Fwd: "Inner Resilience and Outer Change" happening again next week!

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Apr 6, 2020, 11:32:45 PM4/6/20
to transition_seba...@googlegroups.com

Inner Resilience, Outer Change
with Jul Bystrova of the Inner Resilience Network and Nichole Warwick of Daily Acts
  Weds April 8th| 5pm - 6:30 pm Pacific Time

It is understandable to be anxious in these times! Or feeling a whole host of other things...

This time together is offered in the spirit of consciously responding to that which feels out of our control. What happens to us during the stress response and how do we better adapt in the face of all the outer changes we are impacted by? What are best ways we can regulate our nervous system to a connected calm?

Join us for this collaborative offering as we share tools and practices. Some practices we'll do together and other tools you can put in your mind-body-spirit toolkit for building personal well-being in the face of challenge.

People will have an opportunity to learn about and join a new Mind Body Skills online group 8-week class series

Register for the Webinar Here!


Era of Care and The Inner Resilience Network
Building Personal and Interpersonal Resilience for Communities

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