later.

The deaths of the two friends, Khadija and Abu Talib, shocked the Holy Prophet (saww). He called that year, A.D. 619, "The Year of Sorrow". These two personalities were great benefactors of Islam and Mohammad (PBUH&HF). While Sayyidah Khadijah was the only true friend, companion and comforter in his life, Abu Talib had raised Mohammad (saww) himself and was his only guardian and protector.

Divine Revelation

In his late 30s Muhammad took to regularly visiting a cave in Mount Hira, on the outskirts of Mecca, to seek solitude and contemplation. In 610, at the age of 40, Muhammad returned from one such visit telling his wife he had either gone mad or become a prophet, for he had been visited by an angel. The initially startled Khadija became his first convert.


From Saturday, the Prophet (S.A.W)'s health began to deteriorate further but he continued to lead the prayers till Monday morning when he could come to the mosque with the support of Ali ( A.S.) and Fazl Ibne Abbas. When he returned home after the prayers he was completely exhausted. But he asked his daughter Fatema (S.A.) to bring her sons Hasan (A.S.) and Hussain to him. When Hasan (A.S.) and Hussain came he kissed them and embraced them. The Prophet ( S.A.W) then told Fatema (S.A.) to call Ali (A.S.). Fatema (S.A.) said, "Perhaps you have sent him for some work he will come soon." When Ali (A.S.) came the Prophet (S.A.W) took him in his chaddor and embraced him. Then he aked Ali (A.S.) to take him in his arms. Ali (A.S .) took the Prophet (S.A.W) in his arms. The Prophet (S.A.W) resting his head of Ali (A.S.)'s shoulders said, "My end is near now O Ali. You are my brother, my Vazir and the payer of my debts. You know I have a loan from a Jew for the expedition of Osama, you repay it." Ali (A.S.) promised to pay the loan. The Prophet (S.A.W) further said, "Pay all those creditors who come to you saying that they owe me money." Ali (A.S.) promised him that he will pay all such people. The Prophet ( S.A.W) then said, "Fulfil the promises I have made to the people." Ali (A.S.) promised to fulfil the promises of the Prophet (S.A.W). The Prophet (S.A.W) then said, "After my death wash my body and lay me in my grave with your hands. Turn my face towards Kaaba and offer my funeral prayers. O Ali don't leave me till you bury me. You will be harassed a lot after my death but bear with patience. You will see the people running after the lust of this world but you choose the life hereafter. Ali you will be the first to meet me at Kausar." The Prophet (S.A.W) continued to talk with Ali (A.S.) till he breathed his last. His last words were Assalat Assalat Assalat (Namaz Namaz Namaz) saying this, he became silent and the saliva from mouth fell on Ali ( A.S.) [Madarejun Naboova, Vol. 2, page 511].

Day by day, the ailment of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) went on increasing till at last the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) breathed his last in the lap of Ali (A.S.) on Monday 28th of Safar 11th Hijrah, turning the whole of the Islamic World mournful and grieved

About 1400 years ago, in his last sermon, Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him) said:

“All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black nor a black has any superiority over a white — except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not therefore do injustice to yourselves. Remember one day you will meet Allah and answer your deeds. So beware: Do not stray from the path of righteousness after I am gone.”

Islam is a message for the salvation of humanity. It is to save not to destroy people. Islam is not terrorism. It is not for self revenge. It is not hate, it is love. Law of Islam is based on The Holy Quran and Sunnah. It is not what others do. There is a strict code of Law even in wars. Those Muslims who go against the teachings of Prophet Muhammad and commit crimes against humanity have to face Allah T'ala one day and answer to the Almighty. We all do! There is a Day of Judgment for all mankind! Let us be true followers of Prophet Muhammad .


O Allah! Hasten the reappearance of our master Imam-e-Zamaana (a.t.f.s.) and enlist us among his helpers and soldiers! Aameen!

Sweet Shenu

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