Imam Ali Al-Ridha

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Hassan Tabatabai

Jan 17, 2011, 11:16:21 PM1/17/11

Imam Ali Al-Ridha

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On 11th of Dhul-Qi'da, 148 Hijrah, a son was born in the house of Imam Musa Ibn-e-Jaffar (A.S.) who took over the position of the Imam of Islam, after his father. He was named Ali and titled Reza. The honorable and gracious mother of the Imam (A.S.) was Najmiyya, who was considered to be the most notable and distinguished lady in the realm of wisdom and faith. 

Right from the childhood period, he accompanied his father. Imam Musa Kazim (A.S.) who repeatedly told his friends that, "He is the Imam following him."

As such, Makhzoomi says one day Imam Musa Ibn-e-Jaffar (A.S.) summoned and gathered us and said, "I invited you to be witnesses that this child (son) is my executor, and successor."

Since an extreme choking atmosphere and pressure prevailed in the period of Imam (A.S.) he said in the end of his words, "What I said must remain (restricted) up to you and do not reproduce it to anybody unless that you know he is one of our friends and companions."

The Features of Imam's (A.S.) Morality

The infallible Imams were the selected ones of the God and outstanding, distinguished and superior to all the people. They used to become the practical example for others during their lives. They taught the lesson of life to the people. They did not segregate and separate themselves from them and did not lead their lives on the style and pattern of the tyrants and oppressors. They did not overlook or show heedlessness and disrespect to anyone.

Sheikh Saduk narrates through the words of Ibrahim bin Abbas that, "I never saw Imam Reza (A.S.) committing excess over anyone in talking and interrupting anybody's speech before its coming to the end. He did not stretch his legs in the presence of others. When the meal table was laid he invited the servants to it, and took his meals with them. After taking rest in the nights he got up and made himself busy with the prayers to God. Similar to his fore fathers he carried food to the houses of the afflicted ones at the mid of nights."

"Mohammad bin Abi Ebad" says about Imam (A.S.) "He used mats of palm date leaves, straws and marsh reed in the summer season, and woolen carpets in the winter."

He led a simple life in his home, but when he went out he used to decorate himself and put on new and clean dress. He respected and honored the guests to the extent that one night a lamp of the house went out of order, the guest got to his feet to put it right. Imam (A.S.) made him sit and himself set the lamp right, and said, "We do not employ our guests (exploit) upon work."

Yasir, the servant of Imam (A.S.) says, Imam (A.S.) said to us, "Whenever you are busy taking your meal, if I call you, do not get up till you have finished up eating." Another friend of Imam (A.S.) says, "One day a stranger came to Imam's (A.S.) house and said, I am one of your friends and am also not a poor man but my money has finished up and I do not have the expanses to return. You give me an amount and when I return to my city I will give it out as alms on you behalf." Imam (A.S.) got up and went to another room, brought an amount of two hundred dirhams and gave it to him from upside the door and said, "Take this and go and it is not necessary to give it away as alms on my behalf."

They asked the Imam (A.S.), "Why did you do it this way that he may not see you."

He said, "So that he does not catch my sight and get ashamed (embarrassed)."

"Suleman", one of the friends of Imam (A.S.) says, "I went along with the Imam (A.S.) to the house. The labors were busy at work. There was a stranger among them whom the Imam (A.S.) did not recognize." He said, "Who is this man?" They said we have brought him from outside, so that he may help us. He said, "Have you concluded an agreement with him and fixed his wages?" They said, "No, he is a good man, whatever we pay him he accepts it and does not utter a word."

Imam (A.S.) was angry and annoyed and said, "I have always told you that when you employ someone for a job first of all fix his wages. Because, when his wages are fixed and you give more than that to him, he will become happy. But if you do not fix his wages and give him three times the amount, he thinks you have not given him the correct wages."

Don't be Proud

Ahmed Bazanti was one of the wise men of his age. After he had written letters to Imam Reza (A.S.) and received the answers from him, he became a believer of his Imamate. One day he said to him (A.S.), "I wish to be present with you alone for an hour and we talk to each other."

Imam (A.S.) accepted, and acceded to his request, so far so, that he sent to him his personal horse so that he arrives comfortably. That day they had a mutual discussion till midnight. Bazanti solved his problems and difficulties in the assembly of Imam (A.S.). In the night, when it was time to go to bed Imam (A.S.) called his servant and said, "bring my personal bed and prepare it for this guest, who has a great dignity in my eyes, so that he may take rest."

The conversations of Imams ecstasies him and made the bird of his heart fly. He said to himself, "Nobody is better than me, after the Imam (A.S.), in this world. It is I, to whom Imam (A.S.) sent his horse and gave his bed to me and sat along with me for hours together and had discussion."

He was busy spinning his ideas when suddenly Imam (A.S.) returned to the room and said, "Oh Bazanti what you came across with, never make it a source of boasting upon others." Because, when Sassa who was one of the valuable friends of Imam Ali (A.S.) fell ill. He (A.S.) visited him and treated him with great love and affection. And for the reason that he does not become proud said to him, "Oh my kind friend whatever you saw out of these things (love) you should not consider it the fortress (stronghold) of boosting upon other and do not boast upon others that I was such and such that the Imam loved me very much. I have performed all these for the sake of my religious and human duty."

"Bazanti" says, "Imam (A.S.), by describing this story attracted my attention towards my mistake and fault. I decided not to entertain false ideas. Rather, I must be careful and vigilant about my intentions and practices."

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