[Andy HoboTraveler.Com Travel Blog Vol II] Mojo Ethiopia

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Andy HoboTraveler.com

Mar 5, 2009, 2:08:03 AM3/5/09
to travel-blog-by-andy...@googlegroups.com
Mojo, Ethiopia
What a funny city when you leave the truck stop major highway, I got a 20 cents horse cart ride, this was worth the stop.

There is a large Hotel by the name of Daewme or something like that. It appears to be full of NGO types and girls hanging with boys in Dreads. Everyone will recommend you go to this Hotel that starts out at 69 Burr and has Mosquito nets. I was not excited about the security of the windows; you could easily climb through the window in seconds. The Central Hotel to the left of the Daewme for 40 Burr seemed like a steal, however I did not go in because…

I took the Horse Cart Trip to the center of the city or the Ruuti Kaffee for 1-3 Burr.

I truly do not enjoy associating with the save the world NGO-ONG type as they sit around drinking beer spending other people’s money.

Mojo, Ethiopia
One to Two Hours South of Addis, Ababa
Eas! t Africa
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Travel Blog

This is a normal “White People Sleep in Big Hotels” city of Africa, they truly cannot believe that anyone wants to live near the true Ethiop part of the city or talk with normal salaried workers.

Looking at a couple of the big trucks or Lorries from my seat in the horse cart taxi, they call it a “Gari.”

Mojo, Ethiopia is a “Truck Stop” city, there was 30-50 large trucks parked along the main road near the Daaem Hotel, and I truly cannot remember how to spell it.

I took a horse cart tour of the city and there are at least 20 Hotels in this city. I finally settled! on one within walking distance of the Internet Café called the “RO OT CAFÉ”, say this and you will get there easy enough for 2 Burr, I do not think you need to ask the price, just pay 2 Burr, this is about 20 Cents U.S. Dollar.

Mojo, Ethiopia

Posted By Andy HoboTraveler.com to Andy HoboTraveler.Com Travel Blog Vol II at 3/05/2009 02:55:00 PM
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