[Andy HoboTraveler.Com Travel Blog Vol II] Wait for Sunrise to Check in Hotel

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Andy HoboTraveler.com

Feb 27, 2009, 10:44:09 AM2/27/09
to travel-blog-by-andy...@googlegroups.com
Wait for Sunrise to Check in Hotel
Travel Tip

I like to arrive early in the morning; however checking into hotels before the sun rises is difficult.

If you fly in too early, it is a better budget decision to stay in the Airport until the sun rises.

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Friday, February 27, 2009
Travel Blog --- What is your travel problem?
I will write a Travel Tips with the solution

I prefer my airplane to land in countries between the hours of 4:00 am and 10:00 am. This allows me to have the whole day to look for a Hotel; it is rare for me to get a reservation.

I arrived today in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia at 2:55 am was at ! the hotel by 4:00 am, and this was too early. I first went to the Wanza Hotel, however it was full, and I then went over the Rita Pension; however, they were obnoxiously over-priced at 25 dollars.

The kicker was this. If I check in, I had to pay 25 dollars to stay from 4:00 am to noon, or for 8 hours. I said this was very expensive and walked down the street. A man came to help and walked me to a hotel down the street, this one was better at about 13 dollars and I would have checked in, except again they wanted me to pay for just the morning. The manager continued to say, if I checked into the hotel before noon, I had to leave or start a new day at noon.

I went out the front door of the Hotel and sat on the porch for about 1-2 hours until the sun rose. Soon the guards came out from both the Wanza and the other Hotel and motioned me to come into the Hotel.

It is like this anywhere in the world, if they have an empty room, until the sun rises,! they are hoping some couple will arrive and rent the room for sex. Tw o Hotels lied to me and told me I would not be able to enter until noon, I knew this was a lie and ignored it. Normally you can check into about any Hotel on the planet after about 7:00 am without much problem; however, you truly must make it clear you are not going to pay for the prior night.

I woke up all the managers of the Hotels; this is not a great way to get a good deal on room.

I suppose some of you are going think this silly, however I was paid about 13 dollars to sit on the front porch for an hour and I will get a cheaper room in the Wanza for 8 dollars and save having change Hotels to save money.

The sitting on the porch paid for two nights here in a Hotel, truly a good value. Next time I am going to remember to stay in the airport until the sun rises and people become easy…

Wait for Sunrise to Check in Hotel

Wait for Sunrise to Check in Hotel

Posted By Andy HoboTraveler.com to Andy HoboTraveler.Com Travel Blog Vol II at 2/27/2009 11:33:00 PM
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