[Andy HoboTraveler.Com Travel Blog Vol II] Travel to Ethiopia Preparation

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Andy HoboTraveler.com

Feb 24, 2009, 9:12:22 AM2/24/09
to travel-blog-by-andy...@googlegroups.com
Travel to Ethiopia Preparation

I know many of you do not believe in Guidebooks, I never can get my mind around this concept, somehow it means the theory is "the less information I have the better." And I believe even bad opinions have value, it is my job to suss out and find the value. The internet still sucks, incredibly slow, confused and disorgannized, I have zero desire to sit in internet cafes for days trying to find information on the next country or walk around for days looks for a hotel because I am lost.

I leave tomorrow night for Ethiopia; it is time to prepare, nothing like the last moment to create urgency. Ethiopia is at the edge of the no guidebook world, it is not a mainstream country for guidebooks, and I am expecting the Lonely Planet information to be out of date or one sided. The guidebook writers in the less traveled countries are not normally cheap budget travelers, normally NGO‘s, or Tourist with Backp! acks driving cars and truly do not empathize with Backpackers. Then again, Backpacker do not normally travel to Africa, they stay closer to the party circuit.

Cover of the Lonely Planet I purchased, then download the PDF files for Ethiopia, it cost about 50 US for the book and the PDF files to Ethiopia to encompass possible countries for this trip.

Orland, Indiana USA
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
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I forgot to buy a Guidebook for Ethiopia from Amazon.com ahead of time, so I pur! chased the PDF download file. I have already purchase a hard paper cop y of the Lonely Planet for the countries of Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi; I have no idea where Ethiopia fits in, or where East starts, Central starts or ends. I do know that when you try to buy a Guidebook for Africa do not get too excited.

I swore off Lonely Planet for Africa and truly wanted the Roughguide; however, it appears that I went off the Roughguide path too far; they do not seem to provide comprehensive guides for this area.

NOTE: It is NOT truly possible to buy a guidebook for each country, the weight would be burdensome you need multiple country guides. However, I could buy PDF files, however they are difficult to read and annoying, I will print out chapters of my Ethiopia PDF files.

Guidebooks, - Preparation, - Destinations

Tra! vel to Ethiopia Preparation

Posted By Andy HoboTraveler.com to Andy HoboTraveler.Com Travel Blog Vol II at 2/24/2009 09:51:00 PM
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