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Shutting down

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Matt Rogers

Jul 15, 2020, 3:32:47 PM7/15/20
to TracksApp

If you've been following along for awhile, you'll know that things have basically ground to a halt with Tracks development. Due to this, along with my own time being taken up by other things, I've decided to basically shut down the project, archive the repos, and let things lapse. The archiving of the repos will happen within the next week.

If you haven't already migrated onto something else, please know that you'll be on your own for things like security updates, etc. for the application, as I'll no longer be supporting things.

A giant thank you to bsag for starting the project, as well as lrbalt and dnrce for keeping it going. Thank you as well to those who've contributed discussions here or made a submission to the project either on Assembla or GitHub.

Jyri-Petteri Paloposki

Jul 15, 2020, 4:14:04 PM7/15/20

do you know if there are still many active users of the software, are
there any stats available in the Github settings? I'm using it still
myself and would be interested to continue maintaining it if I'm not the
only one using it.

Best regards,
Jyri-Petteri ”ZeiP” Paloposki

Matt Rogers

Jul 15, 2020, 4:45:26 PM7/15/20
to TracksApp
AFAIK, there aren't stats in GitHub or anywhere else for how many people are actually using the project. I run an instance for myself as well, which is why i would keep doing things occasionally. So maybe it's just the two of us left. ;)

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Jul 15, 2020, 5:10:12 PM7/15/20
to tracksapp
My last install died off about a year ago, was going to create a new one (for a new job). Have never found anything else that was so useful. If this is the end, Thanks for everything Team and past-team!

Eric Moon

Jul 15, 2020, 6:12:56 PM7/15/20
to TracksApp
I've been using it on and off for the past few years.  I keep meaning to dive into the code and try and help... but well, life stuff, you know how it goes.    I still haven't found anything better, or even close really, digitally.  Looks like I'll be using pencil and paper for the foreseeable future.  Thanks for all the work that was put into a great tool!

Jyri-Petteri Paloposki

Jul 15, 2020, 7:40:27 PM7/15/20
I'm going to continue using it and therefore I'll take on looking at
least at the security updates. Depends on Matt, of course, if it'll be
in a fork or if I'll take over the old project.

Best regards,
Jyri-Petteri Paloposki

Matteo Giaccone

Jul 16, 2020, 5:46:37 AM7/16/20
to TracksApp
I'm still using it daily as well! 

I cannot commit to seriously help at the moment, but it's always 
something in the back of my mind. If you want to archive the project I 
can understand, but if it's not a problem maybe leave it open and maybe 
at some point someone will pick it up?

I would seriously like to do it, and I'm sure there are other people 
like me!

Anyway a massive thank you for keeping the project alive for so long, I 
seriously appreciate what you all have done until now. Thank you very much!


Matt Rogers

Jul 16, 2020, 12:41:13 PM7/16/20
to TracksApp
Looks like there's enough interest here to keep the project going, which makes me happy.

I've made Jyri-Petteri an owner of the TracksApp organization on GitHub so that they continue the project without having to fork.

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Jyri-Petteri Paloposki

Jul 21, 2020, 4:53:48 PM7/21/20
On 16.7.2020 19.41, Matt Rogers wrote:
> Looks like there's enough interest here to keep the project going, which
> makes me happy.
> I've made Jyri-Petteri an owner of the TracksApp organization on GitHub
> so that they continue the project without having to fork.

Great, thanks!

I'll check that our documentation is up-to-date and take on checking the
security updates.

If there are other contributors who would like to help for example in
the development of new features, feel free to submit PRs, contribute in
the issue queue or send me a message. I'm also online in Gitter[1] and
IRC[2] if someone wants to discuss about Tracks or other stuff.


2) #tracks on FreeNode

Jyri-Petteri Paloposki

Jul 21, 2020, 4:53:48 PM7/21/20
On 16.7.2020 19.41, Matt Rogers wrote:
> Looks like there's enough interest here to keep the project going, which
> makes me happy.
> I've made Jyri-Petteri an owner of the TracksApp organization on GitHub
> so that they continue the project without having to fork.

Great, thanks!

I'll check that our documentation is up-to-date and take on checking the
security updates.

If there are other contributors who would like to help for example in
the development of new features, feel free to submit PRs, contribute in
the issue queue or send me a message. I'm also online in Gitter[1] and
IRC[2] if someone wants to discuss about Tracks or other stuff.


2) #tracks on FreeNode

Tim Madden

Jul 23, 2020, 8:16:27 AM7/23/20
to TracksApp
Hi Matt,

I still run a tracks server. I have toyed with the idea of replacing it, but I always seem to come back to it. I still use it everyday (at least I should)!

I have not contributed back, but would like to. Honestly, there is not a lot I would want changed. A unified mobile/desktop view would be nice. If we keep the separate mobile, it could use some tweaks. 

Anyhow, thanks for your contributions over the years!

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